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Top 10 Ridiculous Subreddits You Didn't Know Existed

Top 10 Ridiculous Subreddits You Didn't Know Existed

Script written by Caitlin Johnson

Reddit really does have something for everybody. From r/SEUT, to r/CarpetsforAirports, to r/TreesSuckingAtThings, these subreddits are hidden gems of the internet. WatchMojo counts down the Top 10 Ridiculous Subreddits You Didn't Know Existed.

Special thanks to our user Ralph Joseph Romans Ruff for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top+10+Reddit+Subreddits.
Script written by Caitlin Johnson

Top 10 Ridiculous Subreddits You Didn’t Know Existed

Reddit really does have something for everybody. Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the top 10 Ridiculous Subreddits You Didn’t Know Existed.

For this list, we’re looking at the most weird and wonderful subreddits of all. Some are funny and some are creepy, but they’re all entertaining.

#10: r/SEUT

The acronym for this thread literally stands for “Squirrels Eating Unconventional Things” and it’s dedicated to exactly that – pictures of squirrels enjoying dining on things they probably shouldn’t be. Sometimes the foods are pretty harmless, and a lot of the pictures are kind of adorable, like when a squirrel steals someone’s entire bagel or a whole slice of pizza – but even the most innocuous-sounding forums can take a dark turn, with squirrels also photographed biting humans and at one point eating a dead mouse. Squirrels will eat pretty much anything.

#9: r/CarpetsforAirports

Have you ever been waiting in an airport when you thought to yourself that the airport carpet deserves to be photographed and shared around the world? Well, a little over a hundred people on Reddit have, and they created this community built entirely around sharing pictures of carpets found in airports. But it isn’t only pictures of carpets – sometimes it’s pictures of strange things sighted in and around airport carpets, like someone trying to nap using their luggage as a makeshift bed, or someone doing a handstand or the splits. Still, the carpets usually take center stage.

#8: r/TreesSuckingAtThings

If you have an overwhelming dislike for trees, this thread is the place for you. Despite the jaded view of nature the community tries to put across, this subreddit actually does a good job of showcasing some of the weirdest, funniest, and coolest trees out there. One highlight includes a tree that looks like a dragon, captioned “trees suck at keeping secret the location of the dragon they’re imprisoning.” You’re sure to find plenty of quirky and interesting trees here, whether they’re doing dabs or twerking.

#7: r/AnimalsWithoutNecks

One of the best things to ever happen to the internet was the invention of Photoshop, which allowed many wannabe graphic designers to flourish and find their niche. And one of the smallest niches out there is the Animals Without Necks subreddit, full to bursting with pictures of, yeah, animals without necks. While not every picture is edited and some are just of real-life animals that happen to look weird, the vast majority are altered beyond recognition, including pictures of a flamingo, a tiger, a horse, and even a duck. Scrolling through this thread is definitely a surreal experience.

#6: r/ToastersGW

Nowadays, there’s a lot of acceptance about who and what people can love, but the Toasters Gone Wild subreddit pushes this acceptance to the limit. The relatively small community of 5000 Redditors is dedicated to posting only the dirtiest, the most risqué, NSFW pictures of toasters. Toasters of all shapes, sizes and colors are welcome here, as well as the people writing tongue-in-cheek captions about them, like, “watch this dirty redhead crumb”, and “this naughty girl takes a wiener between her buns.” It’s not even the only bizarre toaster-related subreddit, as there’s also one for people campaigning for Toaster Rights, chronicling various ‘toaster abuse’ around the world.

#5: r/HorseMask

Whoever invented those realistic horse masks has a lot of things to be sorry for, and this community is just one of them. It’s a close-knit group of people who post pictures of themselves and their friends wearing large horse masks, and occasionally the odd unicorn mask or two. The weirder a horse mask picture is, the better, and there’s no shortage of strange ideas for what to do with these masks, including taking sexy photos, scaring people in public, or interacting with actual horses. But the strangest thing of all has to be a video of a guy abseiling down a building in his horse mask while pretending to ride a tricycle.

#4: r/wheredidthesodago

A lot of infomercials are ridiculous enough on their own, but taking gifs and clips from them completely out of context and posting them online is a stroke of genius. It all began when one Reddit user posted a gif of a woman pouring a glass of soda seemingly correctly, but everyone around her reacts as though she’s done something horribly wrong. The subreddit was eventually created and the rest is history; a goldmine of funny infomercial gifs with even funnier captions, which are guaranteed to amuse you when you’re bored.

#3: r/joebidenandasandwich

During his time as president, Obama spent lots of time in the public eye, but his vice president Joe Biden has a dedicated fanbase of his own, who are active in this small subreddit of only 2600 subscribers. Most of the pictures here are of Biden eating, holding, or just generally being in the vicinity of sandwiches, though there are also a few non-sandwich photos, too. Sometimes there are pictures of him eating other types of food, like ice cream, and sometimes Obama shows up for a cameo or two. But Biden and his subs always come out on top.

#2: r/gggg

The only rules for this subreddit are that everything has to be the letter G. Every post, every picture, every piece of writing, it’s all just G. G and sometimes punctuation, to make sure you’re reading the tone of the G correctly. Despite it having only 4000 subscribers, it’s surprisingly active, with people stepping in, posting a bunch of Gs, and then leaving again. One Redditor even posted the binary equivalent of the letter G over and over again. You’d be forgiven for thinking this is the work of a G-worshipping cult.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable Mentions:




#1: r/birdswitharms

If you’ve ever looked at a bird and thought, “That bird needs more arms,” this subreddit has you covered. It features Photoshopped pictures, old paintings, and classic cartoon characters; basically, as long as they’re a bird and have human-looking arms they qualify here, making for some unsettling images. Don’t check this page before you go to sleep or you might end up having some pretty disturbing nightmares. Birds With Arms isn’t even the only bird-related source of Reddit weirdness; there’s also the Enlightened Birdmen subreddit, where people pretend to be angry birds waging an endless war against mankind.

Try r/breadstapledtotrees and thank me later.
another great article WATCHMOJO!