Top 10 Need to Know Harry Styles Facts
![Top 10 Need to Know Harry Styles Facts](/uploads/blipthumbs/MsMojo-PH-H-Top10-Need-To-Know-Harry-Styles-Facts_O8N2J2-720p30_480.jpg)
#10: He Is Good Friends with Ed Sheeran
Celebrities tend to hang out with other celebrities. However, Sheeran and Styles have been pals for quite some time. In fact, the two developed a friendship before Sheeran had even made it as a musician. See, Sheeran would often crash on the couch of One Direction’s guitarist. Occasionally he would wake up to discover Styles lying on the couch opposite him and the two soon became friends. Nowadays the two are often seen out and about together, though it must be tough to find time to hang, seeing as how they are both massive pop stars!
#9: Louis Walsh Said NO to Him
By now it is common knowledge that Harry Styles and the rest of One Direction were discovered after they auditioned separately for the UK version of “The X Factor”. Unfortunately, one of the judges wasn’t too keen on letting Styles advance to the next round. Entertainment manager and X Factor judge Louis Walsh said that Styles didn’t have enough experience or confidence. Thankfully the other judges on the panel disagreed, voting for Styles to advance; and the rest as they say, is history. Imagine what the world would look like if Nicole Scherzinger or Simon Cowell had said no?
#8: He Wanted to Be a Physiotherapist
When you see someone like Harry Styles rocking out on stage, it’d be easy to assume that it was always their dream to become a famous musician. However, in Styles’ case, he originally planned on becoming a physiotherapist. While still in school, the future pop star was studying law, sociology and business – hoping to one day help others. Luckily for us, he decided he was more suited to be an entertainer. At least if this whole “music” thing doesn’t work out, Styles has something to fall back on…though we doubt he’ll ever need to.
#7: He Has Many Talents
Obviously Harry Styles is a talented guy. You don’t become one of the most well known pop stars in the world unless you can sing and play guitar with the best of them. However, did you know that he also has a couple of more…peculiar skills? That’s right! Styles is totally able to juggle and play the kazoo. Whether or not he can do them at the same time is another question. Imagine paying to go see a One Direction concert only to have them come on stage juggling bowling pins and playing what’s arguably one of the most annoying instruments known to mankind. Hopefully that never happens.
#6: He Loves His Mom
Okay, we get it; this one probably doesn’t come as a surprise. However, Style sdoesn’t just love his mom, he is a total mama’s boy. He has been known to call his mother multiple times per day, and will send her text messages all the time to let her know that he is doing okay and that he misses her. What a sweetheart! It just goes to show that sometimes even the biggest pop stars on the planet need to make a little time for the most important woman in their life.
#5: His Tattoos Are Quite “Punny”
A tattoo often serves as an inky wisp of personal information. For Styles, his tattoos are of the slightly ironic variety. For instance, he has a tattoo of a heart on his sleeve, a cage on his ribs, and a butterfly on his stomach. Do you see where we are going with this one? Clearly Styles isn’t afraid to throw a pun around when the moment is right…or all the time…seeing as how his tattoos are permanently inked to his body. Either way, you got to have a lot of confidence to get tattoos like that; and that is obviously one department Harry Styles is definitely not lacking in.
#4: He Is Good at Impressions
To be a star in the entertainment industry, you need to have a few tricks up your sleeve. For Styles, one of his surprising talents is that he is awesome at impressions! All you need is one look at his hilarious Mick Jagger impression that he did during a visit to “Saturday Night Live” to see he has got some serious acting chops. This will hopefully come in handy in the future, as it has been rumored that Styles is going to be cast as a young Mick Jagger in an upcoming Rolling Stones biopic. If that turns out to be true, we can’t wait to see it!
#3: He Loves Chick Flicks
It is no secret that Styles is a ladies man. But did you know that’s not his only connection to the fairer sex? As it turns out, he is a big fan of chick-flicks such as “Love Actually” and “The Notebook”. Styles’ love for films of the rom-com and tearjerker variety begs the question: is he good with women because he watches lots of chick-flicks, or do women just love a man who isn’t afraid to show a softer side? Either way, we think it’s totally cool that Styles is down with those kinds of films!
#2: 2017 Will Mark His Feature Film Acting Debut
So far, Styles’ acting career has consisted of him playing himself on shows such as “iCarly” and “Saturday Night Live”. However, 2017 promises to be a turning point in the musician’s acting career, as he is set to star in the Christopher Nolan WWII epic “Dunkirk”. The film is based on a true event that has come to be known as the Dunkirk evacuation, when over 300,000 Allied troops were trapped on a French beach as the formidable German war machine advanced on their position. With Styles playing Alex and Nolan at the helm, it’s sure to be one hell of a picture.
#1: He Was Inspired by Indie & Rock Music
It would be easy to assume that due to his affinity for all things pop that Harry Styles was probably inspired by acts such as Michael Jackson, Prince and Justin Timberlake. However, those who know the singer well will be quick to point out that it was the indie and rock ‘n’ roll genres that served as the catalyst for Styles’ foray into music. As a young man, he was strongly inspired by bands such as The Beatles and Coldplay. Perhaps these influences will begin to show themselves in the singer’s new music, as he inked a three album solo deal with Columbia back in 2016.