Top 10 Things You Should NEVER Say to Millennials

#10: “You’re Always on Your Phone”
Millennials grew up as a digital shift occurred in society, so they understandably tend to be pretty tech savvy. But to accuse them of being unable to disconnect from their phones? Well that’s just not fair – and not true. Sure, most of them have significant online presences. But the members of this generation also know how to have meaningful offline interactions! What’s more, it’s not right to assume that the things they’re doing while on their phones aren’t important. These devices allow folks to get in touch with loved ones who may be far away, check the news in real time, foster community, and so much more!
#9: "Therapy Is Useless"
There was a time when therapy was seen as taboo, but the last thing we need to do is perpetuate that stigma today. After all, mental health was largely brushed under the rug for far too long. But these days, many millennials have psychologists, counselors, or psychiatrists that they regularly visit to help them process their feelings. The fact that they’re willing to take that time to care for themselves is something everyone should be applauding, not trying to invalidate by calling it useless. Maybe you’ve tried therapy and genuinely found that it wasn’t right for you, or maybe you aren’t interested in taking that step. Either way, there’s no reason to get down on those it helps.
#8: "Side Parts Suck"
Zoomers have decided that the middle part is where it’s at. They’ve therefore largely shunned the side part – and the millennials who sport it on the daily. But back in the 2000s, this Gen Y hairdo was all the rage. Anybody who was anybody was parting their hair to one side. In fact, doing the opposite was considered uncool! So it’s easy to understand why millennials don’t want to change course now. And hey, maybe there’s still hope for this hairstyle. After all, Gen Z “Euphoria” star Sydney Sweeney – who was born in 1997 on the cusp of the generation change – has been seen rocking it. In conclusion, leave the side part alone!
#7: "Harry Potter Houses Are Stupid"
Which Hogwarts house do you belong in – Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin? If you’re a millennial, we bet you answered that question without missing a beat. If you’re a Zoomer who thinks it’s all silly, hear us out. The “Harry Potter” books and movies were formative for many members of Gen Y. Figuring out which of the Hogwarts houses best suits one’s personality is a big part of the fan experience, and it’s fun! Who didn’t want to take the Sorting Hat for a spin?! Many millennials found comfort in the Wizarding World with Harry, Hermione, and Ron, and have an attachment of sorts to the franchise. Let them have their joy!
#6: "Stop Changing Jobs"
Baby boomers likely remember finding work after graduating in their early 20s, and staying there until retirement. But the landscape has changed, and millennials tend to switch jobs more. Telling them to simply stop doing so misses the point on a few different levels. The members of this generation seem less likely to put up with toxic or rigid working conditions. And they aren’t afraid to look elsewhere if their talents aren’t being appreciated or fairly compensated. Many also want a career that speaks to them and fuels their passions – and it can take kissing a few metaphorical frogs before getting it right! Aren’t those all good things?!
#5: “You’re Responsible for the Downfall of American Industries”
Generation Y has been accused of destroying just about any industry you could think of, from casual dining, to brick-and-mortar stores, to cheese. Yeah, you heard that last one right. But you know what they say, correlation doesn’t always equal causation. Look, we’re not saying certain businesses aren’t struggling. But why do people love to pin that on the millennials in their lives, as if they’re evil masterminds? There’s no malicious plan to bring these enterprises down. The reality is that peoples’ habits aren’t set in stone. And as populations prioritize things like sustainable shopping and healthy eating, companies must pivot. So let’s not play the blame game!
#4: "Why Aren't You Having Kids?"
Childless millennials are increasingly common. A slew of factors are thought to play into this reality – the threat of climate change, economic instability, public health crises – take your pick. But the big question we have is this: why do people feel inclined to grill the members of this generation about why they’re not going the parenthood route? Deciding whether or not to bring a baby into the world is a deeply personal choice. From the issues we previously named, to fertility struggles, to just not wanting kids, there are many reasons why someone would remain childless. At the end of the day, it’s really none of anybody else’s business.
#3: "You're Too Sensitive"
What millennial hasn’t heard this before? Maybe you’ve even been called a “snowflake” who’s too easily offended. Members of older generations seem to love talking about how they just dealt with whatever life threw at them without complaining. Those same people tend to accuse Gen Y folks of being too sensitive, often pointing to their advocacy for various social issues. But just because someone is calling out problematic behavior doesn’t mean they’re overly emotional. If anything, it’s a sign of strength to stand up for human rights, and demand that your life – and those of others – be respected and valued. If you ask us, it’s high time this insult gets retired.
#2: "Your Generation Is Lazy & Entitled"
As far as widespread and harmful generalizations about millennials go, this one is high up there. And it’s not really based on any kind of objective truth. Rather, it comes from a series of assumptions about what the Gen Y cohort is like. It’s said that they don’t work hard, that they think the world owes them something, and so on. But that’s unfair. Maybe they do things differently at the office, using the technology at their disposal to streamline operations. Maybe they speak up when they see something they can improve. Maybe they demand flexibility because they value having a work-life balance. None of that makes them lazy or entitled though – it makes them resourceful and well-rounded.
#1: “Avocado Toasts & Lattes Are the Reason You Can’t Afford a House”
Raise your hand if you’re a millennial who’s ever felt personally victimized by the housing market. Now, raise your hand if you’ve been told you’re bad at saving money. You see where we’re going with this. Buying a house is something many millennials can’t afford to do, and people love to blame their spending habits. More specifically, they love blaming their supposed affinity for avocado toasts and lattes. But the fact is that there are real issues making it exceedingly difficult to join the home owner’s club. Do the words recession, pandemic, or student loan debt ring a bell? Combine that with rising inflation, low wages, and astronomical property prices, and it’s no wonder many stay home or rent! Need we say more?