Top 10 One Sided Love in Movies

If you're looking for a happily ever after, you've come to the wrong place. Join MsMojo as we count down the Top 10 One Sided Love in Movies
For this list, we're taking a look at unrequited love stories where one character does not reciprocate another's affection. Keep in mind we'll be talking about whether or not certain characters end up together, so spoilers.
#10: Robbie Weaver & Jessica Riley
“Crazy, Stupid, Love” (2011)
Some boys first develop crushes on the playground. Other boys, like Robbie, have more refined tastes, and bark up their teenage babysitter’s tree. What Robbie doesn’t realize is that Jessica is secretly in love with his newly single father, Cal, who eventually wishes to get back together with his estranged wife, Emily. It’s a linked chain of unrequited loves that hilariously comes full circle by the end of this heartwarming story. Love truly is a crazy, stupid phenomenon; but at least Jessica gives Robbie something to always remember her by.
#9: Everybody & Mary
“There’s Something About Mary” (1998)
Smart, funny, kind, and played by Cameron Diaz, there’s plenty about Mary that attracts men to her. Some of Mary’s suitors are descent guys, like NFL quarterback Brett Favre. The majority, however, are creepy stalkers who spy on her, change their identities to get closer to her, and even attempt to murder the competition. Men break out in hives just thinking about her shoes! In the end, though, it’s the one who’s willing to let Mary go that wins her heart…she still probably would have been better off with Brett Favre, though.
#8: Jacob Black & Bella Swan
“Twilight” franchise (2008-12)
Even if you’re on Team Edward, chances are you hate the way Bella jerks poor Jacob around too. Throughout “The Twilight Saga,” Jacob is always there to carry Bella – figuratively and literally – despite being eternally sentenced to the friend zone. Every time Bella does give Jacob a glimmer of hope, it’s just to tell him that she’s going back to the other guy. Tease! We know that you’re unconditionally, irrevocably, and inexplicably in love with the girl, but Jacob, maybe you should take a hint. Chase after someone else…and NOT Bella’s CGI vampire baby.
#7: Knives Chau & Scott Pilgrim
“Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” (2010)
Scott and Knives might have made been in perfect sync while playing “Ninja Ninja Revolution,” but that doesn’t mean they’d go well together off the platform. Heartbroken after their breakup, Knives tries everything to win Scott back, including imitating the new object of his affection, Ramona. Alas, Scott would rather jump out windows and fight seven evil exes than “chau” down. The two actually do get together in the alternate ending to “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World,” but their union wasn’t meant to be. She’s too cool for him anyway.
#6: Julianne Potter & Michael O’Neal
“My Best Friend’s Wedding” (1997)
Here’s the setup: Julianne is in love with her best friend, Michael, who’s about to get hitched to a younger college student. Now Julianne needs to break up the wedding before Michael makes a horrible mistake. Sounds familiar, right? What distinguishes “My Best Friend’s Wedding” from other romantic comedies is that it doesn’t amount to a conventional happy ending with Julianne’s unrequited love evolving into mutual love. As much as she wishes and prays, Julianne needs to accept Michael’s feelings and move on. Besides, George is a better dance partner.
#5: Lloyd Christmas & Mary Swanson
“Dumb and Dumber” (1994)
Lloyd Christmas is like a dim puppy that marks his territory on Mary Swanson and decides to follow her all the way to Aspen, “California.” Venturing to return Mary’s misplaced briefcase, Lloyd has a vivid fantasy of how their reunion will play out. Things go south up north, though, when he finds Mary with Harry and she bluntly tells Lloyd his odds. Just remember all you hopeless romantics, even if your odds are one out of a million, there’s technically a chance. In this case, however, Mary Christmas ain’t happening.
#4: Éowyn & Aragorn
“The Lord of the Rings” franchise (2001-03)
Unrequited love and love triangles typically go hand in hand. What works about the complicated relationship between Aragorn, Éowyn, and Arwen in “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy is that it never feels cheap. It respects its characters and all of them deserve to find happiness. If Aragorn’s heart didn’t already belong to Arwen, perhaps he would have been able return Éowyn’s infatuation. His rejection may sting Éowyn like a Morgul-blade, but it does influence her to take control of her life, take charge in battle, and find love with another.
#3: Severus Snape & Lily Potter
“Harry Potter” franchise (2001-11)
Everything the audience thought they knew about the treacherous Severus Snape is turned upside-down in the eleventh hour of “Harry Potter,” as it’s revealed he was truly the bravest wizard of them all. Inunconditional love since childhood with Lily Evans – later Potter – Snape dedicates his life to honoring her sacrifice and acting as her only son’s unsung guardian angel. While Harry’s existence is a constant reminder that Lily never loved him back, Snape gives up his morality, identity and life to make sure the woman he loves didn’t die in vain.
#2: Tom Hansen & Summer Finn
“(500) Days of Summer” (2009)
Anybody who’s ever been 150% committed to a relationship while their partner is only halfway there will definitely relate to “(500) Days of Summer.” Although Summer makes it clear upfront she doesn’t believe in true love, Tom’s convinced they’re destined for each other – y’know, like Ben and Elaine in “The Graduate.” What Tom doesn’t realize is that the ending of “The Graduate” is anything but triumphant and his summer romance is destined to end. Once Tom gets over Summer, however, he can finally fall for Autumn.
Before we try to win over our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Pat Solitano & Nikki
“Silver Linings Playbook” (2012)
- William Miller & Penny Lane
“Almost Famous” (2000)
- Stan, Mary & Dr. Howard Mierzwiak
“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” (2004)
- Mark & Juliet
“Love Actually” (2003)
- Cal Hockley & Rose DeWitt Bukater
“Titanic” (1997)
#1: Philip F. ‘Duckie’ Dale & Andie Walsh
“Pretty in Pink” (1986)
Duckie may get over the fact that he and Andie are never going to be more than friends at the end of “Pretty in Pink,” but we’re still not over it. Come on, Andie! Blane might be a rich dreamboat, but can he dance like the Duckman? Writer John Hughes originally intended Andie and Duckie to become an item, but the test audiences shot their fairytale ending down leading to the ending we all know and accept. Duckie speaks to every high school nerd that couldn’t get the girl, but at least he doesn’t dance alone on prom night.
Do you agree with our list? Which one-sided love stories do you single folks identify with? For more entertaining Top 10s published every day, be sure to subscribe to MsMojo.