Top 10 Things You Missed In Obi-Wan Kenobi Episodes 1 and 2

The first two episodes of "Obi-Wan Kenobi" are here and they're filled with things you may have missed. For this list, we’re combing over the sands of Tatooine for trivia that both casuals and maybe a few hardcore Star Wars fans might have missed upon first viewing Obi-Wan Kenobi’s long-awaited return. Our countdown includes Clone Trooper Beggar, Hints to Reva's Origins, Force Sensitive Leia, and more! Did you pick up on any of these or were you just too blinded by Ewan McGregor’s magnificent and much-improved mullet? Let us know in the comments!
#10: The Inquisitors
Okay, so this is very much for those whose Star Wars experience has mainly consisted of the trilogies and Disney Plus up until this point. The primary antagonists for the series, the Inquisitors are Force-sensitive beings or former Jedi that were swayed to the Dark Side. Aside from newcomer Reva aka The Third Sister, the Jedi Hunters are made up of many recognisable faces from the Star Wars Rebels animated series, including the Grand Inquisitor and Fifth Brother. Considering that the Obi-Wan Kenobi series takes place a few years prior to the events of Rebels, we can assume that many will live through whatever battles are ahead…even though the Grand Inquisitor took a lightsaber to the gut at the end of Episode 2. Either that, or there’s an identical Pau’un waiting in the wings for the sake of continuity!
#9: Moisture Farming
Life on Tatooine can be rough, and if you want to make an honest living, your career options are rather limited. Hence why Owen Lars makes his credits as a moisture farmer; using vaporators to turn the arid desert air and harvest moisture from it. It certainly sounds far less interesting than learning to master the Force, but it’s good enough for Owen. We see what appears to be him mid-way through working his day job as Obi-Wan overlooks their home from a distance. Maybe if he had spent just as much time learning to defend himself as he did farming moisture he and Beru wouldn’t have ended up barbecued by Stormtroopers…
#8: Force Sensitive Leia
The last person we expected to show up in this series was a little Leia Organa, but here she is, carrying all the stubbornness and wit of Carrie Fisher with her! While somewhat on the bratty side and all too eager to jump at the chance to abandon her duties in favor of exploring, Leia does seem to demonstrate some aptitude for the Force, even at the tender age of ten. Both with her cousin and with Obi-Wan, Leia appears to delve into their minds and expose their innermost fears. Jeez, with insight like that no wonder she would go on to thrive as a senator.
#7: Luke Skywalker: Future Pilot
Like his father before him, Luke has a fondness and true talent when it comes to soaring across space behind the joystick of an intergalactic aircraft. Apparently, this started at an early age for him. As Obi-Wan spies on the Lars homestead, he sees Luke playing with some manner of virtual reality headset, one that resembles a pod-racer’s, while pretending to drive it. Given how desperate he was to enter the academy at the start of A New Hope, it’s clear his dream of leaving his old life had been on his mind for a long time.
#6: Clone Trooper Beggar
Out with the old, in with the new, that seems to be the Empire’s policy when it comes to bolstering their ranks. The Clone Troopers were an essential foundation in the Emperor’s plans, and formed the backbone of the Republic’s forces during the Clone Wars, but after they had served their purpose following Order 66, they were either disposed of or discarded. It’s during Obi-Wan’s rescue mission on the planet Daiyo that we learn the fate of one such clone – begging on the street, left to rot, while his replacements wander by without giving him a second thought. The fact that this nameless clone is played by Temura Morrison just further hammers the point home.
#5: Spice Lab
The galaxy is filled with all manner of evil, though it doesn’t always take the form of a black cloaked killer with a lightsaber. Sometimes it’s just space drugs! As Obi-Wan hunts down the kidnapped Leia, he comes across what appears to be a drug lab, one that just happened to contain a familiar orange substance last seen in the Book of Boba Fett – Spice. Highly sought after, highly profitable, and apparently quite potent, given the way in which Obi-Wan used it to knock out Vect and his gang with just a small portion. Way to Walter White it!
#4: Flea
Any Red Hot Chilli Pepper fans in the house? Because your boy is now officially part of the Star Wars canon. For those wondering which grizzled actor was portraying kidnapper Vect Nokru, the answer is Flea; long-time bassist for the renowned rock band. The part may be small, but Flea easily pulls off a grimy merc happy to snatch up children for the sake of a few credits, before ultimately getting chopped up by the Grand Inquisitor. Fun fact – series showrunner and director Deborah Chow did the music video for the Chilli Pepper’s song Black Summer. Nice to see their working relationship has continued to flourish.
#3: The Eopie
So, about that steed that Obi-Wan’s been traversing Tatooine with. The one that looks like a combination of horse, camel and anteater. Turns out this isn’t the first time we’ve seen one. At the conclusion of Revenge of the Sith, we see it waiting patiently for Obi-Wan as he hands baby Luke over to Owen and Beru. It’s actually a race of herbivores native to Tatooine known as an Eopie. Granted, it looked way worse back then due to decade’s old CGI, but now it’s been reintroduced in all its adorable glory. Though we’re sure many are still pining for Obi-Wan to saddle up on another Boga.
#2: Hints to Reva's Origins
Obi-Wan Kenobi’s opening sequence is as awesome as it is harrowing, since it leaps straight into the action as Clone Troopers lay siege to a Jedi Temple during Order 66. There, we see a Jedi frantically attempt to protect a group of younglings, eventually at the cost of her own life. As far as we can tell, the younglings are able to escape, one of whom might just be Reva. Knowing how the Inquisitors like to snatch up Force-sensitives that can be molded to their liking, there’s every chance that Reva was among the escapees, only to be later taken and turned to the Dark Side.
#1: T-16 Skyhopper
It’s always the little things that leave the biggest impact. After getting his hands on a toy ship from a Jawa, Obi-Wan chooses to leave it for Luke as a gift. At least until Owen decides to return it, in pieces. The model is that of a T-16 skyhopper. Not only do we see an older Luke playing around with one in A New Hope, but he makes a point of mentioning before the assault on the Death Star that he used to fly around on a real one, shooting up womp rats back in the day. No shooting up womp rats means no target practice, no target practice means the Death Star doesn’t get blown to pieces. We can’t say this all stemmed from a toy that Obi-Wan left him, but it’s a really nice touch that has some larger-than-life implications.