Top 10 Things You Missed in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 5

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 things you missed in “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” episode 5.
For this list, we'll be looking at the Easter Eggs, comic book references, and MCU callbacks you might've missed in this episode of the Disney+ series. Since we'll be talking about every detail, beware of big spoilers flying your way.
Which of these flew under your radar? Let us know in the comments below.
#10: Walker's Parallels to Iron Man
Walker took a break from imitating Captain America in episode 5 so that he could follow in Iron Man's footsteps. As we anticipated, Walker found himself fighting two heroes at once like Iron Man did in “Civil War”. However, we weren't expecting his left arm to end up in a sling after fighting the Winter Soldier; that's exactly what happened to Tony in “Civil War.” But Walker saved a major “Iron Man” comparison for last: when we heard him hammering away after the credits, we immediately thought back to “Avengers Endgame.” You can hear the sound of Tony hammering in the credits of that film. Maybe Walker is imitating Iron Man because of his recent fallout with the Captain America mantle.
#9: Zemo Might Have Cellmates in the Raft
The Raft is a prison specifically designed to hold superpowered people, where a handful of Avengers were sent in “Civil War” - and it looks like it's getting one more high profile prisoner. Luke Cage also had his brother Willis Stryker - A.K.A. Diamondback - imprisoned there after the two fought in Harlem. He later brought this up to Jessica Jones after her adopted sister Trish committed several evil acts. After some debate, the heroine sent her sister to the Raft as well. Admittedly, we're not 100% sure if the events of “Luke Cage” or “Jessica Jones” will be mentioned in the MCU TV shows or movies. But if those stories are canon, Zemo will spend a lot of time with Diamondback and Trish Walker in the future.
#8: Walker Was Calmer About the Cap Situation in the Comics
After taking the life of a Flag-Smasher, Walker is discharged from active service and informed that he can no longer be Captain America. He… does not take this news well. However, this process went down much differently for his comic counterpart. While Walker was serving as Captain America, he was, ironically enough, kidnapped by Flag-Smasher and saved by Steve Rogers. So, the higher ups decided to give the mantle back to the first Captain America. Instead of reacting negatively, Walker encourages Steve and personally hands over the shield. The contrast between how two Walkers handled this moment makes the show's version of Walker seem more unhinged, childish and dangerous.
#7: Bradley & His Wife Experience a Different Tragic Fate
Isaiah Bradley never got to say a proper goodbye to his wife before she passed on. While he was in prison, she went to her grave believing that her husband had already died. Sadly, their story doesn't have a happy ending in the comics either. The comic version of Faith Bradley always believed her husband was alive and fought to free him from imprisonment. By the time she got him out, Isaiah's mind had deteriorated so much that he could barely talk. Since the show's version of the character didn't lose his ability to speak, he's able to give Sam a unique perspective about being Captain America. But he's still unable to get the time he deserved to have with his wife.
#6: Walker May Become a Darker Version of U.S. Agent
Now that Walker's a free agent, we think we know what his next move will be. After he handed over Captain America's shield in the comics, it looked like we wouldn't see him again. But a few issues later, Walker returned as a hero called the U.S. Agent. That version of the character had the backing of government officials. But the show's Walker has clearly fallen out of favor with his higher ups. If he decides to take his homemade shield out into the field, he'll have no official support. Walker already did terrible things when he was reporting to his higher ups. So it's scary to think what he'll do if he starts his career as U.S. agent as an unlicensed vigilante.
#5: Torres Once Had… Organic Wings?
During episode 5, Torres gets his hands on Sam's damaged pair of wings. It felt like this moment confirmed that he'll follow his comic book counterpart and become the next MCU Falcon. But there's one major difference between the two interpretations of this character. In the comics, Torres grows wings after he's experimented on by a twisted doctor. He also gains a fast healing factor. While Sam Wilson is struggling with being a werewolf (don't ask), Torres flies in with his new abilities for the first time. We somehow doubt we'll see Anthony Mackie as a werewolf or Danny Ramirez sporting organic wings like he's X-Men's Angel. But we are certain that a new hero is waiting in the wings.
#4: Falcon Just Got a Significant Upgrade
Before we had time to mourn the loss of Sam's wings, Bucky asked the Wakandans to replace the crucial accessories. Although we haven't fully seen them in action yet, the comics give us a few exciting ideas about what they'll be able to do. We've seen Sam's Wakandan wings get a vibranium micro weave that give him some extra protection. He's also gotten upgrades that let him change the shape of his wings, fly much faster and even regenerate them if they're damaged. We've seen the people of Wakanda produce some awe-inspiring tech in live-action. The MCU's version of the wings might be able to do everything they can in the comics and more.
#3: Sharon Carter Seems Very Suspect
Eagle-eyed viewers started suspecting Sharon might be up to no good when they got a look at her phone. Director Rian Johnson once claimed that villains aren't allowed to use Apple products in Hollywood movies. Not only does Sharon lack an iPhone, but she also seemingly used it to spring Batroc from jail and hire him. But is she as evil as she seems? The first thing we see Batroc do is join Karli's crew. If Sharon wanted to get intel on the Flag-Smashers, she could've easily sent him undercover as a double agent. It feels like there's a 50/50 chance of her being good or evil. We guess the finale will reveal whether she's as evil as the Power Broker or as good as the Avengers.
#2: Contessa Valentina May Have Been a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent
Our jaws dropped when we saw legendary actress Julia Louis Dreyfus appear as Contessa Valentina. In the comics, this character was once an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. She even fought alongside Sharon Carter on a team called the Femme Force. However, Valentina is later revealed to be a Russian mole within S.H.I.E.L.D. Since Dreyfus is set to appear in “Black Widow”, this story could play out in the MCU. Natasha Romanoff was infamously trained as a Russian agent before joining S.H.I.E.L.D. Did the Avenger have meetings with Nick Fury and Valentina? Or did the two women meet under more… questionable circumstances? Either way, we can't wait to see what Valentina does next.
#1: U.S. Agent Was Once Sent to Take the Shield from Sam
Sam and Bucky fought like hell to reclaim the shield from someone who they didn't believe was worthy of holding it. This scene is a unique reflection of the comics. A group uses negative tweets, slanted news reports and biased arguments to help convince U.S. Agent to take the shield from Sam. This leads to an absolutely brutal one-on-one fight between the former and current Captain Americas. In the end, Sam Wilson wins the right to keep the mantle. Now that Sam has the shield and Walker is set to become U.S. Agent, this comic matchup looks more and more likely. We hope the show mirrors the comics and Sam stands victorious again.
#10: Walker’s Parallels to Iron Man
Walker took a break from imitating Captain America in episode 5 so that he could follow in Iron Man’s footsteps. As we anticipated, Walker found himself fighting two heroes at once like Iron Man did in “Civil War”. However, we weren't expecting his left arm to end up in a sling after fighting the Winter Soldier; that’s exactly what happened to Tony in “Civil War.” But Walker saved a major “Iron Man” comparison for last: when we heard him hammering away after the credits, we immediately thought back to “Avengers Endgame.” You can hear the sound of Tony hammering in the credits of that film. Maybe Walker is imitating Iron Man because of his recent fallout with the Captain America mantle.
#9: Zemo Might Have Cellmates in the Raft
The Raft is a prison specifically designed to hold superpowered people, where a handful of Avengers were sent in “Civil War” - and it looks like it’s getting one more high profile prisoner. Luke Cage also had his brother Willis Stryker - A.K.A. Diamondback - imprisoned there after the two fought in Harlem. He later brought this up to Jessica Jones after her adopted sister Trish committed several evil acts. After some debate, the heroine sent her sister to the Raft as well. Admittedly, we’re not 100% sure if the events of “Luke Cage” or “Jessica Jones” will be mentioned in the MCU TV shows or movies. But if those stories are canon, Zemo will spend a lot of time with Diamondback and Trish Walker in the future.
#8: Walker Was Calmer About the Cap Situation in the Comics
After taking the life of a Flag-Smasher, Walker is discharged from active service and informed that he can no longer be Captain America. He… does not take this news well. However, this process went down much differently for his comic counterpart. While Walker was serving as Captain America, he was, ironically enough, kidnapped by Flag-Smasher and saved by Steve Rogers. So, the higher ups decided to give the mantle back to the first Captain America. Instead of reacting negatively, Walker encourages Steve and personally hands over the shield. The contrast between how two Walkers handled this moment makes the show’s version of Walker seem more unhinged, childish and dangerous.
#7: Bradley & His Wife Experience a Different Tragic Fate
Isaiah Bradley never got to say a proper goodbye to his wife before she passed on. While he was in prison, she went to her grave believing that her husband had already died. Sadly, their story doesn’t have a happy ending in the comics either. The comic version of Faith Bradley always believed her husband was alive and fought to free him from imprisonment. By the time she got him out, Isaiah’s mind had deteriorated so much that he could barely talk. Since the show’s version of the character didn’t lose his ability to speak, he’s able to give Sam a unique perspective about being Captain America. But he’s still unable to get the time he deserved to have with his wife.
#6: Walker May Become a Darker Version of U.S. Agent
Now that Walker’s a free agent, we think we know what his next move will be. After he handed over Captain America’s shield in the comics, it looked like we wouldn’t see him again. But a few issues later, Walker returned as a hero called the U.S. Agent. That version of the character had the backing of government officials. But the show’s Walker has clearly fallen out of favor with his higher ups. If he decides to take his homemade shield out into the field, he’ll have no official support. Walker already did terrible things when he was reporting to his higher ups. So it’s scary to think what he’ll do if he starts his career as U.S. agent as an unlicensed vigilante.
#5: Torres Once Had… Organic Wings?
During episode 5, Torres gets his hands on Sam’s damaged pair of wings. It felt like this moment confirmed that he’ll follow his comic book counterpart and become the next MCU Falcon. But there’s one major difference between the two interpretations of this character. In the comics, Torres grows wings after he’s experimented on by a twisted doctor. He also gains a fast healing factor. While Sam Wilson is struggling with being a werewolf (don’t ask), Torres flies in with his new abilities for the first time. We somehow doubt we’ll see Anthony Mackie as a werewolf or Danny Ramirez sporting organic wings like he’s X-Men’s Angel. But we are certain that a new hero is waiting in the wings.
#4: Falcon Just Got a Significant Upgrade
Before we had time to mourn the loss of Sam’s wings, Bucky asked the Wakandans to replace the crucial accessories. Although we haven’t fully seen them in action yet, the comics give us a few exciting ideas about what they’ll be able to do. We’ve seen Sam’s Wakandan wings get a vibranium micro weave that give him some extra protection. He’s also gotten upgrades that let him change the shape of his wings, fly much faster and even regenerate them if they’re damaged. We’ve seen the people of Wakanda produce some awe-inspiring tech in live-action. The MCU’s version of the wings might be able to do everything they can in the comics and more.
#3: Sharon Carter Seems Very Suspect
Eagle-eyed viewers started suspecting Sharon might be up to no good when they got a look at her phone. Director Rian Johnson once claimed that villains aren’t allowed to use Apple products in Hollywood movies. Not only does Sharon lack an iPhone, but she also seemingly used it to spring Batroc from jail and hire him. But is she as evil as she seems? The first thing we see Batroc do is join Karli’s crew. If Sharon wanted to get intel on the Flag-Smashers, she could’ve easily sent him undercover as a double agent. It feels like there’s a 50/50 chance of her being good or evil. We guess the finale will reveal whether she’s as evil as the Power Broker or as good as the Avengers.
#2: Contessa Valentina May Have Been a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent
Our jaws dropped when we saw legendary actress Julia Louis Dreyfus appear as Contessa Valentina. In the comics, this character was once an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. She even fought alongside Sharon Carter on a team called the Femme Force. However, Valentina is later revealed to be a Russian mole within S.H.I.E.L.D. Since Dreyfus is set to appear in “Black Widow”, this story could play out in the MCU. Natasha Romanoff was infamously trained as a Russian agent before joining S.H.I.E.L.D. Did the Avenger have meetings with Nick Fury and Valentina? Or did the two women meet under more… questionable circumstances? Either way, we can’t wait to see what Valentina does next.
#1: U.S. Agent Was Once Sent to Take the Shield from Sam
Sam and Bucky fought like hell to reclaim the shield from someone who they didn’t believe was worthy of holding it. This scene is a unique reflection of the comics. A group uses negative tweets, slanted news reports and biased arguments to help convince U.S. Agent to take the shield from Sam. This leads to an absolutely brutal one-on-one fight between the former and current Captain Americas. In the end, Sam Wilson wins the right to keep the mantle. Now that Sam has the shield and Walker is set to become U.S. Agent, this comic matchup looks more and more likely. We hope the show mirrors the comics and Sam stands victorious again.