Top 10 Pranks from Impractical Jokers

Joe, Murr, Sal, and Q. Is there anything that these guys won't do?? Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Impractical Jokers Pranks.
For this list, we've gathered the finest and funniest moments from TV's “Impractical Jokers.” Any standard Jokers scene is in with a shot, but we're not including end of show punishments.
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Joe, Murr, Sal, and Q. Is there anything that these guys won’t do?? Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Impractical Jokers Pranks.
For this list, we’ve gathered the finest and funniest moments from TV’s “Impractical Jokers.” Any standard Jokers scene is in with a shot, but we’re not including end of show punishments.
#10: Fake Charity
“Theater del Absurdo”
We start at Mike’s Donut Shop, where the Jokers pose as cashiers trying to convince customers to back some highly questionable causes. From “Handjobs Across America,” to “Kolonics for Kids,” to “Give a Fat Kid Some Fruit,” the guys don’t know what’s coming until they reveal it to their target – and some think on their feet better than others. Murr lands a sweet victory with “Fake Charity” while Q finds success with unconventional animal rights, but Sal falls hysterically short when pitching a funeral fund. And Joe, who’s tasked with taking on the church, fails altogether.
#9: Hot Mannequin Love
“Kill the Centaur”
This Season Four episode sees the guys step in at a sports clothing store, with Q especially excited in his new role. He warms up by posing as the world’s worst step-parent before setting sights on more unsuspecting shoppers, and forcing them to take a long, hard, and hilariously awkward look at a store mannequin. Fed lines by the other Jokers, Q suggests that the moulded plastic person is the perfect lover, clothes on and clothes off. His hot-blooded antics prompt bewildered looks and the green dress goes unsurprisingly unsold before he whisks it away for another night of romance.
#8: Cutting the Line on Broadway
“Drawing a Blank”
It’s one of the show’s earliest setups and the birthplace for one of its best recurring gags. The Jokers are in NYC and at the wrong end of an outrageously long line for theatre tickets. But waiting is not an option. Murr’s photography tactics bring him some success while Sal’s lack of strategy gets him busted early on. Q’s the only one to make it to the ticket booth, but Joe’s attempt is most memorable thanks to “Larry.” The non-existent friend sees Joe skip past swathes of patiently waiting people before security gets wise and he gets caught. It’s not the last we hear of Larry, though, who regularly “appears” in later episodes.
#7: A Case of Mistaken Identity
“The Blunder Years”
While some scenes require help from extra actors, it’s rare that they take centre stage. Until now. For a challenge called “Did I Deserve That?,” the guys pose as convenience store cashiers and await a disgruntled customer who’s armed with a cup of water. For Joe, Murr, and Sal, the joke plays out without a hitch, amid some hilarious excuses for their unexpected treatment. But Q’s turn sees the ruse go wrong. The actor enters the store as planned, but walks right by the Joker, and mistakenly targets someone else, drenching him instead. The gaffe sparks chaos behind the scenes, and the clip has its own soaking wet spot in Jokers history.
#6: Shopping Cart Toilet Paper
“Car Sick”
As we approach our halfway point, it’s time for some head-to-head supermarket sport. The rules of “Stock Boy Shootout” are simple: whoever gets the most toilet paper into a random shopper’s cart wins. It’s comedy gold, but the game itself is surprisingly tense. The first match sees Murr take on Q before Joe and Sal battle it out. Both contests bring high scores, perfect shots, some sensational showboating, and some very confused shoppers. Murr secures the only outright win, defeating Q 2-1, while the second bout ends in a score draw. It’s an Olympic sport of the future!
#5: Scoopski Potatoes
“Everything’s Just Rosie”
How much fun can you have with a bowl of mashed potatoes? “What’s the Scoop?” sees the guys step in at a restaurant, tasked with randomly dispensing potatoes to diners who didn’t order them. Once again, they each opt for different strategies, some with more successful than others. Murr’s distraction tactics are quickly foiled and Q’s single scoop proves a big mistake, but Joe lands the limelight with an original idea and the invention of another show slogan. “Scoopski Potatoes” is crazy, but effective, and scores Joe a clear victory. It’s a lesson in how to overcome awkwardness: just apply an ambiguous accent and create an annoyingly catchy jingle.
#4: White Castle Freeze
“Pay It Forward”
White Castle customers have encountered the Jokers’ chaos on multiple occasions, not least when the guys took over at a drive-thru with outrageous results. But Q’s statuesque performance as a cashier in the first ever episode is still the show’s finest fast food moment. What seems to be an ordinary transaction transcends into a splendid standoff when the Joker freezes while inspecting a $20 bill. The would-be diner appears confused at first, but his incredible patience is what makes this scene so great. Q hits the pause button for almost five minutes in total before completing the sale as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
#3: Hey, Moustache!
“Pay It Forward”
A supermarket stunt, which also appears in the show’s first episode, the “Worst Cashiers Ever” skit sets a blueprint for countless Jokers gags ever since. As each of the four friends takes over a cash at Costco, they’re equipped with an earpiece and must repeat whatever they’re told to say no matter what. Murr destroys a poor guy’s payment method, Sal sweet talks an older woman in front of her husband, and Joe completes his task by a nose. But Q’s mistreatment of a moustachioed man has to be the highlight, even if the top lip in question is un-amused by his comments.
#2: The Dentist Appointment
“Elephant in the Room”
A curtain raiser for the Jokers’ second season, the “Holy Molar” challenge sees the guys stand in as hugely under-qualified dentists. For their four unlucky patients, an already nerve-inducing appointment is about to get much worse and a whole lot weirder. Tasked with doing and saying whatever their friends instruct, this prank features Q fooling around with a suction rod, Murr spinning around the treatment room, and Joe delivering an off-the-cuff vocabulary lesson. Sal’s reaction is what stands out most, however. When you spin a guy 360° and leave him dangling in the room all alone, there’s really nothing left to do but laugh.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
- Pizza Abuse
“Joker vs. Joker”
- Teaching CPR
“Belly Dancer”
- Tortured Artist
“Sweat the Small Things”
#1: Stealing Food
“Out of TP”
We finish at an all you can eat buffet for a feast of Jokers fun. The premise is pretty straightforward: steal as much food as you can off of other people’s plates. But put that plan into action and all hell breaks loose. Today’s winner proves too much for Q, who decides he’d rather go hungry, but the others make an admirable effort. Sal dons an accent, Joe finds the beat, and Murr pulls a classic “look the other way” trick. Each has its own merits, but Murr wins this one, while his pals shudder under the appalled stares of everyone they’ve robbed. Whoever said, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch,” was wrong.