Top 10 Overpowered Multiplayer Weapons in Video Games

Multiplayer gaming can be great fun... though these weapons are a little much. Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Overpowered Multiplayer Weapons in Video Games.
We're scanning the world of multiplayer-focused video games in search of those guns, blades, explosives and assorted weaponry that are extremely powerful – especially for the player's given situation or circumstance. These aren't necessarily bad weapons, just somewhat excessive when used.
Special Thanks to our user "correc36" for suggesting this topic on our Interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Hammer
“Super Smash Bros.” series (1999-)
Hammer time, this is not. From the original “Super Smash Bros.” on Nintendo 64 onward, the Hammer pickup has been an aid to those fast enough to grab it... and a detriment to everyone else. When picked up, the player's character enters a repetitious state of hammering for 7.5 seconds, with anyone hit by the Hammer suffering severe damage. A hammer blow means an almost instant knock out for damaged players, so keep your distance if you can.
#9: Thunderbolt
“Mario Kart” series (1992-)
Since the earliest days of Mario's karting adventures, this item has cursed players. Received by racers in or near last place in a given race, the Thunderbolt is effectively an ace-in-the-hole – shrinking down every racer on the track – except the one who used it of course. Thus, last-place players are given a chance to catch up, while everyone else is rendered both slower and more vulnerable to spinning out when struck. Those frustrated by their friends using the Thunderbolt against them can rest assured that they only picked it up because they were losing.
#8: Proximity Mines
“GoldenEye 007” (1997)
One of three mine types available for use in “GoldenEye 007”, the Proximity Mine is certainly an... interesting addition. Unlike the timed or remote mines, these explosives can be thrown and put to use as a hands-off surprise attack – which can be devastating to unwitting players. Multiplayer matches featuring Proximity Mines as the sole weapons are not uncommon, with instantaneous deaths abounding and a fear of being caught off-guard being prevalent. Such a fun idea, such a chaotic and overpowered result.
#7: Cerebral Bore
“Turok 2: Seeds of Evil” (1998)
Nothing like an unavoidable weapon to make things interesting, right? Well, that's what players were given with the Cerebral Bore, a firearm of unknown origin with a lock-on feature. If successfully locked onto an enemy, its fired projectile latches onto the enemy's head and begins drilling in gruesome fashion. With regards to multiplayer, this weapon makes quick work of one's foes and can be difficult to avoid once it obtains a lock. At least it's slow to use, providing time to flee.
#6: Concrete Donkey
“Worms” series (1995-)
Fear the donkey, for it brings devastation wherever it may bounce. Since the final expansion to the original “Worms” game, “Worms: The Director's Cut”, players have had the dubious honour of utilizing the Concrete Donkey weapon. Exactly as it sounds, this sturdy statue-like item is dropped from the sky and then smashes through the landscape until it hits water. Should any teams of worms be caught underneath, they're likely to suffer hundreds of points of damage – or suffer a water fate. It's definitely a spectacle, that's for sure.
#5: Splat Rollers
“Splatoon” (2015)
Even Nintendo's ink-themed take on third-person shooters isn't immune to imbalance. For example, there exists the Splat Roller, by all accounts a standard Roller weapon with which players can coat maps with ink. However, its more-than-impressive ability to spread ink faster than any other weapon, gives it something of an unfair advantage. Additionally, it comes with the ability to spray ink at opponents in close range and with a wide spread, which can be particularly annoying when players use squid mode to sneak up on players.
#4: Knife
“Call of Duty” series (2003-)
First introduced as the player's primary melee weapon in 2007's “Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare”, the Knife has become something of a legend... though not always for great reasons. Whether in an online suite or in a campaign mode, players using the Knife can very easily obtain instant kill after instant kill. On top of that, perks that add extra speed and knife range make this simple weapon into an absolute terror - no matter how big your gun is. Anyone who’s sprayed their weapon into an enemy’s belly only to have them lung forward and insta-kill you with the knife knows the frustration this contentious mechanic is famous for.
#3: AWP
“Counter-Strike” series (1999-)
Known by a few names – Arctic Warfare Police, Magnum Sniper Rifle, or just AWP for short – this gun is virtually guaranteed to leave death in its wake. Though it has arguably a balanced and integral part of the Counter-Strike experience, anyone who’s been on receiving end of this 1 hit kill machine has wished it wasn’t – especially if this was in the days of switch glitching. One shot from the AWP is basically a guaranteed instant kill, provided they're hit anywhere but the legs. Known to players for it’s terrifying and distinctive report, the AWP puts the BOOM back in “Boom! Headshot!”
#2: Pistol
“Halo: Combat Evolved” (2001)
Though many have fallen to the sheer power of the Energy Sword, this particular firearm stands out a fair bit more. As one of the first weapons available for use in “Halo: Combat Evolved”, the Pistol – known in full as the M6D Personal Defence Weapon System – packs quite the punch. In fact, the gun's long-range scope, sheer force when fired, and semi-automatic nature can make for imbalanced multiplayer battles. Developer Bungie has said that there was back-and-forth about the Pistol's intended power before “Combat Evolved” was released, with a last-minute code change granting the gun its strength.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
Auto Shotgun
“Left 4 Dead” (2008)
Vex Mythoclast
“Destiny” (2014)
Ice Rapier
“Dark Souls 2” (2014)
#1: FarSight XR-20
“Perfect Dark” (2000)
Well, at least the name's appropriate. Rare's 2000 first-person shooter “Perfect Dark”, renowned in large part for its elaborate and high-quality multiplayer suite, has quite the line-up of weapons. One weapon of note is the FarSight XR-20, a shoulder-fired railgun which can see through walls via X-Ray vision... and which can shoot through any object, resulting in instant kills. Combined with its absurd secondary mode that seeks out targets anywhere on the map and the FarSight was the very definition of unfair.
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