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Top 10 Strange Disorders You Didn't Know Existed

Top 10 Strange Disorders You Didn't Know Existed
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Michael Wynands
Here are some conditions that you didn't even know you had to worry about. From Walking Corpse Syndrome, to extra nipples, and Lycanthropy, be glad if you're in good health! WatchMojo counts down the Top 10 Strange Disorders You Didn't Know Existed.

Special thanks to our user boxtroll for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top+10+Strange+Disorders+You+Didn%27t+know+Existed.
Script written by Michael Wynands

#10: Cotard Delusion [aka Walking Corpse Syndrome]

This strange and thoroughly horrifying mental illness, named after the neurologist who first described it, Jules Cotard, is very hard to relate to. The affected individual believes that they are dead despite the obvious evidence to the contrary - the fact that they’re alive to have such thoughts and concerns. People who have fallen victim to this unique form of mental illness may also deny that they have certain parts of their body, including organs or bodily fluids. Others will flat-out deny their corporeal existence altogether, believing instead that they have already died and gone to hell, or that they are dead but still functioning and therefore immortal.

#9: Pseudomamma [aka Supernumerary Nipple]

Let’s break down the etymology of this one, shall well? “Pseudo” undermines the veracity or legitimacy of a thing, heavily insinuating that though the thing in question might look or behave like something, it is in fact false. And the word “mamma,” well… that probably just makes you think of mom. In this case, however, it’s short for mammary, as in the mammary gland. Pseudomamma is not a term for fake breasts, but rather the development of a nipple or mammary gland where it should not typically appear. Though usually found near the chest area, they’ve been known to grow on the face and feet of patients.

#8: Lycanthropy

Lovers of all things supernatural likely already know this term well. At least as far as mythology and folklore are concerned, lycanthropy refers to the transformation of a human into wolf or werewolf. Sorry to disappoint… but that remains firmly in the realm of impossibility. What the term does apply to within a mental health context, however, is the delusion that one can transform or previously already has transformed into an animal. Thought to be an extreme extension of other mental illnesses like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, clinical lycanthropy is very rare. Of course, it’s not limited to wolves and dogs - Boanthropy refers to the belief that one can become a cow or ox.

#7: Argyria

Between the Blue Man Group, “Avatar,” and the Smurfs, the sight of blue skin isn’t nearly as jarring as it could be, but people with argyria are not using body paint or CGI. This rare and shocking condition is what happens when a body is exposed to too much silver. Since silver is a precious metal and rarely willingly ingested, argyria is rather uncommon, but given that silver is used in medical applications and in certain dietary supplements/ homeopathic remedies, overexposure happens. Research in argyria is limited, but there does not appear to be an obvious sides effect other than the discoloration of the skin. That being said, it also cannot be cured.

#6: Genital Retraction Syndrome [aka Koro]

Are you feeling nervous just seeing the name of this condition? Take a few deep breaths, relax, and let go of your junk… it’s not about to disappear. But if you’re also fearful of the fact that it might, then you might already be suffering from Genital Retraction Syndrome - which is a delusional disorder and not a physical one. Also known as Koro, GRS is the irrational fear that your genitals are shrinking, changing or steadily disappearing, despite a complete lack of actual physiological change. Though the causes can vary, it largely stems from feelings of impotence.

#5: Laughing to Death [aka Kuru]

We know what you’re thinking… surely there can be worse ways to go than laughing? Well, try saying that to any of the Joker’s victims ... or the people of the Fore Tribe in Papua New Guinea. Also known as Kuru, this Laughing Sickness is a rare neurodegenerative condition that was observed in the people of this tribe, and was characterized by tremors, sudden aggressive fits of laughter and eventual death. In 1957, it was claiming 200 Fore people a year. Flash forward roughly 50 years, and it appears to no longer be an issue. The change? The Fore people stopped ceremonially eating their dead. It’s thought that the illness was transmitted by ingesting the brains of the deceased.

#4: Foreign Accent Syndrome

How would you react if someone in your life suddenly started speaking with a distinct accent and didn’t stop? Unfortunately, we have very little information when it comes to the specifics of Foreign Accent Syndrome, but what we do know is that in the rare instances that it does occur, it is usually precipitated by head trauma or a stroke. Upon regaining speech, the patient will begin talking in what sounds like a foreign accent. While it may sound like they’re putting on an accent, the changes in speech pattern are actually the result of damage to the brain in the region that controls linguistic functions.

#3: Auto-Brewery Syndrome

Getting pulled over is always a stressful experience, but so long as you’re obeying the laws of the road, including blood alcohol limits, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Now imagine being asked to take a breathalyzer test and being informed that you have blown well over the legal limit - you’re driving drunk despite not having had a single drink. Also known as Gut Fermentation Syndrome, this rare condition is when your body internally produces ethanol as a by-product of the digestive process. The end result? You get drunk. Though having a drink can be a nice way to relax, Auto-Brewery Syndrome can seriously ruin lives. Thankfully, dietary changes can help.

#2: Alien Hand Syndrome

It’s uncomfortable enough be stuck in close quarters with strangers, like on a bus or elevator, let alone feeling like you’re physically attached to one. AHS, also known as Dr. Strangelove syndrome, describes a condition in which the sufferer’s hand appears to be operating independently of the individual’s wishes and intentions. It can reportedly get so bad that the patient suffering from AHS might feel the need to physically restrain the “alien hand” with the unaffected one. There can be any number of causes, including stroke, trauma, a tumor and neurodegenerative diseases, among others. Unfortunately, there is no known cure, but treatment can reduce symptoms.

#1: Water Allergy

Good old H20 is the liquid essential to life as we know it. So how is it possible that people have developed an allergy to it? Also known as Aquagenic urticaria, a water allergy is extremely uncommon, but it does occur - and the results are not pleasant. Patients with a water allergy will often experience a painful or itchy rash wherever water makes contact - not dissimilar to hives. Since water is what makes up most of the body, it’s been argued that Aquagenic urticaria is not, in fact, an allergy to water, but perhaps rather to some unspecified microscopic substance or mineral commonly found in water. But that’s just one of MANY theories.
