Top 10 Things From Friends That Make NO Sense

We love this show, but some things about it just don’t add up. Welcome to MsMojo and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Things from Friends That Make NO Sense.
For this list, we’re looking at some questionable things that happen in the show that still give us pause.
#10: The Apartment Door
In a memorable season one episode of “Friends”, the gang gets locked out of the apartment on Thanksgiving because they run out to see the Underdog float that is supposedly flying through the air. A misunderstanding leaves both Rachel and Monica without keys - but wait...what do they need keys for? The friends all seem to come and go without unlocking the door on a regular basis, so why did it lock automatically this time? In fact, in the season six premiere, Chandler even jokes that the door hasn’t been locked in five years. So what gives?
#9: Joey Buying the Boat
In season six, Rachel brings Phoebe and Joey to a work charity event that involves a silent auction. Unfortunately Joey misunderstands the concept and thinks he’s supposed to guess how much the items are worth, rather than actually bidding on them. He finds himself in the position of having to pay for a $20,000 yacht. At first he tries to find a way to get the boat off his hands, but in the end purchases it anyway. But how does he afford it? He is perpetually broke throughout the series and even though he’s achieved some moderate success by this point, the odds of him having twenty grand kicking around seem slim.
#8: Emily Marrying Ross
From what we know about Emily, she seems like a woman who is pretty smart and has her life together, and yet she makes terrible decision after terrible decision when it comes to Ross. First, she agrees to marry him after they’ve only been dating for a matter of weeks. But then, when he says the wrong woman’s name at the altar (and the name happens to be his ex girlfriend’s), she marries him anyway! We get it, she was probably in shock and didn’t want to cause a scene in front of her friends and family. But she should have gotten that thing annulled the second they got to the reception.
#7: Change of Wedding Venue
In season six, Monica finds herself at a beautiful wedding venue and decides that she wants to get married there… even though she’s not engaged yet. She feels like it can’t hurt to put her name on the waiting list, since it’s a mile long anyway. But when they call her house and leave a message, Chandler overhears it. Now the audience learns that his reaction is actually an act and that he’s actually planning on proposing (which he does just a couple of episodes later). So then why in the world didn’t they get married in Monica’s dream venue? There’s never an explanation for why there was a change of plans.
#6: Rachel Accepting Joey’s “Proposal”
If you ask “Friends” fans what the worst thing the creators of the show ever did was, you’d probably have a lot of people talking about Joey and Rachel’s relationship. When their friendship turned into something more, many viewers were turned off. But what made even less sense was Rachel saying okay when she saw Joey get down on one knee in the season eight finale. Sure, she had just had a baby so her hormones were probably out of whack, but that still doesn’t explain why she would agree to marry Joey.
#5: Rachel Was Pregnant ‘Forever’
Most of you probably know that the average human pregnancy lasts nine months. But the creators of “Friends” seem to have skipped that biology class because when Rachel is pregnant with Emma, her pregnancy lasts about a year. We find out she’s pregnant around Monica and Chandler’s wedding, which took place in mid-May. Her encounter with Ross took place approximately a month before that. That would put her due date in January, but the entire holiday season passes without her showing much. She only actually goes into labor sometime between April and May of the next year!
#4: Chandler Says “I Love You” Twice
Monica and Chandler memorably hide their relationship for what feels like forever. When the gang finally all finds out about their romance in a fan-favorite episode, Chandler declares that he’s in love with Monica and her reaction makes it seem like it’s the first time she’s hearing this. But the thing is, he actually professed his love a few episodes earlier, in "The One with All the Thanksgivings". When Monica has the turkey on her head, he seems to inadvertently blurt it out, but she definitely hears him- even from inside the carcass.
#3: The Chick & the Duck
In season three, Joey gets a baby chick for Chandler as a gift. Chandler initially plans on returning it, but ends up doubling down on fowl ownership and brings home a duck as well. Ducks are illegal to own as pets in New York. While it’s legal to raise chickens, we feel like those rules don’t extend to people doing it in their backyard-free apartments. Not to mention, does this building even have any rules about pets? Apparently not because Ross came and went with his monkey all the time. We get that Chandler and Joey flout the rules, but keeping those animals cooped up like that just doesn’t seem right.
#2: All the Free Time
After all these years, we still don’t understand how this crew found time to hang out at Central Perk so much in the middle of the day. They’re often there in the morning and never seem to be in a hurry to get to work. A few of the characters have reasonable explanations for their free time: Monica is a chef so she probably works nights, while Rachel, Joey and Phoebe have inconsistent work at least in the early seasons that could leave them pockets of free time. But Chandler and Ross had pretty run of the mill jobs that were probably nine to five. Not to mention, these friends are all in their mid-20s to early 30s and yet they barely ever went to a bar?
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Chandler’s Shock at Monica’s Weight
Joey's Eyebrow Regrowth
#1: How They Afford Their Apartments
We know, we know. This question has been asked time and time again. But how in the world do any of the friends afford their Manhattan apartments? Monica’s apartment has an explanation, because it technically belongs to her grandmother, so we can assume the rent is controlled and she probably pays very little. But Phoebe lives alone for much of the time on a masseuse’s salary and Ross lives by himself for nearly the entire series. His second apartment (aka Ugly Naked Guy’s place) looks pretty luxurious for a museum employee. While none of this really adds up, we don’t mind because we’re not exactly watching “Friends” for the realistic content!