Top 10 Most Chaotic Chandler & Monica Moments on Friends

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the craziest moments featuring the “Mondler” duo on “Friends.” Is there an outrageous Monica and Chandler moment we forgot? Let us know how you feel in the comments!
#10: Workout Buddies
“The One Where Ross Finds Out”
Chandler’s not the most athletic member of the group and, after Phoebe offhandedly mentions as much, Monica decides to make him her project while she’s unemployed. The two start working out together. The various ways Monica motivates Chandler are plenty entertaining, as are the duo’s squabbles. Eventually, though, Chandler has had enough. His final straw is Monica’s encouragement for an early-morning run. Too early. He reminds Monica of all her shortcomings and stressors, and it is brutal. Topping it all off, by the time he’s significantly worn her down, he rejoices in going back to bed.
#9: Seven
“The One With Phoebe’s Uterus”
After Chandler starts seeing Joey’s ex-girlfriend Kathy, he commiserates with Rachel and Monica. He’s gotten some feedback from Kathy about his performance in a certain department that he’s rather disappointed with, especially when compared to his best bud. Monica decides to help Chandler out with a little visual demonstration. Drawing a diagram of a woman’s seven erogenous zones on paper, she proceeds to get a little too enthusiastic about her instruction. Not only is it an uproariously funny scene, it’s also great foreshadowing for the two of them eventually ending up together.
#8: Twins
“The Last One, Part 1”
Birth scenes in “Friends” are typically pretty chaotic, and the day Monica and Chandler become parents is no exception. When Erica, the woman they’re adopting from, goes into labor, Mondler are along for the ride. However, everyone but the doctor is surprised when he announces that they’ll be having twins. As funny as their surprise (and Erica’s cluelessness) is, it’s the heartwarming way that Monica insists that they keep the twins together that makes us swoon every time. It feels like they come full circle, becoming parents in as chaotic a way as they fell in love.
#7: Chandler’s Declaration
“The One Where Everybody Finds Out”
Chandler and Monica’s relationship is fraught with hilarious and surprising moments basically from the beginning. Although the reveal that they slept together or the time Joey found out about them are both scenes we love, this one wins. Phoebe is the second-last person to find out about Monica and Chandler’s not-so-secret relationship and, when she does, she and Rachel decide to mess with them. Phoebe comes on to Chandler in what might be the funniest possible way. The scene is legendary for how awkwardly hilarious it is, with both sides refusing to give an inch. However, Chandler does finally crack, and reveals that he’s in love with Monica. It’s hysterical and sweet all at once.
#6: Sick Seduction
“The One With Rachel’s Sister”
While we’re on the topic of seductions, Monica has done her fair share too. However, in this case, it’s to prove she isn’t sick - which she totally is. After catching a cold, Monica is in complete denial and eager to show Chandler how fit she is by seducing him. The contrast between her attempts at foreplay and her stuffy nose and coughing fits makes for comedy gold! While her initial efforts to illustrate that she’s in the “pribe of libe,” fall hilariously flat, she eventually succeeds thanks to Vicks VapoRub.
#5: Hard Eight
“The One in Vegas, Part 2”
What is it with these two and numbers? While in Las Vegas, Chandler and Monica argue over Monica seeing her ex-boyfriend, Richard. However, they make up while gambling at a craps table, thanks to Monica having an extraordinary run of luck calling the right numbers. After attaching several increasingly outlandish bets along with their calls, Chandler eventually proposes that the two of them get married if it comes up a hard eight. While one die comes up four, the second one rolls off the table and is halfway between a four and five. They decide in the moment that it’s a four and plan to marry. Chandler and Monica don’t go through with it, but it’s still a wild moment in their courtship!
#4: Sharks
“The One with the Sharks”
Monica and Chandler’s romantic surprises for each other tend to lead to hilarious disasters. One of the strangest happens because Monica decides to surprise Chandler at his hotel room while he’s working in Tulsa. She walks in on him watching adult content, and he quickly changes the channel to a show about sharks. However, this leads Monica to believe he finds the ocean’s deadliest killers arousing and, being a supportive wife, she tries her best to accommodate him. It’s baffling to him but oh so hysterical for us! Thankfully, he clears up the misunderstanding quickly enough.
#3: Turkey Head
“The One With All the Thanksgivings”
When the gang reminisces about Thanksgivings past, a lot of feelings are unearthed. After learning exactly the reason he lost his toe, Chandler is upset with Monica. Retreating to his and Joey’s apartment, he’s surprised by Monica at the door, who’s wearing a full turkey on her head, a callback to an incident where Joey did something similar. While he refuses to buy in at first, Chandler is ultimately charmed by the hat and sunglasses, and especially the ridiculous dance. It’s a weird time for him to tell her he loves her - or it would be, but honestly, with these two, it’s kind of perfect.
#2: Chandler Loses a Toe
“The One With All the Thanksgivings”
This exact incident could not be more unhinged. In the first of several Thanksgiving flashbacks at the Gellers’ house, a college-aged Chandler insults Monica behind her back. The hit to her self-esteem prompts her to lose weight, and try to get revenge on him at the next year’s celebration. In the act of seducing Chandler, Monica accidentally drops a knife and cuts off his toe. As if that wasn’t enough, because of Monica’s mix-up with a carrot, Chandler lost the digit permanently. Even before they were friends, Mondler were kind of a disaster!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Trading Secrets With Ross, “The One with Rachel’s Assistant”
Rapidfire Embarrassing Reveals
Bad Valentines Gifts, “The One With Unagi”
Janice Strikes Again!
Chandler’s First Proposal, “The One With the Birth”
Well, That Backfired Quickly!
Even-Steven, “The One With the Red Sweater”
We Wish Our Own Arguments Could Be Resolved This Easily
Nubbin Reveal, “The One With Phoebe’s Husband”
The Real Question Is: How Did She Find Out About It?
#1: The Jellyfish Incident
“The One With the Jellyfish”
The gang’s trip to the beach is unforgettable, for many reasons. Chandler’s flirting with Monica is interrupted when a wave brings a jellyfish in, stinging her. Joey recalls the myth that urine can help jellyfish stings. Later, once they’ve gotten back, all three of them are awkward enough that they’re forced to recount the whole story. The way they treat it like a dramatic reenactment is gold. Ultimately, while Joey volunteered for this dubious duty, Chandler has to do it after the former gets stage fright. And, contrary to what Monica would have you believe in the ending credits, she still ends up marrying the guy who peed on her.