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Top 10 Things People Hate For No Good Reason

Top 10 Things People Hate For No Good Reason
Haters gonna hate. For this list, we're looking at things, groups, actions or whatever that seem to attract high levels of negative judgment, with little rational reasoning behind it. Welcome to, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Things People Hate for No Good Reason. (For the record, we're not necessarily saying we hate these things, but we understand why people do.

Haters gonna hate. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Things People Hate for No Good Reason.

For this list, we’re looking at things, groups, actions or whatever that seem to attract high levels of negative judgment, with little rational reasoning behind it. For the record, we’re not necessarily saying we hate these things, but we understand why people do.

#10: PDA

Making out can be a wonderful experience, over/under clothing explorations can be exhilarating, and don’t get us started on the other stuff. But as pleasurable as these simple acts are, there’s just something icky about seeing other people express their love – or, worse yet, lust – in public. It’s awkward as hell when the frisky couple beside you on the bus invades your personal space – but haven’t we all felt that uncontainable urge before? In the end, the only person who should be concerned about a bit of handholding or bum patting is the one whose hand’s being held or bum’s being patted.

#9: Vegans

So they don’t eat meat; that just means more for the rest of us! Okay, it’s true that having a vegan friend can be a source of mild irritation when making dinner plans, but as long as they don’t force-feed you tofu and lentils, it shouldn’t be a big deal. Is it that some people view this lifestyle choice as a judgment on their own meat-eating habits? Or do their vegan friends just keep reminding them how cute baby cows are or how smart pigs are? Ultimately, if you and your friend don’t agree on the deliciousness of a double-bacon cheeseburger, who cares?

#8: Sports

To sports fans, their sport, team, or player is everything. But for those that don’t know which end of the soccer bat they’re supposed to shoot with, sports can be pure boredom. The average baseball game lasts three hours, and might see a solid 10 minutes of action. That’s time that could be spent playing “Counter Strike” or watching “Jurassic Park” or something. Anti-sports fanatics are quick to say that sports just don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. And don’t even get them started on pro athletes’ salaries. Or how stupidly confusing the rules are. Or the inanity of team rivalries.

#7: Luddites

When we use the term “luddite,” we’re usually talking about that one friend we have who’s still not on Facebook or who’s afraid the internet is taking over our lives or who can’t accept that cellphones are no longer reserved for 1980s’ stockbrokers. Some display an annoying lack of interest in modern technology, some make very late-to-the-game attempts to catch up and some are just flat out technophobes, but how many of them will actually go out and destroy a laboratory because of their beliefs? Not many. Think of it this way: if they don’t want to embrace the modern world it’s their loss, not yours. Plus, nobody hates the Amish, right?

#6: Goths

Most high schools have a Goth clique – even if it’s just that one guy. Not exactly known as “outgoing,” the Gothic crowd tends to embrace the darker things like black clothing, black hair dye, black lipstick, and the collective works of Robert Smith. But beyond a monochromatic wardrobe and an extensive collection of Cradle of Filth CDs, what really makes our Gothic brethren any different from you or me? Appearances aside, they don’t actually do anything to justify the scorn they seem to earn just by being themselves. So, rather than hate the Gothic among us remember that deep down they’re just as afraid of you as you are of them.

#5: Selfies

Sure, maybe selfies and #SquadGoals get annoying, maybe not every single thing you do today is worth documenting, and maybe back in the olden days film was a rare and costly investment, but is someone taking a picture of themselves really the worst thing ever? In a dangerous setting, taking a selfie isn’t the wisest of life decisions; but in a controlled, safe, and morally acceptable environment, what’s the harm? A lot of people will tell you to stop trying to capture the moment and just cherish the memories you’re busy making. But how fun is it to look back on that pic of you with the President or at the Oscars?

#4: The Mainstream

Don’t you hate it when that show, band, song, or coffee shop you can’t get enough of turns out to be the favorite of a lot of decidedly average and uninteresting people? People want nothing more than to be different; there’s something special about loving something that only you know about. So when you see the same “Big Bang Theory” rerun for the thousandth time, or hear the latest Nickelback song, there’s no way you can enjoy it – even if it’s halfway decent. And that’s the thing: hating the mainstream onsite might mean you’re missing out on some stuff you might actually like. So why not at least give it a try?

#3: Gingers

Even before a certain TV show and its “kick a ginger day” came along, it was never easy for redheads. Childhoods spent being called carrot top, or being called stupid for pointing out that carrot tops are green, or being asked if you can even go out in the sun without being reduced to a smoldering pile of ash do far more damage than “South Park” ever could. Couple that with a full set of freckles and you have someone who’d almost welcome being kicked just for the social interaction. But remember: gingers really do have souls, they’re not all quirky and they don’t all have bad tempers.

#2: Hipsters

What’s a hipster to you? There’s a better-than-average chance it involves thick glasses, Mac computers and being so ahead on trends the things they like haven’t even been invented yet. And, yeah: it’s one thing to just dress in whatever clothes you happen to own, or like the movies and music you like, but it’s another thing altogether when you go out of your way to look rundown or have obscure tastes. But, like, who cares what they do or what they think? Does it really affect you that hipsters prefer Pabst to Bud or plaid to polka dots? Pretentiousness is annoying and all, but it’s not a great reason to hate an entire group of people.

Before we unveil our number one pick, here are a few more... ugh... let’s just do this.
- Vape Users
- Comic Sans

#1: Millennials

Technically, a millennial’s anyone born in the early-1980s or later. But the millennial stereotype is an entitled, narcissistic, lazy, uninformed faux-intellectual snowflake who can’t take criticism, is addicted to their smartphone and blames everyone else for their problems. But is that fair? Millennials and people who hate millennials live in two different worlds: one’s a place where hard work and a good education ensure you a solid career; the other’s a world where no matter how hard you work or how smart you are, you may never get ahead in life… just cause. So maybe we should cut millennials a little slack… except that guy who skipped work to build a treehouse – that guy sucks.
