Top 10 Team Rocket Battles in Pokemon

#10: Countering Butch & Cassidy
It’s no small secret that Jessie, James and Meowth aren’t exactly Team Rocket’s top brass. That fact became even more painfully obvious with the introduction of Butch and Cassidy. They were cooler, stronger, better, and made sure the main Rocket Trio knew it. But, all that gloating just made it oh-so-sweet when the Pikachu-hunters finally got their revenge. It’s all thanks to Wobbuffet, who single handedly proved that battles are as much about countering as attacking. Even though neither team goes home with the stolen Lugia, the JV Rocket Grunts definitely won as far as pride is concerned. And you don’t get to say that about these three very often.
#9: Mareanie & Me
For all his experience in the ring, James has always been more known for his comedic timing than his battle prowess. But, credit where it’s due, his quest to compete with the Masked Royal earned him a Top 16 placement in the Manalo Conference. Unfortunately, from there, he had to duke it out with Gladion. So, even though the outcome isn’t all that surprising, the Rocket Grunt managed to put up a pretty decent fight. In fact, if he and his Mareanie were this in sync against Ash, they wouldn’t need to capture Pikachu anymore. James is no stranger to embarrassing defeats, but at least in this case, he truly put some respect on his name, first.
#8: Prepare for Trouble
For Ash and Team Rocket, it was a rivalry at first shock. No, this fight isn’t the flashiest or most dramatic, but it deserves some serious credit for kickstarting a formula that stuck with the show for well-over a thousand episodes. All of the best elements of Team Rocket are here - there’s a fun scheme, the iconic opening monologue, and, of course, a shocking turnaround from Ash and Pikachu. The dopey trio never stood a chance, but that’s the whole point. No matter how many years go by, there’s no topping the very first time Team Rocket was blasted off - even if they don’t actually say it here.
#7: Meowth’s Evolution Revolution
It’s safe to say no one expected a tear-jerker of a backstory from a catchphrase-spouting cat criminal. But, that’s precisely what makes the showdown between Meowth and Persian all the more gratifying. On principle alone, watching a ‘mon outclass their own evolution is plenty cool. But, here, it works on a whole other level because of how much care the episode put into Meowth’s emotional journey. This isn’t an average catfight, it’s a fury-swipes for love, for pride, and everything in between. With all that on the line, the actual combat doesn’t matter as much as the character growth. Jessie and James say it the best: even if Meowth is a freak, he’s still their freak.
#6: A Battle of Truth & Love
No matter how much trouble you prepare for, this one literally makes it double. Sure, the bantering Rocket Duo have had their spats before, but those are nothing compared to a true no-holds-barred fight in a Regional League. Both Jessie and James - sorry, Jessina and Jamesio - deliver a thrilling clash with all the hilarity you’d expect from a duel like this. But, beyond the obvious novelty of a fight between friends, the bout also serves as an excellent next chapter for James and his Mareaine’. So, even though Jessie may not like the outcome, it’s hard to think of a more fulfilling way this could’ve ended.
#5: A Grand Battle
One of the most refreshing aspects of the Hoenn and Sinnoh arcs was that Jessie got a chance to really shine through Pokemon Contests. So, when she finally qualified for the Grand Festival, it felt like the true culmination of her personal journey. And, of course, there’s no better way to emphasize that than with a two-on-two contest battle against Dawn herself. With four ‘mons in the ring, the action is hype, the combos are stylish, and the end-result is downright dazzling. Better yet, Jessie takes the loss with a surprising amount of maturity. So, if this is truly the end of her contest career, this is a great final bow.
#4: Meowth Claws Up
It’s basic Trainer School knowledge that normal type attacks aren’t very effective against Rock Pokemon. And yet, with the sunnyside Togepi on the line, something as measly as type coverage didn’t stop Meowth from going all out. His ferocity is remarkably effective, especially considering this is is cat that ends most fights blasting off again. But, Mewoth proved all his doubters wrong when he actually bested Brock’s Onix. Sure, he had to use some underhanded tactics, but a win is a win. It’s just a shame that, even after one of his most impressive showings ever, Meowth still didn’t end up with Togepi.
#3: Ash’s To Ashes
For as many episodes of “Pokemon” as there are, that’s about how many times Team Rocket has been on the wrong side of Pikachu’s thunderbolt. But, good things come to those who wait. So, after nearly twenty years of blasting off again and again, Jessie’s Mimikyu netted them a true and honest victory over Ash. No dirty tactics, and no asterisks attached. Even though they’re supposed to be villains, there’s something deeply vindicating about seeing them finally get a win after nearly a thousand episodes. If it weren't for Bewear’s impeccably bad timing, they may have actually captured Pikachu. But, given their track record, getting this close is still worth a round of applause.
#2: Goodbye, Arbok & Weezing
This is less of a fight and more of a farewell. At least, for the Pokemon. In order to give their partners time to escape poachers, Jessie and James leapt into battle themselves - and against a Tyranitar, no less. Admittedly, these two don’t have a great battling track record even with Pokemon. But, surprisingly, their fury swipes do more damage than they have any right to. And yet, the biggest blow comes in the goodbye to Arbok and Weezing. They were ostensibly Jessie and James’ starters, after all. So, while it’s heartbreaking to see them go, at least their exit lives on as one of Team Rocket’s absolute best moments.
#1: Battle for the Badge
After spending most of Kanto getting shocked into submission, Jessie, James, and Meowth got a major promotion from Rocket Grunts to substitute Gym Leaders. Then, with some borrowed Pokemon and a few rigged platforms, the trio were a genuine threat to Ash for the very first time. Since his final badge was at stake, this truly felt like the pinnacle of Team Rocket’s meddling, too. It still ends with them blasting off like always, but that’s part of the charm. This fight is simply homey, fun, and an excellent barometer for how far Ash has come. Basically, it’s a shining example of Team Rocket doing everything that Team Rocket does best.