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Top 10 Strangest Fetishes

Top 10 Strangest Fetishes
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Script written by Aaron Cameron

There are fetishes and then there are these… Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Strangest Fetishes.

For this list, we will be looking at more unusual kinks and fetishes. If your particular kink doesn't appear here, be sure check out our list of the Top 10 Common Fetishes. With fetishes being as complex as they are and meaning something different to everyone, we're not trying to set the textbook explanation for these fetishes. Instead, we will likely only be scratching the surface and offering a quick glimpse at each in their most basic form.

Special thanks to our user Jcwheeler96 for submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
Script written by Aaron Cameron

#10: Pony Play

Dating back either to 2000 BC, 18th century Britain, or the 1940s depending on who you ask, pony play is a much more complex activity than it may appear. While basic at first glance, it’s actually as busy as the real equestrian world. Ponies come in three categories: show, cart, and riding. Also key are riders, trainers, groomers, and owners who may or may not be the same person. Nearly non-sexual, with the exception of “breeding” or “stud-servicing,” pony play has another unexpected twist in that the pony-boy or pony-girl may not actually be the submissive party in the group.

#9: Ursusagalmatophilia

Known in simpler terms as a teddy bear fetish, ursusagalmatophilia is related to, but not necessarily included in, plushophilia and/or “furry” behavior. Some fetishists just love the company and companionship of their plushies, and may even keep photos of their beloved in their wallet. Others, however, take their relationships to the next level and go full Discovery Channel with their bears. And yes, this is a real thing: one Ohio man was caught on four different occasions having full-on intercourse with his teddy bear. In public!

#8: Acrotomophilia

Where many fetishes center on body parts, this one is just the opposite. Acrotomophilia is sexual attraction to amputees. Typically male, acrotomophiles are a particular lot. Single amputations score higher than doubles, absent legs rank higher than missing arms, and a stump is preferred to being stumpless. Although some amputees are aware and even flattered by this fetish, it is a largely one-sided affair as the affection shown is often superficial and hollow at best. On the other side of the coin, however, is apotemnophilia, which is a fetish geared towards being an amputee.

#7: Olfactophilia

Most tend to think of sexy times as a visual and touch-based medium, but for others it’s smell, specifically natural smells, or, if you like, B.O. It might be armpits or it might be somewhere more south of the belt. Maybe after a sweaty workout or coming out fresh from the shower, so long as the scent is untainted by perfumes, these fetishists are happy. For some, smell merely complements the sight, sounds, and sensations of sexual fun, but there are those as well for whom smell is the end-all and be-all of a sexual conquest.

#6: Dendrophilia

Trees. Love of trees, attraction to trees, sex with trees... dendrophilia brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “tree hugger.” For some, just the idea of trees causes arousal – be it a towering redwood, prickly fir, a weeping willow, a mighty oak, a sweet piece of ash, or some skinny white birches. Others, however, need to show their love, including a Scottish man who in 2009 was caught trying his luck with a tree in a park in Airdrie. Sadly, park officials forbade the man to see the tree again and banned him from there for life.

#5: Yiffing

Although it may be surprising, not everything today is about sex, sex, sex. Take the furries, for example. Most furries are happy just being in their animal suits for a host of harmless, non-sexual reasons, or even feeling that, under their costume, they are finally being their real self. However, while it’s true that not all furries yiff (meaning: participate in sexual activity), all yiffers are furries and among those who are sexually active, three out of four choose to mate - or yiff- with a fellow furry. Meanwhile, a minority, though sizable share of the furry population, is gay or bisexual, with LGBT representation on average much higher than in mainstream society.

#4: Urolagnia

It’s all downhill from here... Urolagnia, also known as watersports, golden showers, or pee play, while already unusual, can be taken to extremes within the BDSM community. There, peeing on others is seen as an act of humiliation, with some electing to become human urinals. The less extreme shower devotees claim the warm trickle to be relaxing, whether it’s their own or otherwise. Mostly harmless, and in fact rich in salt and vitamins, urine can leave a nasty rash if not cleaned up. Plus it smells. Like pee.

#3: Coprophilia

Also known as scatophilia, coprophilia is the love of... well... poop. This fetish can take many forms. While some take pleasure in watching someone else take a number two, others prefer to drop a deuce on others or even receive a hot loaf of nasty... How weird is it? Well, we can say without fear of libel that Hitler was into it. Even many sadomasochists usually draw the line well before this option comes up... Unlike pee-play which, although weird and mostly harmless, scat play can, in some cases, lead to hepatitis or even HIV.

#2: Zoophilia

Also known as bestiality, we likely don’t have to tell you what this fetish covers. While the terms are largely interchanged, zoophilia typically refers more to an emotional connection to animals, whereas bestiality refers to the physical practice itself. Clearly laid out as sin in The Book of Leviticus, bestiality is also illegal in most countries as a form of animal abuse. Even porn depicting it is typically illegal. That said, some countries, such as Japan, use human-animal contact as a way to get around censorship covering normal human-to-human images.

Before we unveil our top pick here are a few honourable mentions.
- Macrophilia (Giants)
- Autoerotic Asphyxiation
- Agalmatophilia (Mannequins)
- Salirophilia (Dirtying or Soiling Object of Desire)

#1: Necrophilia

Corpses, stiffs, the bereft of life. Referring to the attraction and the act of having sex with the dead, necrophilia as a term was first coined in 1850. Ironically, everyone from 1850 is now dead. Unsurprisingly, necrophilia is considered a mental disorder and even comes with a handy 10 tier assessment scale. Typically, necrophiliacs are drawn to the dead as they desire a partner that can’t or won’t reject them and often work in fields that give them access to bodies. Others, such as Jeffrey Dahmer, obtain bodies the hard way: through murder.

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The top four...yuk!