Top 10 Animated Star Wars Characters

#10: Asajj Ventress
This deadly Sith assassin has crossed blades with the Jedi over countless stories across different media. Originally introduced in the 2003 “Clone Wars” series, she continued to appear in the 2008 animated movie and subsequent animated series. Asajj Ventress is a powerful Force-user who initially serves as a Sith enforcer, and gradually becomes more of an anti-hero as the series progresses. Her acrobatic fighting style makes her a deadly foe, and her quick wit and distinctive look make her so fun to watch whenever she’s on-screen. A complex character who served as a perfect foil for Ahsoka and Anakin, as well as the other Jedi, Ventress is one of the deadliest Force-users in the galaxy.
#9: Sabine Wren
This Mandalorian graffiti artist and revolutionary leader has a lot going for her. A powerful combatant and explosives specialist, Sabine is a stalwart rebel and warrior. Over the course of the show, she learns to fight with the fabled Darksaber, a legendary blade crafted for the first Mandalorian Jedi. While it takes some getting used to, Sabine proves to be a deadly combatant with the blade. Seeing her grow into a confident rebel leader is what makes Sabine so compelling to watch. While most Mandalorians are already battle-hardened, serious warriors, we get to see Sabine confront her mistakes, deal with guilt and shame, and rise above it all.
#8: Kanan Jarrus
A survivor of the deadly Order 66, the Jedi formerly known as Caleb Dume joined the early Rebel Alliance and served as a mentor and trainer to the young Ezra Bridger. Being forced to live a life in hiding has turned Kanan into more of a swashbuckling rogue than a calm monk like the Jedi of the Republic. A skilled fighter, Kanan grows as a Jedi after being blinded by Darth Maul. Learning to use the Force to enhance his senses, Kanan develops into an amazing warrior, and a great Rebel leader. While Kanan can be easily frustrated, he is also passionate and cares deeply for his friends, and would lay down his life for any of his loved ones.
#7: Hondo Ohnaka
It’s impossible not to love this crazy pirate. Hysterical, quick-witted, charming, and devious, Hondo both serves as a loveable rogue and a dangerous adversary to the Republic, Separatists, Empire, and First Order. First appearing in “The Clone Wars,” Hondo also becomes close to the nascent rebellion in “Rebels,” even becoming friends with Ezra Bridger. Voiced by the legendary Jim Cummings, this pirate king is so delightful to watch anytime he’s on-screen, and you can’t help but enjoy all his double-crosses. He’s certainly one of the funniest and most entertaining characters on this list.
#6: Obi-Wan Kenobi
One of the more famous characters from the live-action movies, Obi-Wan Kenobi gets some great development and moments in the animated “Star Wars” universe. It turns out the wise and kindly Old Ben was pretty sassy back in his prime, resorting to clever one-liners, quips, and mastering the art of trolling. as well as the lightsaber. More than that, Obi-Wan’s friendship with Anakin is explored in-depth, making their eventual battles all the more heartbreaking. A relationship with the Mandalorian Duchess Satine, as well as a bitter rivalry with the man who killed his master, Darth Maul, give Obi-Wan plenty of action, character development, and great moments that rival his finest in the movies.
#5: Anakin Skywalker
If you were hoping for more character development for the Jedi that would eventually become one of the most powerful Sith in the galaxy, the animated “Clone Wars” have you covered. Throughout the series, we are witness to Anakin’s kindness and heroism, while also seeing the dark side within him grow. Moreover, we get to see Anakin’s relationship with his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. This new and interesting dynamic puts Anakin into the position of being a master to an apprentice, trying to teach a brash young Jedi who reminds him a lot of himself. Anakin’s character growth and depth in the series makes his eventual fall to the dark side so much sadder and so much more fulfilling.
#4: Darth Maul
This iconic villain got a great duel and an incredible theme in “The Phantom Menace,” but not much dialogue or story. Well, that all changes in the animated series. Darth Maul returns, haunted by his failure and motivated by an all-consuming need for revenge against his nemesis, Obi-Wan Kenobi. With an excellent performance by Sam Witwer, Maul’s conniving nature is fascinating to watch. This villain is all the more interesting because his motives and methods are so different from the other Sith, whom he feels have betrayed him. Now an independent agent, Maul makes a fantastic antagonist and it was a great call to explore this character further in the animated series.
#3: Grand Admiral Thrawn
Originally introduced in the excellent novels by Timothy Zahn, Grand Admiral Thrawn is a terrifying force to be reckoned with. A highly intelligent admiral with a fascination for art and an interest in studying his opponents, Thrawn is more than a match for any foe he faces. Always one step ahead of the Rebels, Thrawn is a fantastic antagonist who does not rely on brute strength to challenge the heroes, but rather his massive intellect. What’s more, he’s voiced by the legendary Lars Mikkelsen, who delivers a sinister and charming performance. We are so happy this incredible character from the novels made it into the animated series, and equally happy that his character was handled so perfectly.
#2: Captain Rex
You would think it’d be difficult to give an army of clones with the exact same voice distinct personalities, but several clones throughout the series managed to do just that. None were more beloved than fan-favorite Captain Rex. While other clones, like the malformed 99, are heroes in their own right, none hold a candle to Rex. Serving under Anakin and Ahsoka, Rex is a bold leader who cares deeply for his brothers. What’s more, Captain Rex was one of the only clones to escape Order 66’s control, with the help of Ahsoka. Rex would escape the Empire’s grasp and go on to serve with the Rebels, further cementing his status as a hero.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Mother Talzin
The Mysterious Mother of Darth Maul
Cad Bane
A Fearsome Bounty Hunter Who Specializes in Jedi
Savage Opress
The Terrifying Brother of Maul
Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios
A Rebel Warrior With a Serious Grudge Against the Empire
Ezra Bridger
A Young Jedi Rebel with a Heart of Gold
#1: Ahsoka Tano
Anakin’s Padawan was not well received when she was first introduced in the 2008 movie, but boy has she changed. Fans got to see Ahsoka develop from a childish Padawan into an incredible warrior, and then into a more experienced master in “Rebels.” A headstrong Jedi with a firm sense of who she is and the difference between right and wrong, Ahsoka began as a Jedi but left the order when she realized she did not belong, still managing to do good wherever she went. Her relationship with her master was one of mutual respect, and watching her finally meet Darth Vader in “Rebels” is an indescribable moment. Ahsoka represents the best of what the animated “Star Wars” universe has to offer.