Top 10 Things You Missed in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 6

#10: Sam’s Historic Connection to NYC
It was incredibly fitting that Sam debuted as Captain America in New York City. Not only is it the city where Steve first used his powers in the MCU, but it’s a location with comic significance as well. In the comics, Sam risks his life to shield the Avengers from a bomb while they’re in New York City. Shortly after he manages to survive the explosion, he’s officially named the new Captain America. The MCU’s version of Sam definitely proved he was worthy of the mantle with his heroics in New York. And judging by the amount of applause he got, the city loves him back.
#9: Bucky’s Hand Usage Tells a Story
Despite how useful Bucky’s left arm can be, he claims to prefer his right. After letting his guard down during a calm moment, he catches a projectile with his right hand. Bucky uses the same hand to show Flag Smashers how he tricked them when the fight is over. However, he notably takes a potentially hostile phone call from Karli with his left. He also uncovers the metal hand before guilitly confessing what he did to Mr. Nakajima’s son. This seems to suggest that when he’s outside of battle, he saves his right hand for calm moments and his left for darker situations. But after making amends, Bucky uses his left hand to entertain children while gesturing with his right. Maybe he’s finally found balance.
#8: Walker Let the Shield Go for Better Reasons Than His Comic Counterpart
John Walker’s been spiraling down an increasingly darker path lately. So, it was shocking to see him abandon his revenge quest against Karli to save innocent people from falling. When he rushes in to save the day, he lets his shield fall. His comic counterpart once let the weapon go for a very different reason in the comics. Walker was part of the West Coast Avengers until the team disbanded. He demonstrated how jaded he had become about heroics by letting his shield sink into the ocean. By contrast, the show’s version of the character allies himself with the good guys after leaving the weapon behind. It’s a great twist on the comics to see Walker truly become a hero after he discards his shield.
#7: The Cap Callbacks in Sam & Karli’s Fight
Despite being knocked down many times in the MCU, Captain America often stood up against his enemies while saying six legendary words. Sam echoed that habit when Karli kept attacking him. Since he didn’t want to strike back, she asks him to throw in the towel. But he doesn’t. Sam’s refusal to fight also echoes the time a brainwashed Bucky kept hitting Steve at the end of “Winter Soldier”. No matter how much pain he endured, Steve refused to fight. His peaceful approach gave him the chance to save Bucky in the end. Unlike Steve, Sam’s commitment to non violence had a tragic conclusion. The new Cap wasn’t able to save Karli.
#6: Sam & Batroc’s Rivalry Was Supposed to Go On Longer
Shortly after we see Sam debut his new Captain America suit, a furious Batroc attacks him to get revenge. This matchup is a perfect reflection of comic history. During Sam’s very first mission as Captain America, he clashes with Batroc in a secret base. Their fight ends when Sam’s ally Ian knocks the villain off a high structure. Somehow, Batroc manages to survive and plot for revenge. Unfortunately for his MCU counterpart, Sam’s ally Sharon seems to have taken the villain down for good. Batroc’s sudden demise was a shocking end to his historic rivalry with Sam. But we don’t think the new Cap will miss him.
#5: “On Your Left” Comes Full Circle
While Sam was jogging one day, Steve zipped by him and said (insert SB here). They became fast friends after this funny encounter. This experience affected Sam so much that he seemingly left room for Cap to pass him on the left when jogging in episode 5. We see this directional symbolism once more in the sixth episode. When Bucky congratulates Sam on becoming Cap, Sam is standing to Bucky’s left. The new Cap is on the left of the old Winter soldier again right before the credits roll. Who knew a silly directional joke Steve made years ago would become so meaningful?
#4: The Significance of Sharon’s Mask
Not only did we get confirmation that Sharon Carter was the mysterious Power Broker in episode 6, but we may know how she kept her villainous identity under wraps for so long. Zemo previously hinted that the shady Power Broker was male. When Bucky first encounters Sharon in NYC, she’s wearing a digital mask that makes her appear to be a man. Maybe she wore the mask in Madripoor so no one would expect she was the Power Broker. This would explain plot details like why bounty hunters attacked her on Madripoor and Batroc’s surprise at knowing the truth. Sharon’s mask may have been the reason everybody was fooled.
#3: Isaiah Finally Gets the Ending he deserves
After Isaiah Bradley was experimented on with super soldier serum and saving lives, the government tried to bury his heroic exploits. When the truth in the comics, he received a personal gift from Steve Rogers. Thanks to Captain America, Bradley was reunited with his old costume. Sam went a step further to pay his respects. Before the episode ends, he shows Bradley that there is a statue and plaque that tells the true story of the first black Captain America. The monuments alone may never make up for what Bradley suffered. But seeing him realize that people will always recognize his sacrifices is the happy ending he never got in the comics.
#2: There May Be a Lot of Pressure Heading Sam’s Way
Although we’re not sure if “Captain America and the Winter Soldier” will come back with new episodes in the future, we know of a possible direction the story could take. In the comics, many people were against Sam’s appointment as the Star-Spangled Man. He had to endure a ton of criticism from news outlets and had to watch people protest him in the streets. A combination of public pressure and a few bad incidents push him to step down. Now that Sam is officially the new Cap, there will be a lot of eyes on him. If he makes the wrong move, the public might turn on him like they did in the comics.
#1: John Walker May Join a Superhero Team
What will John Walker do now that he’s officially the U.S. Agent? If the comics are any indication, he’s about to fight alongside other heroes. Although Walker’s been a part of many alliances, we think he’s most likely to join a team called Force Works. In 2020, the team included members like War Machine, Maria Hill, Mockingbird and Quake. We’ve seen all four of these heroes in live action recently. Admittedly, we’re unsure if the actresses who played Mockingbird and Quake will carry over from “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”. But War Machine and Maria Hill are definitely staples of the MCU. We might see Walker fighting alongside Rhodey, Maria and more in the upcoming “Armor Wars” show or a film. "