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Top 10 Surprisingly Valuable Things You Own Already

Top 10 Surprisingly Valuable Things You Own Already
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Spencer Sher
Script written by Spencer Sher

Next time you find a box of stamps check the valuable because it might be more valuable than they appear! Stamp collecting can be an incredibly lucrative endeavour if you know what you're looking for. Some stamps are worth hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. That's enough to cut the cost of your next airplane ticket in half; and you won't even break a sweat! Do you have a box of vintage magazines lying around? Everyone has an old magazine lying around their house somewhere; and guess what? People want to buy them from you! If you've ever waltz into an antique store chances are you noticed some highly priced vintage National Geographic's and Time magazines sitting in bin. It isn't a trick. Those bad boys are worth some serious scratch.

#10: Stamps

You probably feel pretty stupid for making fun of your little brother’s stamp collection now, don’t you? Stamp collecting can be an incredibly lucrative endeavor if you know what you’re looking for. At the high end of the scale, some stamps have sold for millions of dollars, but we’re willing to bet these one of a kind items aren’t sitting in your drawer collecting dust. That being said, some less rare stamps are still worth hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Simply start opening draws and cupboards around your home and chances are you’ll stumble upon a stamp or two. Who knows, they might just be worth something someday!

#9: Ads

Vintage ads aren’t just time capsules from a different era, they’re basically free cash; free cash that’s sitting in a box somewhere in your home waiting for you to find it! The best sellers are usually ads for stuff like vintage cars, food, alcohol, guns and trains… because who doesn’t love a picture of an old train? These ads are mostly found in old magazines and trade publications and can net you anywhere from 1$ to 20$ - although some have been known to sell for much more! All you need to get started is a pair of scissors and a willingness to use them! Happy cutting!

#8: Video Games

Whether you’ve outgrown them, need some extra cash or simply upgraded your gaming system, video games are the oft-forgotten gems lurking in your entertainment unit. As long as they’re still in decent shape, video games can net you a nice little profit or store credit, depending on what you’re looking for. GameStop and EB Games are two examples of stores that will buy back your old games; and if you don’t feel like leaving the house you can always try to sell them on eBay. Oh, and don’t forget about that old Gameboy that’s been gathering dust for the past 20 years, it could be worth upwards of a $100!

#7: Magazines

Everyone has an old magazine lying around their house somewhere; and guess what? People want to buy them from you! If you’ve ever perused an antique store, chances are you noticed some highly priced vintage copies of Sports Illustrated and Life Magazine sitting in bins. It isn’t a trick. Those bad boys are worth some serious scratch. Old Vogues, Macleans and Playboys can net you anywhere from $10 to a $1000, sometimes more! At best you make a nice little profit off of something that would have otherwise gone unnoticed and at worst, you find some cool old magazines to flip through. It’s a win-win!

#6: Children’s Toys

Kids lose interest in toys fast. One day they can’t leave the house without their – insert children’s toy here – and the next it’s discarded beneath their bed or buried in a closet. That’s where you come in! Round up some of those unwanted toys and we guarantee you’ll be as happy as your kids were the first time they played with them. Hell, some of those toys might even belong to you from when you were a kid. As long as you’re not throwing away memories, children’s toys are fair game when it comes to making a few extra bucks! If they’re old enough, they may even have become collectibles.

#5: Electronics

The speed at which technology is advancing can render even the most sophisticated electronic devices obsolete within a matter of years. This can lead to the erroneous assumption that second-hand electronic devices are worthless. Your old television, laptop or iPod are far from devoid of value though. In fact, it might just be the thing that helps you pay for your new television, laptop or iPod! Old electronics can net sellers hundreds of dollars, and we’re willing to bet you have some in your home at this very moment.

#4: Music (Vinyl, CDs, etc.)

A fortune may be lurking in your old vinyl or CD collection! Rare records, limited edition CDs and the like are quietly circulating the globe at this very instant, but many remain hidden in basements, closets and drawers just waiting to be rediscovered. So perhaps it’s time you to start going through that box of records from your grandparents tucked away in the basement, or maybe you own a copy of Eminem’s Slim Shady EP, worth between $500 and $2800, or Smile, a Michael Jackson Signature Series South African Promo CD worth roughly $1500. Who knows what you’ll find!

#3: VHS Movies

Yes, even old VHS tapes are worth something these days, so you might want to swing by your parents house to see if they still have your copy of “Tales From the Quadead Zone” kicking around from your angst-ridden horror-loving teenage years. It could be worth thousands. Though big ticket VHS are rare, exploitation flicks, cheesy horror movies are worth investigating, as they tend to sell for the most. If you’re interested in a little extra cash, the Black Diamond Classic versions of Disney films can earn you up to $25 bucks a pop. Too bad the majority of the world sold and/or threw out their VHS tapes years ago!

#2: Sewing Patterns

For those of you who didn’t grow up in the first half of the 20th century, sewing patterns are used in sewing and fashion design and are essentially templates; ones that will be layered atop fabric in order to create specific designs. Once upon a time, big name companies would sell these templates to consumers so that they could sew them in the comfort of their own home. Nowadays one of these patterns can fetch you more than $100 if it’s the right one! While you may not have any lying around your home, we’re willing to bet that your grandmother just might!

#1: Cards

Remember how you used to make fun of your little brother for collecting baseball cards too? Big mistake. Those little pieces of cardboard and plastic are now some of the most valuable collectibles on the planet, with some, such as the 1909-1911 T206 Honus Wagner baseball card fetching upwards of $3 million. But it’s not just sports cards that are worth something. Pokémon cards, such as a mint condition first edition Charizard, have been known to sell for up to $300 on Ebay. Perhaps it’s time you took a trip down to the family storage unit, there’s no telling what you might find!
