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Top 10 Overpowered TV Characters

Top 10 Overpowered TV Characters
VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Mark Sammut
You wouldn't want to get into a fight with these stupidly overpowered TV characters. We're looking at the small screen's most overwhelmingly powerful live-action characters, excluding superheroes and supervillains. With great power comes great stupidity. WatchMojo ranks the most stupidly overpowered TV characters. Which TV character do you think is stupidly overpowered? Let us know in the comments!

With great power comes great stupidity. Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Stupidly Overpowered TV Characters.

For this list, we’re looking at the small screen’s most overwhelmingly powerful live-action characters, excluding superheroes and supervillains. Also: spoiler alert!

#10: Night King
“Game of Thrones” (2011-)

The final boss of a long epic story must tower above everything that came before. The Night King is basically "Game of Thrones'" answer to "Lord of the Rings'" Sauron. Estimated to be approximately 8000 years old, the Night King is the original White Walker and possesses the ability to mutate human babies into ice creatures, which is a useful trick if building an army. Although the character is shrouded in mystery, "Game of Thrones" has shown enough to prove the Night King should not be underestimated. Along with owning a personal dragon; the Night King can raise the dead, cause earthquakes, and controls a massive army of super-powered White Walkers.

#9: Merlin
“Merlin” (2008-12)

Prophesied to become history's greatest sorcerer, this young warlock is basically playing with the cheat codes enabled. While ordinary wizards must study to gain an affinity with magic, Merlin was born with this talent already enabled. Regardless of difficulty, Merlin is capable of mastering spells in little to no time, eventually amassing abilities like telepathy, energy blasts, and all sorts of elemental attacks. The sorcerer can even trade one life for another or save someone from the brink of death. Besides knowing all of the spells, Merlin happens to also be immortal. Merlin makes other sorcerers look like birthday party magicians.

#8: Lucifer Morningstar
“Lucifer” (2016-)

Bored of the Underworld, Lucifer retires and opens a nightclub on Earth while solving crimes on the side. Along with a fantastic singing voice; the Devil is deadlier than any demon, wiser than any scholar, and stronger than any of God's other children. Bringing souls back from the dead presents no challenge to Lucifer, who can also manipulate a human's desires by merely gazing into a person's eyes. Although the Devil is an incredibly skilled fighter, Lucifer usually opts to manipulate people into unwittingly performing the protagonist's bidding like puppets on a string.

#7: Senior Partners
“Angel” (1999-2004)

Is there anything worse than a group of super powerful ancient demons? How about super powerful demons who also manage a law firm? The Wolf, the Ram, and the Hart are interdimensional beings who manipulate a world's own politics and legislation to steadily spread corruption. Putting aside one encounter in Season 2, Angel never directly faces these demons; in fact, it is heavily implied the Senior Partners' influence is too deeply instilled into humanity to defeat. According to another overpowered ancient being named Illyria, the Senior Partners used to be quite weak before the demons started studying the law. The Wolf, Ram, and Hart personify evil and cannot be beaten.

#6: Man in Black
“Lost” (2004-10)

Like the series that spawned it, The Smoke Monster is an enigmatic figure who raises just as many questions as answers. Dating back to the Roman Era, the Man in Black exists in the Heart of “Lost’s” island and wishes to spread to the rest of the world. In terms of power, the villain is a master of disguise. From just someone’s memories, the Man in Black can perfectly replicate a person’s physical appearance and mental state. When not masquerading as one of the various deceased characters, the Man in Black tends to take the form of a giant black cloud immune to most weapons.

#5: Eleven
“Stranger Things” (2016-)

Prenatal exposure to experimental drugs, combined with a genetic predisposition for psychokinesis, manifested as a wild array of incredible powers in this one. Born with a talent for sending people flying with her mind, Jane Hopper ends up under the harmful care of a governmental institution desperate to understand the girl’s abilities. Initially, Eleven’s psychic powers prove troublesome to control, but Jane eventually learns to lift heavy objects like vans, communicate telepathically, levitate, and even opens a portal to another dimension. Considering Jane is only 12 at the start of “Stranger Things,” the psychic has only begun to scratch the surface of her potential.

#4: Rumpelstiltskin
“Once Upon a Time” (2011-18)

Once upon a time, Rumpelstiltskin was a kind albeit fearful man driven solely by a need to protect his family. Ultimately, over-protectiveness proved to be the guy’s undoing, as Rumpelstiltskin stole a demon’s powers and embraced the darkness. Gaining immortality and magical powers capable of rivaling Merlin; Mr. Gold can warp reality, predict the future, shape-shift, teleport, and possesses an unparalleled familiarity with the Dark Arts. “Once Upon a Time’s” protagonist – Emma Swan – temporarily usurps Rumpelstiltskin as the show’s resident overpowered character, but the regime change proves short-lived. Besides powers rivaling a "Final Fantasy" villain, Rumpelstiltskin is a master manipulator with quite a mean streak.

#3: The Darkness
“Supernatural” (2005-)

Assumed to be a boogeyman by both angels and demons, Amara is God's older and more powerful sister. The Darkness is omnipotent, almost invulnerable, and practically immortal. Originally, God required the help of four archangels and barely managed to trap Amara. Listing all of the Darkness' powers is an exercise in futility, as the powerful being is capable of just about anything. Amara destroys angels with a flick of the wrist and such an accomplishment does not even rank among the character’s most spectacular moments. When a tag team of God and Lucifer is billed as the underdog, then the opponent is beyond overpowered.

#2: The Doctor
“Doctor Who” (1963-89; 2005-)

Even if stripped of fancy gadgets such as the TARDIS or Sonic Screwdriver, Britain’s iconic hero still stands as one of TV’s most overpowered creations. As a Time Lord, The Doctor is effectively immortal and, in the off chance something goes wrong, he can regenerate into a new form with past memories mostly still intact. Compared to most other species in the known universe, the Doctor possesses heightened senses, swift reflexes, impressive strength, health regeneration, telepathy, and a genius-level intellect covering virtually all topics of all worlds. Basically, the Doctor is a blend of Wolverine and Professor Xavier.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Niklaus ‘Klaus’ Mikaelson
“The Vampire Diaries” (2009-17) & “The Originals” (2013-18)

Olivia Dunham
“Fringe” (2008-13)

“Into the Badlands” (2015-)

“Stargate SG1” (1997-2007)

Willow Rosenberg
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (1997-2003)

#1: Q
“Star Trek: The Next Generation” (1987-94)

There is a reason “Star Trek’s” catchphrase is not to boldly go “where no man has gone before.” Compared to the Q, humanity is merely an infant taking its first steps. Randomly showing up on the Enterprise to annoy Picard and inspire future memes, Q belongs to a race of god-like beings with mastery over time, space, and energy. More than capable of teleporting an entire spaceship on a whim or even accidentally destroying a galaxy, the Q’s abilities are so beyond rational understanding that only a Q can even begin to grasp them.
