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Top 10 Things to Remember Before Seeing A Quiet Place Part II

Top 10 Things to Remember Before Seeing A Quiet Place Part II
VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Nathan Sharp
We've been eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this terrifying story for ages! For this list, we'll be looking at the most important plot points viewers should keep in mind before seeing this horror sequel. Our countdown includes Every Monster Is Covered in Armor, A New Baby, They Communicate with Realistic Sign Language, and more!

#10: The World Has Ended

The world of “A Quiet Place” is not very hospitable. Unlike many other monster and horror movies, viewers don’t see the initial attack or invasion. Instead, the movie opens with the world already in tatters and most of the human population either in hiding or completely extinguished. There’s no military to speak of, the authorities are long gone, and the towns and cities are utterly deserted. We don’t even see bands of survivors. Since the film mostly remains focused on the Abbott family, it seems like humanity is on its last legs. The only way for any survivors to stay alive on what’s left of the planet is to remain in utter silence.

#9: Every Monster Is Covered in Armor

All of the monsters, A.K.A. the Death Angels, of “A Quiet Place” are covered in plates of armor. Since bullets simply ricochet off their tough skin, most man made firearms are pretty useless against them. It's no wonder that they were able to decimate most of the world’s militaries and take over earth with this kind of armor. The death angels also generate a ton of noise themselves. This means an attack from one of them may draw even more monsters towards you. So once again, we have to emphasize that guns alone are probably not going to help you much. Luckily, the monsters do have a weakness. But we’ll talk more about that after we mention something else about this nightmarish creatures.

#8: Death Angels Are Blind

No, this isn’t the weakness we were talking about. Although it definitely can be a drawback for them. Since the monsters are completely blind, standing still and not making any noise is certainly a viable strategy. In fact, it’s pretty much your best hope when facing these practically impenetrable eye-less creatures. The death angels hunt by sound—and their sense of hearing is impeccable. Each monster can retract their own head armor to reveal a massive ear of sorts that they’ll use to hear you better. Even the slightest noise, like stepping on a crunchy leaf, is enough to draw their attention. And they will pounce with incredible speed and ferocity as soon as they’ve picked up your sound.

#7: People Are Just as Dangerous

Even though the monsters have mostly taken over, there are an unknown number of human survivors still roaming the country. Luckily, the Abbott family never came across the type of malicious roaming villains that you’d find on “The Walking Dead”. But the old man they did find seriously endangered their lives. While out walking together, they come across a man who's grieving the very recent loss of his wife. Although Lee explicitly gestures for him to keep quiet, the old man screams without regard for Lee and Marcus’s safety - or his own. The father and son barely escape with their lives as the old man gets the brutal end he seemingly so desperately wanted. In this ruined world, people are unpredictable—which makes them very dangerous.

#6: How Intelligent the Abbotts Are

It’s definitely important to remember how smart the Abbott family is. They’re not some amateur survivors surviving a dangerous world with sheer luck. No, these are resourceful, smart, and incredibly tough people who successfully battle the monsters with wits instead of weapons. The family rigged their farmhouse with numerous traps, signals, and diversions. They had a clever answer or idea for every possible scenario they could think of. They’ve managed to stay alive for over 400 days owing to their resourcefulness and quick thinking. The Abbots even found ways to make delivering a baby and playing Monopoly quiet! It’s certainly not an extravagant, fun, or easy life, but hey, they’re surviving, aren’t they?

#5: They Communicate with Realistic Sign Language

Throughout the first film, the Abbott family primarily chooses to communicate through American Sign Language. Regan Abbott, the family’s eldest child, is also deaf. She’s played by a deaf actress named Millicent Simmonds. The actress and her family also worked extensively with John Krasinski to help teach her co-actors the proper use of sign language. Their openness about their experiences heavily influenced the movie, especially the scenes shot through Regan’s perspective. The result was a realistic depiction of both how deaf people interact with the world and the use of American Sign Language. Expect more of it in “Part II”.

#4: A New Baby

The Abbott family has experienced their fair share of tragedy. At the beginning of “A Quiet Place”, Lee and Evelyn lose Beau, their third and youngest child. Beau became a victim of the monsters after playing with a loud rocket ship toy on the walk back to the farmhouse. Since Regan secretly gave Beau the toy after Lee took it away, she blamed herself for Beau’s death and began to think that Lee didn’t love her. One year after Beau’s tragic demise, Lee and Evelyn gave birth to their fourth child. It looks like their newborn son will play an important role throughout “Part II”.

#3: Lee Is Gone

“Part II” will feature Evelyn, Regan, Marcus, and the newborn baby trying to survive in the hellish post-apocalyptic world without Lee. When one of the monsters had two of his children cornered in a pickup truck, he yelled to divert its attention. Lee also declared his love for Regan to unburden her guilt and place her mind at ease before he was attacked. As the monster pounced on him, Regan and Marcus escaped and reunited with their mother in the farmhouse. It’s unclear how Lee’s passing will affect the Abbott family in the future. But we know for certain that we’ll at least see the character in the past because John Krasinski will play Lee again in flashback sequences.

#2: The Monsters Hate High-Pitched Noises

Regan’s impaired hearing is not only an important aspect of her character, but it also plays an integral role in the movie’s plot. She realizes that her cochlear implant annoys the monsters because it produces a high frequency sound. Regan uses this newfound knowledge to her advantage by placing her implant in front of a microphone and amplifying the sound. After the monster writhes in agony, it retracts its armored plates and exposes its bare skin underneath. This allows Evelyn to kill it with a shotgun. Not only did the Abbotts prove the monsters have a debilitating weakness, but they also showed they can be put down with conventional weaponry. It’ll be very exciting to see how this newfound knowledge comes into play throughout “Part II”.

#1: Continuing from a Cliffhanger Ending

Although cliffhangers can be frustrating, “A Quiet Place” leaves audiences with one that gives a long-awaited ray of hope in the otherwise bleak story. After a monster is taken down via shotgun, two more appear outside the farmhouse. The family sees the monsters approaching on CCTV and get ready to fight. As Regan grabs the microphone, Evelyn pumps the shotgun. Although they obviously survive the attack, it will still be interesting to see this battle play out. The action-oriented cliffhanger greatly shifted the balance of power in this world. This guarantees that the Abbott family is stronger and ready to go on the offensive.
