Top 10 Times Bill Hader Was Awesome

#10: Point Pleasant Police Department
“The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” (2014-)
What do you get when you combine two “SNL” alums known for breaking character, a fake cop drama and a buffet filled with Pepsi, pudding and Perrier? A spluttering good time, that's what! This recurring “Tonight Show” sketch sees host Jimmy Fallon and one of his guests, in this case Bill Hader, play out a scene from the made-up tv show, “Point Pleasant Police Department''. Basically… the two detectives argue while spitting their beverages and bits of food on each other. Not only is it obvious the two are having a blast, but also, in true Hader fashion, we hear the comedian sincerely apologise as he’s dowsing Fallon’s face in chocolate pudding and sparkling water. Now that’s some contagious and lighthearted fun.
#9: Actor / Activity Impressions
“The Ellen DeGeneres Show” (2003-)
It’s no secret Bill Hader has a superb talent for mimicry—mostly cultivated from his sketch comedy days. So it came as no surprise that he would nail Ellen’s impression game without a hitch. Picked at random, Hader had to perform different celebrities doing random activities—from Jack Nicholson running a lemonade stand or Harry Styles and a personal trainer to John Oliver at a hip-hop concert. Not only did Bill get to flex his uncanny caricature abilities, but we also got a taste of his impressive improv skills. What more could an audience ask for?
#8: New York Accent Impressions
“Desus & Mero” (2019-)
If you can make two Bronx natives double-over in laughter with a couple of hilariously accurate NYC accents, then your name must be Bill Hader. Although the comedian no longer resides in The Big Apple, his impressions are far from rusty as proven during his appearance on “Desus and Mero”. Not only that, but the trio seemed to be having a blast riffing off each other, goofing around with different jokes and voices. They almost abandon the interview questions entirely. It seems that no matter where Bill Hader gets a case of the giggles, good times and great energy are sure to follow suit.
#7: His Reddit AMA
Reddit (2013)
If you have any doubts that Bill Hader is the sweetest and most down-to-earth celebrity ever, then you should go take a look at his Reddit AMA from 2013. Not many famous faces would take time out of their day to interact with their fans, let alone dedicate an entire Reddit page to their questions and queries. But Hader is a different breed! Some of the highlights include Hader addressing a Tumblr page dedicated to his poor wardrobe choices (or lack thereof), tips for fans on how to respectfully approach him in public, his admiration for former “SNL” castmates and the time he revealed the ending of Titanic to a theater full of sorority girls. Now that’s a spoiler of blockbuster proportions.
#6: His Arnold Schwarzenegger Impression
With Conan O’Brien (2005 & 2018)
It might come as a surprise to some, but Bill Hader started out as a production assistant in Hollywood before discovering he had a knack for comedy. But one of the films he worked on featured action-hero and former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenneger, and it’s clear that Hader’s subconscious was taking notes! The funnyman has shared his impressions with talk show host Conan O’Brien more than once, and each time his delivery of the former bodybuilder was spot on. Most of the interview clips have had a deepfake edit makeover, pasting Arnold’s face onto Bill’s, but they’re shockingly effective. While simultaneously creepy and hilarious, they only add to the performance, making them one of the best impressions around.
#5: When He Showed Us How Much He Loves His Children
Variety (2019)
The only thing that would make us adore this funnyman even more is finding out he’s a devoted family man to boot. Hader made the planet collectively aww when an article for “Variety” revealed he had barely seen his three daughters during an entire summer due to an extremely busy work schedule. The fact of the matter was so upsetting that the star apparently broke down during the interview. He quickly picked up the pieces however and joked about it moments later, telling the reporter he planned on staying home the following year, stating “They can see me all day if they want. They can really get sick of me.” Now that’s a great dad.
#4: “Star Wars” Impressions
“Conan” (2010-)
Even if he wasn’t a superfan of the sci-fi series (he is), we're pretty sure these imitations would be spot on either way. During a 2014 appearance on “Conan”, both Bill and the talk show host discussed the then-upcoming “Star Wars” trilogy series and what Bill would do for a role in J.J. Abrams’ film. It was the perfect setup for him to start executing his well crafted and hysterically accurate impressions of a dying Jabba the Hutt and Tauntaun. Although he didn’t end up getting cast as any of those characters in “The Force Awakens”, Hader was able to get the next best thing and served as a vocal consultant for the droid BB-8.
#3: The President of Hollywood
“Comedy Central Roast of James Franco” (2013)
If you were to combine multiple stereotypes about the entertainment industry and package it into human form, this would be the result. Which is exactly what Bill must have planned when he agreed to perform at James Franco’s roast. Decked out in a white wig, red tracksuit and ‘70s shades, Hader performed his bit as the “President of Hollywood,” ripping into each person on stage with one zinger after another. Not only was his delivery impeccable but also his material, a perfect combination of edgy and goofy, never fell flat and had the entire room roaring with laughter until the very end.
#2: Revealing What Made Him Break on “SNL”
“Late Night with Seth Meyers” (2014-)
As previously mentioned, Hader was often known for breaking character during his time on “Saturday Night Live”. After hosting an episode in 2018, he opened up on “Late Night with Seth Meyers” about two particular instances during the evening and why they had him cracking up uncontrollably. While the first moment was obviously during one of his wacky Stefon skits, the second happened when he played a geriatric old man on a motorised wheelchair. Hader ended up not only backing into some props during the scene, but also dragging cast member Melissa Villaseñor along with them. In Bill’s defence however, the sheer ridiculousness of that sketch would’ve had anyone tearing up with laughter.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Lorne Michaels, “Conan” (2010-)
A Hilariously Dark Imitation of “SNL”’s Famed Creator
The Underdog, “Off Camera with Sam Jones” (2014-)
Reminds Us That the Path to Success Is Not Always the One We Planned
Being Open About His Mental Health Struggles, “Child Mind Institute” (2019)
Hader Offers a Candid Account of His Lifelong Anxiety Along with Some Sage Advice
Chatting It Up with John Mulaney, “92nd Street Y” (2019)
Watching These Two “SNL” Greats Shoot the Breeze Would Make Anyone’s Day
#1: Meeting Keith Morrison
“Sunday Today with Willie Geist” (1987-)
A surprise introduction to one’s idol would be a surreal experience for anyone, including a big name like Bill Hader. It’s a well known fact that Hader is an avid fan of “Dateline” along with the show’s longtime correspondent Keith Morrison, having parodied the latter in multiple “SNL” sketches. After being invited to visit one of the program’s editing bays during an interview on “Sunday Today with Willie Geist”, Hader is beyond delighted when the journalist pops into the office for an impromptu meeting. Hader is visibly starstruck and overjoyed at encountering such an icon. We can’t help but collectively share in his infectious delight as we watch the comedian turn into a total fanboy in front of a true crime legend.