Top 10 Times Anime Characters Were Destroyed

At least there was meaning behind their faces getting pounded in. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Impactful Anime Beatdowns.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the fights in anime where a character got absolutely destroyed, either for a significant reason, or in such a way that it truly resonated with audiences.
#10: Toyotomi vs. Motochika
“Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings” (2009-10)
Even a harpoon equipped with its own cannon can’t compare to the towering might of a would-be conqueror that can spit the seas and wipe out waves of arrows with nothing more than a punch. That’s unfortunately the position Motochika found himself in as he and his pirate buddies tried to stop Toyotami and his campaign dead in its tracks. With his overwhelming strength, the Monkey King demonstrated just how unbeatable he was, all concluding by sending the one eyed warrior hurtling into space before bringing him back down to earth like a meteor. Yep, he’s gonna feel that one.
#9: Shiro vs. Terrorists
“BNA: Brand New Animal” (2020)
Messing up any kind of festival is just bad taste, but when you’re paid by humans to ruin a celebration of Beastmen independence despite being Beastmen yourselves? You’re just asking to have your furry backside beaten in, in this instance, courtesy of Anima City’s resident White Wolf. Enraged that such a commemoration would be ruined by mercenaries who would take bribes from hateful humans, Shiro goes full on feral – utilizing his superior speed and strength to demolish the terrorists with his bear claws, to the point where he’s ripping off antlers and beating the owner half to death with them! What a savage.
#8: All Might vs. Nomu
“My Hero Academia” (2016-)
It may not be his flashiest fight, but it’s the one that demonstrated just the kind of hero that All Might truly is. Even with only a minute left in his muscular form, facing down a creature designed specifically to counter his strength, the Symbol of Peace still found a way to press forward and claim victory – namely by going Plus Ultra, and pummelling the hybrid monster until it couldn’t absorb anymore of his blows. Just another reminder as to why Deku idolises this guy.
#7: Gaolang vs. Kaneda
“Kengan Ashura” (2019)
There was zero doubt that a beanpole like Kaneda could hope to stand up against someone as imposing as the Thai God of War, and while he would be taken down just five moves later, it’s Kaneda’s inspiring perseverance that really steals the show, rallying Gaolang to fight with his full strength out of respect of the lesser warrior’s competitive spirit. The fact he was able to last as long as he did against a relentless fighting machine speaks wonders to Kaneda’s commitment to prove his place amongst the Kengan Tournament’s finest. Still sure that last punch must have been hell though.
#6: Anos vs. Zepes
“The Misfit of Demon King Academy” (2020-)
There’s flexing, and then there’s wasting your opponent with your heartbeat. After reincarnating himself thousands of years into the future to check in on his descendants, Anos finds himself taking on an arrogant royal during the Demon King Academy opening exams…where he proceeds to slaughter him without really moving. In the space of a single fight, the reverberation from Anos’ heart causes Zepes to upchuck blood from every poor, all before turning him into mulch with just a click of his fingers, and subsequently reincarnating the bratty noble so he can do it all over again. Isekai protagonists, watch your back.
#5: Jotaro vs. Steely Dan
“JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders” (2014-15)
By this point, having a JoJo beating the seven shades of shit out of someone has become a beloved staple of the franchise, and it all started when Jotaro decided to put this murderous extortionist in his place. After freeing Joseph from The Lover's death grip, Jotaro decided to get some payback against Dan for all the abuse he made him go through. Despite bribes and pleas for mercy, Dan is subjected to one of the finest examples of a Star Platinum slugging to date, burying him in so many Ora Ora Ora’s we’re pretty sure he’s still bedridden decades on.
#4: Shinra vs. Rekka
“Fire Force” (2019-)
A high-ranking Fire Soldier secretly working for the Evangelist? Not cool. Experimenting on children to see if they are viable candidates for the Adolla Burst? Pretty twisted. Beating up an adorable cat girl like Tamaki with their bare hands despite the fact she worshipped the ground they walked on? Buddy, you’re a goddamn dead man. Watching Shinra fly in like smiling demon before burying his flaming foot right into Rekka’s stupid star-filled face is borderline cathartic, especially when he follows up with that killer explosion.
#3: Yusuke vs. Kamiya
“Yu Yu Hakusho” (1992-94)
Fair warning, there’s strobe lights ahead, so look away or skip if you’re susceptible! So yeah, this guy was a real prick, wasn’t he? Possibly cruller and wickeder than even Sensui himself, this member of the Sensui Seven thrived on the pain he caused, evident from when he paralysed Asato, and had every intention of slaughtering an entire hospital filled with patients and staff. The fight that followed wasn’t only vastly underrated, but also clued Yusuke in that for every demon, there’s also a human that’s just as abominable.
#2: Garou vs. Bang & Bomb
“One-Punch Man” (2015-19)
How can a battle that’s so awesome be so conflicting? Garou, while being a self-proclaimed Hero Hunter, was also shown to be morally decent, to the point he defended an innocent child at the risk of his own life from a bunch of envious, paranoid A-Rankers. Then along comes his former master with his brother to nearly beat him to death with their superior martial arts mastery. It’s pretty epic watching Bang and Bomb work in tandem together, we just wish they didn’t have to give so much grief to one of the most compelling characters the series has ever produced!
#1: Baki vs. Alai Jr
“Baki” (2018-20)
If the legendary grappler had remained stuck in his poisoned state, or Jr over here didn’t make the fatal mistake of trying to steal Kozue for himself, then maybe this could have ended without the son of Mohammed Ali getting choked out in front of everyone in record time. After returning to full strength and understandably annoyed that Jr was determined to marry his girl following their bout, Baki didn’t hold anything back, wasting his opponent near instantly, and in the process pretty much rendered Jr’s whole character moot.