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VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman WRITTEN BY: Jonathan Alexander
That...has got to hurt. Join Ashley as we look over the times anime characters took a beating below the belt, as seen in series such as "Chainsaw Man", "One Punch Man", "One Piece", and more!
Script written by Jonathan Alexander

Top 20 Anime Low Blows Crotch Shots

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most painful below-the-belt shots in anime.

#20: Right in the Dragon Balls

“Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!” (1993)

Over the years, Goku’s fought all kinds of villains, including space tyrants, multiversal threats, literal Gods, and more. But, none have hurt him quite as bad as Android 13. During their scuffle, a poorly-timed attack leaves Goku’s valuables wide open, and the fiend doesn’t waste the opportunity. To put it lightly, Goku won't be summoning Shenron with these balls any time soon. In fact, the blow hurt so bad, it knocked him completely out of Super Saiyan. After a wound like that, it’s just amazing Goku was able to have a second kid at all.

#19: Cut Above (Or Below) The Rest

“Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online” (2018-)

This may be an online virtual reality game, but Llen isn’t here to play around. No, she’s willing to do anything to lead her team to victory. Even if it means going for the unmentionables. All’s fair, right? It feels especially mean-spirited because Llen had a gun right there, and she clearly knew how to use it. But, instead of taking the merciful route, she decided to slide right underneath her final opponent - bringing her knife with her. His pained reaction says it all. Video game or not, that’s a lethal blow.

#18: Cutting Edge Service

“Black Lagoon: Roberta’s Blood Trail” (2010-11)

Don’t let the getup fool you, Roberta is no ordinary maid. Sadly for this bar thug, he realizes that a moment too late, and it ends up costing him his pride, his reputation, and his manhood. He only lowers his guard for a second, but that’s all Roberta needs to reveal the sharp blade in the heel of her boot. And then, she kicks. Hard. Right in his nether region. Just the thought of it is enough to make anyone squirm. Especially taking into account the pool of blood her handiwork leaves behind. Clearly, they don’t call this season “Roberta’s Blood Trail” for nothing.

#17: Samurai Sack Splitter

“Rurouni Kenshin” (1996-98)

Yahiko trained long and hard for the moment he would finally be strong enough to protect those he cared about. And, now, after all that work, he’s officially ready to unveil his special technique. There’s no need to mince words; it’s a crotch shot, plain and simple. Such a low-blow isn’t exactly befitting of an honorable swordsman, but it gets the job done, either way. Yahiko really knows how to end a fight, that’s all we’re saying. After all, something tells us the evil Gohei won’t be bothering anyone ever again. At least, not if he values his privates.

#16: Spread Your Legs & Fly

“The Rising of the Shield Hero” (2019-)

After this, Motoyasu probably wishes he were the Shield Hero. Or, at least one that comes with some armor. Then again, it’s hard to say if anything would have protected him from the Filolial’s wrath. Fed up with Motoyasu’s insults, the bird monster took it upon himself to kick the Spear Hero right in his own personal spear. This was no warning shot, either. No, the force of it sent Motoyasu flying through the air, to infinity and beyond. His team calls for a healer, but there’s no magic in the entire world capable of mending this.

#15: Drop Like a Stone

“Dr. Stone” (2019-)

In this semifinal match of the Grand Bout, Gen’s conniving gives Chrome a free sixty-second reprieve. But, Chrome doesn’t need that long to beat Magma. Actually, he only needs one hit. Since Magma was on fire, Chrome generously decided to give him a little nudge towards the water. Although, given the placement, Magma will probably be feeling this “nudge” for days to come. Arguably more so than the actual burns. Still, Chrome’s quick-thinking might have saved Magma’s life. His cojones, though? Those are a different story. One with a much-less happy ending.

#14: Two in One

“One Piece” (1999-)

Just because you can split yourself in two doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Buggy had to learn that lesson the hard way. When he sent his torso after Nami, all he did was leave his lower-half, including his junk, wide open for a counterattack. And, unfortunately for the clown, Luffy’s never been one to pass up an easy win. Every part of Buggy feels the pain of Luffy’s pelvic punch. As a result, it doesn’t just save Nami, it turns the villain into a blubbering mess. Later, Luffy claims he’s Buggy’s real opponent. But, from where we’re standing, this fight is already over.

#13: Climb Kicks Succulent’s Succulents

“Overlord” (2015-22)

All things considered, this mission is pretty straightforward. Infiltrate the base, find Succulent, and take him into custody. But, ever the show-off, Climb decided to have a little bit of fun, first. He charges the Eight Finger leader with his uber-powerful Ability Release, but that’s just a decoy. Once he’s made the opening, Climb finishes this scuffle with a critical hit to the nads. If Succulent’s reaction doesn’t make you wince, the bone-crushing sound effects definitely will. The villain had to be captured alive, but considering what he just went through, that’s more of a punishment than a mercy.

#12: Ichigo Goes Hollow…Between the Legs

“Bleach” (2004-12; 2022-)

While we’re not saying that Ichigo couldn’t do with some improvement when it comes speaking to the ladies in his life, this particular lesson in etiquette was way more painful than it had to be. Mostly duel to Nel landing a point-blank blow straight to the family jewels. While berating him for not discussing Orihime’s weight with more subtly, the Arrancar’s lesson is slightly dampened due to the fact that Ichigo probably spent the whole conversation focused on how his personal zanpakuto might now have a dent in it.

#11: Zatch Gets it in the Bells

“Zatch Bell!” (2003-06)

Just goes to show that even a pint-sized Mamodo of unbelievable power like Zatch isn’t that different from us regular folk. And by that we mean a solid kick to the balls still leaves him in absolute agony. However, in this instance the pain of getting his magical beads shattered courtesy of Brago, just about saved his life. If not for that timely intervention, Zatch could have been skewered by Maestro. Thankfully his frenemy was there to block the attack with his foot…which just happened to be on an upwards trajectory that coincided with Golden Gash’s Bells. Ding ding.

#10: Gin Loses His Tama

“Gintama” (2006-18)

Only in this show could you have a tag-team wrestling match that results in our hero desperately trying to magically reattach his balls. Never change, oh sweet Silver Soul. Taking on love rival Doman, for the most part Gintoki looks all set to win his fight by a landslide, only to accidentally fall into Gedomaru’s massive, spiked club. As a result, his chance at having a family are left rolling all over the ring, which leads the way to Doman and Seimei engaging in a mystical showdown…where they repeatedly use Gintoki’s pride and joy. This one hurts to watch…

#9: Sagara Grinds Some Nut-Powder

“Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu” (2003)

For those of you that looked at the original military-action series and thought – gimme more of that sweet high school romantic comedy, welcome to nirvana. Not only is this a hilarious addition to FMP’s content catalogue, but also has this delightful scene. Ever wondered how someone like Sagara would best a karate master? Simple. Toss a grenade at him, knock him to the floor and repeatedly blast his yam bag until it is nothing but dust. Not to add insult to injury but…can someone send me a gif of that? I need to send it to Grey.

#8: Lucy’s Great Egg-scape

“Fairy Tail” (2009-16; 2019)

There’s no better tactic for escaping imprisonment than nailing the jailer in his nutmegs and making a clean getaway. In this instance, Lucy had to try a lot harder than most, given how she was being held captive by none other than Phantom Lord’s leader Jose, though the results still ended up turning out the same. Using the old “I gotta pee” trope, Lucy managed to outwit the creepy geezer by agreeing to do it in a bucket. The moment he turned around – WHAM! Who needs magic when you’ve got leg day?

#7: My Hero Clacker-demia

“My Hero Academia” (2016-)

Deku may be used to breaking bones thanks to the force of his own Quirk, but this might just be his most devastating injury yet; a potent strike to the scrotum courtesy of a brat with issues named Koda. While the two would later reconcile down the line, there’s no getting away from just how devastating this initial encounter was. Do you have anything left to say young man?! Just be thankful that Uraraka didn’t send you hurtling into space for hurting her future hubby.

#6: Grabbing Franky by the NUTS & BOLTS

“One Piece” (1999-)

Well…I can think of worst ways to convince a guy to join a pirate crew. After the events of Enies Lobby, Franky is left with no choice but to join the Straw Hats on their whirlwind adventures now that he’s got a bounty. Of course, it wasn’t easy to win him over, though thankfully Robin had the obvious solution; use her Devil Fruit to create a pair of hands that hold his robo balls in a vice grip until he submits. This probably looked a lot more different in Franky’s head when he imagined Ms Sunday getting a handful of his processing power.

#5: Hokagonads = Destroyed

“Naruto Shippuden” (2007-17)

Jeez, where was this kid when the Fourth Great Ninja War was going down? He straight up crunched Naruto's fox cubs in a single devastating punch before waltzing away without a care. While the agony of getting his little friend smashed to pieces is quite palpable, at least Naruto can take some solace in the fact that, yet again, this was only filler. Because if it wasn't, then its likely Boruto would never have existed, and I would be out of a job! On behalf of Shikadai Nara, protect Naruto's balls at all cost!

#4: Erecpyle Dukakis Gets Castrated

“Ixion Saga DT” (2012-13)

A spiked boot right to the meat kiwis? No one deserves to go down that road, not even a pompous bastard like this guy. Unfortunately for the leader of Incognito, his injury was so severe that a doctor ended up having to surgically remove them for his own safety. Whether you feel immense sympathy for Erecpyle over here or can’t get enough of watching Kon hit his crackers on loop, it can’t be denied that he had been set up from failure since birth. Oh right – his name is a reference to ED, better known as Erectile Disfunction. Way to fulfil your destiny man!

#3: Pickleball

“Baki Hanma” (2021-23)

No matter who he goes up against, Baki knows that every man has a weakness between the legs. And, unlike some other fighters, he’s willing to exploit that for all its worth. Keep in mind, Baki’s blows are strong enough to crack stone, and Pickle is only wearing a loincloth. So, the question isn’t whether this crotch shot hurt. It’s how the hell Pickle’s still conscious at all. He’s never been one to quit, but seriously, no one should have to live through a hit like that. Evidently, the onlookers are right when they say that low-blows always work.

#2: Nut Punch Man

“One-Punch Man” (2015)

“One Punch Man” (2015)Not exactly the most heroic way to take down an enemy, but then again if Sonic was as good of a ninja as he said he was, then maybe he could have found a way to NOT land crotch first into the fist of the world’s strongest man. Thinking Saitama to be easy prey, the villainous shinobi sought to cut him to pieces with his superior speed…only to find himself unceremoniously colliding with what is arguably the deadliest weapon in all of anime. All we can say is – RIP Sonic’s ball badgers. There is no coming back from that.

#1: Denji, the Dong Devil

“Chainsaw Man” (2022-)

Denji doesn’t take too kindly to being shrugged off. So, the moment Aki smugly turns his back, the Chainsaw Devil gets even with an earth-shaking kick to the groin. For what it’s worth, Aki stays on his feet long enough to throw a few blows himself. But, not even he can withstand round two from Denji’s nutcracker technique. Aki falls to his knees, and then passes out entirely. We can’t blame him. Obviously, Denji knew what he was doing, and that made for a scene that’s genuinely painful to sit through. Quite frankly, it may have cost Aki his chance at being a father.
