Top 10 Problems Every Gamer Has Faced

We've all been there, am I right? Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Problems Every Gamer Has Faced.
Special thanks to our user “Dan Paradis” for bearing the weight of thousands upon his shoulders and suggesting this topic using our interactive suggestion tool at http://WatchMojo.comSuggest
#10: Toxic Communities
As gaming has evolved over the years, we’ve managed to move beyond the realms of our living rooms, and into the online world. When the internet became more mainstream, games took advantage of the changing landscape and brought online multiplayer to competitive games. Unfortunately, not having to see anyone face to face, brought an even greater rise to toxic communities. From players who blame everyone else for their problems, people who spam irritating noises in their mics, that one annoying camper, griefers, and just straight up jerks, these communities have made it difficult to enjoy the games we love.
#9: Parents
We’ve all been there when we were younger, parents who don’t approve of our gaming habits. Whether it was trying to get to that last checkpoint, playing late into the night, or not approving of the game’s subject matter, it felt like they were one of the biggest walls between us and our games. If you’re parents were fine with you playing video games there was of course the issue of having them buy the games for you and dictating what you could and couldn’t play, at least until you could save up your allowance yourself. But that often meant missing out on a lot of amazing titles when you were young.
#8: Budget
On the other hand, while getting games as a kid was tough, purchasing games as an adult comes with its own set of real life obstacles. With most games costing as much as a week’s worth of groceries for some, and consoles in the hundreds of dollars, it can be quite difficult to manage our money, especially when we see our friends all have that shiny new console. Being a PC gamer can be even more trying, with upgrades reaching into the thousands in terms of a full on upgrade, just to get that sweet sweet 4K and 60 frames per second.
#7: Your favorite franchise ruined
Every gamer has had a franchise that gave new meaning to their favorite hobby. With some game series’ lives spanning years, it can be quite difficult to maintain that high-standard that fans have come to expect, and there are bound to be flops. Unfortunately, those flops can sometimes end up ruining our perception of the entire franchise in general. While what we may consider “ruined” can be subjective, it can be very disheartening when a follow-up to one of your favourite games of all time turns out to be nothing short of a disaster.
#6: Stereotyping (nerd stereotypes)
As gaming has evolved and changed, so has the culture and communities. So when we see TV shows, movies, or even other communities label or depict us in the classic “nerd” stereotype, it is quite frustrating. While this isn’t the only label thrown at us, it’s certainly the most insulting and one of the most common, as gaming communities as a whole are so diverse in nature. It seems like the term nerd is meant to label a community that doesn’t adhere to popular standards, but with gaming becoming one of the biggest forms of media, it is questionable as to why people still feel the need for that label.
#5: Dying when you didn’t save your game progress
While the auto-save and check-point systems have been a blessing, there was a time -and depending on the game there still is a time- where saving was completely manual. If you died, then you’d have to go back where you last saved. Sometimes though, we’d get so immersed by our game, that we’d lose track of time and forget to save our progress. When we die, we’re reminded of our own mistake, and are crushed by losing so much time played, sometimes several hours worth. Just remember to always check up on your saves, especially before fighting a boss.
#4: Save file corrupted
As if losing some of your game-time from forgetting to save was bad enough, try losing all of your progress in one fell swoop. While not as common, a save file corruption means in almost all cases, that you cannot return to the game from that file, meaning all that time you spent is gone forever. It’s almost as bad as deleting a save accidentally, yet corruption is typically out of your control. Ranging from unexpected power outages while playing, to the outright game crashing randomly, it can result in the corruption of plenty of crucial files. Always be sure to create multiple saves so this won’t happen to you.
#3: Time Management
Even if we had enough money to spend on all the games we wanted, time will always be an issue. We still need to work around our jobs, classes, family matters, or even just getting enough sleep, and it can be quite the hassle if you’re a major gamer. Setting aside enough time to play your game can feel more like scheduling an appointment rather than just kicking back and having fun. While this problem tends to overlap into several other problems on our list, it still stands out on its own as troublesome to all gamers. But Maybe someday we’ll finally have enough time to 100% Fallout.
#2: Lag
Another problem that is typically out of our control, lag is extremely frustrating for online gamers. Caused by internet slowing down either locally or server-side, it creates hiccups in gameplay. From your typical players teleporting and running in place, to your shots not connecting with the enemy, it can make any online match practically unplayable. To make things worse, you appear to everyone else as, just a bad player, who for some reason is standing still at the worst possible times and is somehow a worse shot than a Stormtrooper.
#1: Broken Console/Scratched Games
Nothing breaks a gamer’s heart more than seeing their system break down, or their game disks scratched. Replacing a game can be expensive on its own, but replacing the system is what makes things really hard. Spending hundreds or thousands of dollars for a device to play games on is costly, and repairing it or replacing it can add up quickly. With many gamers using games a means for relaxation and escaping the stress of the real world, being unable to play and being out quite a bit of money is what hits us where it hurts the most.