Sex Ed. Switch, Alien Sun Structures & Pizza Tech Tats: The Dispatch #38

VOICE OVER: Adrian Sousa
Script Written by Jesse Polowin & Adrian Sousa
The Dispatch is looking at potential proof of alien life with a mega structure that could have been built by an advanced martian colony in a galaxy far, far away. Scientist suspect it could be a Dyson sphere, which cultivates energy from the sun, but nobody knows for sure. Also, Pizza Hut has created a very pointless tech tattoo that orders your favorite pizza with just the tap of your smart phone (and an app, of course). And finally, a British radio host claims that sexual education classes need to be rethought, and has introduced the idea of including pornography studies in schools. Yikes!
The Dispatch is looking at potential proof of alien life with a mega structure that could have been built by an advanced martian colony in a galaxy far, far away. Scientist suspect it could be a Dyson sphere, which cultivates energy from the sun, but nobody knows for sure. Also, Pizza Hut has created a very pointless tech tattoo that orders your favorite pizza with just the tap of your smart phone (and an app, of course). And finally, a British radio host claims that sexual education classes need to be rethought, and has introduced the idea of including pornography studies in schools. Yikes!
Sex Ed. Switch, Alien Sun Structures & Pizza Tech Tats: The Dispatch #38
There’s probably a reason why you haven’t heard of these stories, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t interesting! Welcome to, and this is The Dispatch, where we bring you the Internet’s weirdest and coolest stories! This week, we’re talking about porn classes in grade school, pizza tech tattoos, and studying alien mega structures.
#3: Rethinking Sex Ed.
First the war on drugs, next the war on Porn in the United Kingdom. Back in May, the Queen said that pornographic sites should be forced to verify that all of their users are over the age of 18. Now, Dame Jenni Murray from Radio 4 claims that schools should utilize pornography within their sexual education practices. She said “we give our kids Jane Austen to read and we say ‘Ok let’s analyze it’. Why not show them pornography and teach them how to analyze it?” So, her point is that sexual education should be overhauled and renamed “gender studies,” and that it should teach kids to analyze sexuality and porn as we are taught to analyze everything else around us. Hard to say whether a 12 year old is capable of analyzing something they likely know next to nothing about. Hopefully they know nothing about it.#2: Pizza Ordering Tattoos
From Dominos Pizza tracker to mobile ordering apps and pizza Ubers, the world of pizza delivery has seen a lot of innovations in the digital age. But the cunning minds at Pizza Hut may have jumped the shark with their latest creation. Since reaching over the bed to get your phone and hit a few buttons was too hard, Pizza Hut UK have introduced a new tech that allows you to order pizza by simply touching a tattoo. Stick the pizza slice tattoo on your body like you would any normal temporary tattoo, and then tap the tattoo as you hover over it with your smartphone. So basically, you use a smartphone to order pizza. It’s hard to believe that this idea made it around the corporate boardroom with nods of approval. But, even harder to believe, is the fact that the human race spent time creating wearable pizza ordering technology.#1: Alien Mega Structures
What if instead of trying to create fuel by harvesting oil from the ground, we could harness the energy of the sun by creating a super structure around it. Great solution, right? The only problem is that we are ages away from having the tools necessary to do this. But according to some scientists, this hypothetical mega structure, referred to as a Dyson sphere, may be within the grasp of some highly advanced life forms from other galaxies. UC Berkeley has formally started studying Tabby’s Star, located in the constellation Cygnus, which has shown a constant fluctuation in its brightness. It may seem a small detail to us, but in academic circles this is huge, drawing a wide range of hypotheses. The “alien mega structure” is one of the least likely, however definitely the most sexy. Come on people, “planetary debris fields” and “clouds of disintegrating comets” are really not going to get people’s minds racing.So, are you going to ink yourself up with a pizza tattoo?
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