Top 20 Funniest Eric Andre Street Pranks

#20: I Saw a Girl Today
“Bad Trip” (2021)
Creating a musical number requires one key ingredient - music. Fortunately for the audience at home, music has been added in post production. Unfortunately for those in the public, they are subjected to a man covered in blood singing a song without musical accompaniment. As Chris, Andre appears splattered with blood, his hand having previously been caught in a blender. He proceeds to sing a song called “I Saw a Girl Today”, to everyone’s great surprise - and some people’s frustration - like the guy who kicks Andre square in the chest. Things get even funnier when Andre is joined by synchronized dancers, resulting in a genuine musical the middle of a food court. Without music. Suffice to say, the reactions are gold.
#19: Fart’splosion
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
This skit begins with Andre pretending to be a window cleaner who accidentally breaks the window and walks into a focus group. He then pretends to be a hidden camera prank show host, who was merely pretending to be a window cleaner. The fictional show in question? “Fartsplosion”, and it apparently just involves the host farting and breaking nearby windows. This prank serves as a brilliant joke within a joke, the target being stupid prank shows as much as it is the focus group. The satire includes a weirdly bombastic celebration with balloons and confetti, hilarious interviews with the targets, and Andre giving away $5 bills and signed photos of himself for their participation.
#18: Erics on the Street
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
This prank sees Andre dressing up in an elaborate puppet contraption that results in five different Eric Andres. He proceeds to bother people on the streets, scaring some with loud, crazed yelling, “accidentally” hitting some with the puppet arms, and repeatedly poking one poor guy in the privates. He also disrupts traffic by standing in front of cars and acts belligerently in an adult video store - before falling and getting stuck in the doorway. It’s borderline annoying, with Andre coming across like an intoxicated man without filter or care. But the absurdity of it all somehow works, and that’s exactly what makes him such an expert prankster.
#17: Watching Adult Entertainment in Public
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
Sometimes, it’s the simplest ideas that generate the biggest laughs. For example - loudly watching explicit content in a busy cafe. It’s not very complex, and it’s likely been done to death by mischievous high school students everywhere. But it’s a hilarious premise nonetheless, and Andre makes it work - as he always does. Unfortunately, every face in the cafe is blurred, so viewers can’t see their reactions. One helpful, albeit frustrated, man approaches Andre and offers to turn the sound off. Mind you, he offers to turn just the sound off, and is seemingly cool with Andre watching this in public. The skit ends on a hilarious note with the camera zooming in one bystander. Even with the blur, his grin is obvious.
#16: Officer Eric Needs Help
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
Just imagine this - you’re walking down the street, minding your own business when you see a police officer handcuffed to a pole, his pants down around his ankles. That’s pretty much the premise of this prank. Andre plays a cop who has somehow managed to get himself in a precarious situation. Don’t ask how, it’s a long story - or so he tells an inquiring citizen. Perhaps unsurprisingly, everyone just stands around taking pictures of Andre with their phones while laughing at his misfortune. Honestly, this prank takes a lot of bravery. Who else but Eric Andre would dress up as a cop, strip down to their underwear, and handcuff themselves to a pole to be gawked at by the public?
#15: Cement Shoes
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
This prank ends with the subject asking [“what the f is going on right now?”] It’s an apt question. The prank begins with Andre emerging from the water with a black eye and cement shoes, telling a nearby construction worker that he was “pushed out of a boat”. A Tony Soprano look alike then shows up and inquires about Andre, offering the worker a pizza coupon for his help. Luckily, the man keeps quiet. Andre then reappears, offers the man a shrimp, and “speeds away” on his “scooter”. We don’t know what the backstory is between Andre’s character and the mafia, but we’d love to hear it! It’s a funny concept for a prank, and it’s made all the better by the hilarious and memorable target.
#14: Subway Centaur
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
Hopping on a New York City subway car in a centaur costume, Eric Andre can barely get through the doors. With Andre's costume taking up half the aisle, passengers climb seats just to get by him. If his costume wasn't bizarre enough, Eric is also carrying two cakes with him on the train. Unable to hold onto the bars, Andre quickly loses his balance and throws cake onto the passengers. Despite Eric's attempts to apologize, one rider is so angry that he threatens Andre. Even next to his other memorable subway pranks, the outlandish costume and props make this a standout.
#13: Pizza Ball
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
With this prank, Eric Andre proves that total randomness can be hilarious. He shows up to a dojo dressed like a jester and delivers a “pizza ball”. When no one claims it, Andre simply throws it on the ground. He then whips out a Scientology pamphlet, because… why not? Andre is so irritating that the red-faced teacher screams at him to leave and chases him out the door with a bo staff. Absolutely nothing about this prank makes sense, but that’s exactly what makes it work. Sometimes the funniest pranks are the ones that have its targets shaking their heads in complete bewilderment. And any prank that ends with a bo staff is a winner in our book.
#12: Dream Sequences
“Bad Trip” (2021)
One of the most unique aspects of “Bad Trip” are the hidden camera dream sequences. Throughout the film, Chris, played by Andre, fantasizes about Maria, played by Michaela Conlin, often placing the two of them in crude and/or embarrassing situations. These fantasy sequences are filmed in the typical prank style, and they are hilarious. These sequences include crashing a conference and kissing on the table, and embarking on a three-way makeout session with a wedding officiant. All are outlandish, all are funny, and all make us appreciate Andre’s comedic genius.
#11: Seinfeld
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
Opening on the iconic Tom's Restaurant and some slap-bass music, it was hard to tell where this 'Seinfeld' parody was going. Putting a realistic spin on 'Seinfeld's' goofy scenarios, Eric's day gets ugly. A woman starts yelling at Andre and beating him up in the diner, and the staff becomes understandably concerned. After she throws drinks and food at Eric, even the customers start to worry. When she takes out a bag of her own feces however, the mood goes from uncomfortable silence to frantic yelling in a split second. While intensely gross, the reactions, as well as the perfectly-timed cut to Larry David's name, make this prank hilariously surreal.
#10: Have You Seen His Dog?
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
Standing with a dog on the sidewalk, Andre asks for help from anyone who passes by. Most people just ignore him, but after a few attempts, he finally finds a willing victim. The sympathetic woman is understandably confused when he asks if she's seen his dog. But before she can do much else, he whips off his shades to reveal his complete lack of eyes, and starts screaming at the woman to describe the dog. Scaring the woman half to death, Eric even scores a few looks from nearby civilians. Unbelievably absurd, the skit highlights Andre’s ability to take the narrative in truly unexpected directions.
#9: He’s a Potato
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
After getting a stuntman to wipe-out in the street, Andre shows up dressed up as a potato. He tries to inappropriately steal the spotlight, but people aren't having it. As soon as he starts squatting over the injured cyclist, the crowd gets violent, shoving Eric out of the way. Realizing how injured the man is, Eric drops a comical load of cash on him. Using the crowd for his comedy, Eric pushes them until they push back. Along with the insane costume, it's Andre's totally detached reaction to the situation that keeps us laughing.
#8: The Army Recruiter
“Bad Trip” (2021)
After falling out with his best friend Bud, Chris arrives at an army recruitment center and hilariously asks, [“What wars are going on?”] He tells the Reserve Officers' Training Corps recruiter that he wishes to join the army so he can die in battle, being depressed over the fight with Bud. He declares his wish of going to Vietnam and makes a very crude offer before slapping himself and falling into a fit of crying. What makes this prank work so well is the soldier. He politely rebuffs Andre’s offer and genuinely tries to help him with kind words and encouragement. He’s the nicest target that Andre could have possibly found, and his reaction proves one of the most memorable aspects of the movie.
#7: Kraft Punk’d
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
Looking like Daft Punk dipped in mac n' cheese, Kraft Punk is a disgusting dairy prankster. He makes such an obnoxious entrance that even Eric Andre is annoyed with him. Showing off his own version of Punk'd, the prankster places cheese under unsuspecting passengers on a subway. As he points out all the hidden cameras, the passengers look more confused than excited. Making matters worse, he vomits tons of cheese in the train, causing people to run away from him. Kraft Punk returned one season later to steal a basketball and cover it in cheese mid-game. Why? Impossible to say. But it was hilarious, nonetheless.
#6: Froot Loops
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
Sometimes people run from Eric Andre, and to be honest, we don’t blame them. In this genius skit, Andre appears on the subway wearing a jumpsuit and head cone. He is depressed over not getting a job with Froot Loops and pours milk and cereal into his head cone. He then asks the subway riders to “drink from [him]” as he makes his way through the car, milk spilling from his cone and splattering on the floor. Everyone on the subway treats Andre like he’s lost his mind, and many understandably run away to avoid both the man and the mess. From the targets’ perspective, this is a genuinely terrifying bit of buffoonery. As a prank, however, it’s a brilliant bit of creativity and hilarity.
#5: Buying a Car
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
Going to a car dealership in a trench coat, Eric Andre uses one of the oldest tricks in the book. Trying to pull off the children's totem pole prank, Andre and his partner are way too tall to be believable. In keeping with the bit though, Eric even lowers his voice to make himself sound older. The disguise is so bad that Andre towers over the cars, and the outline of his partner's arms are clearly visible the entire time. The dealer asks him to remove the costume, but Eric insists he will not get naked for a car. Taking a cartoonish prank into the adult world, Andre truly reinvigorated this classic gag.
#4: Black Scientologists
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
Taking to the streets, Eric and Hannibal reveal a painting of a black version of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, insisting that his real name was L. Ron Hoyabembe. It’s a bold start to a skit! Proclaiming there is no hell, Andre nicely parodies religious demonstrators by second guessing his own supposed beliefs. But they really strike gold when they anger an actual religious demonstrator, who yells that he's the second coming of Christ. Andre and company throw it back at the man, challenging him to prove it by turning poop into wine. Mixing race and religion, Eric's outlandish concept makes this one of his most memorable skits.
#3: Ranch Guy
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
For one of his most abstract characters, Eric Andre plays a rave bro who is way too into ranch dressing. Eric confuses just about everyone as he calls his inappropriate greeting and makes inappropriate comments about all the minorities he sleeps with. Despite giving everyone skater nicknames, no one wants to drink his ranch dressing. Eric even asks a man a graphic question… before being promptly asked to leave - albeit in less kind words. While later iterations of the bit saw the Ranch Guy don some seriously out there attire, there’s just no topping the original - particularly the fake hoverboard and inexplicable Wii remote.
#2: Bird Up!
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
Throwing on a green morph-suit, Eric desperately tries to convince people he's doing a bit with his fake bird. It's pretty clear the suit is a distraction, however, when Andre starts touching people and harassing them. Assuming he'll be edited out, the pedestrians let Eric get hilariously close. Things get really uncomfortable when a woman lets Andre stick a finger in her mouth, and then starts dancing with him.. Despite the fact that 'Bird Up!' is allegedly the worst show on television, that hasn’t stopped top-tier talent from working on it, as Chris Rock even directed a segment in season three!
#1: At the RNC
“The Eric Andre Show” (2012-)
When Eric arrived at the Republican National Convention, he rained on their parade both metaphorically and literally. He quickly gets in just about everyone's face to tackle their views on multiple sensitive topics. Eric's antics get meta when he interviews people getting interviewed on TV, even cameoing on Breitbart's broadcast. Andre actually found himself getting attacked when Alex Jones invited him on stage. Smiling through it all, he makes it impossible not to laugh when he compares the convention to Coachella. The prank even got his press pass revoked for the Democratic National Convention, so he interviewed the crowds instead. Eric Andre: a political correspondent unlike any other.