Top 10 Times Dean & Castiel from Supernatural Were BFF Goals

Heaven and hell cannot keep these two apart. Literally. Welcome to MsMojo and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Times Dean & Castiel from Supernatural Were BFF Goals.
For this list, we’re looking at the "Supernatural" moments that define Dean and Cas's complicated, but endearing and powerful friendship.
#10: Dean’s Mind-Altering Sorrow Over Losing Castiel
"A Little Slice of Kevin"
Season 7 ends with Dean and Cas taking a one-way trip to Purgatory. Long story short, Dean escapes but the lovable angel fails to make the cut. Hit with a nasty case of survivor's guilt, Dean convinces himself that he bears the full responsibility for Cas' prolonged confinement. In reality, Castiel decided to stay in Purgatory as a self-imposed punishment for playing a part in freeing the Leviathans during Season 7. Dean cannot help but want to protect Castiel, while the angel just wishes to not be a burden on the Winchesters.
#9: Castiel’s Trench Coat
"Hello, Cruel World"
Overall, Season 7 was not a great year for Castiel. After gaining a substantial power boost by absorbing all the souls in Purgatory, a compromised Cas elects himself as the world's new God before being unceremoniously killed off by the Leviathans - who had been influencing him. Even though the angel didn;t exactly go out on a high note, Dean still reacts to the news like any best friend would: With complete and utter devastation. With the world constantly needing saving, Dean rarely has time for any touchy-feely crap, but even the most battle-worn hunters need a moment to mourn when someone dear to them passes away. Isn’t it funny how objects, like a trenchcoat, can take on such strong symbolism?
#8: Castiel Turns Against Heaven
"Sympathy for the Devil"
Even though an undying love for the Winchesters is not the only motivator behind the angel's decision to rebel against Heaven, Cas still risks everything by siding with the hunters over the likes of Zachariah. Throughout Season 4, Cas gradually becomes disenchanted with heaven, all the while growing closer with the Winchesters - especially Dean. His character evolution culminates in this badass moment of self-sacrifice and defiance. Dean's support and influence help Castiel find the courage to go against millions of years of indoctrination. Cas and Dean make each other better people. Or, you know, angels.
#7: “You Still Got Us”
“Stairway to Heaven”
Cas and Dean may be nearly inseparable, but that does not mean the pair always see eye to eye, especially when it comes to matters concerning Heaven. Dean and Castiel have not always agreed with each others' actions either; however, when one of them stumbles, the other is always there to provide a helping hand. Dean even says as much in Season 9! Castiel's own army may have ousted the angel from Heaven but, when the need arises, Cas can still rely on Dean for support. And, the same holds true in reverse.
#6: “Don’t Ever Change”
"The End"
In the Season 5 episode "The End," Dean is sent to a future where Lucifer won and Castiel discovered drugs. After his little trip to a ravaged post-apocalyptic world, Dean discovers a new appreciation for the old Cas, the one who is willing to wait four hours by the roadside so his friend can get a few hours sleep. And so he asks him to never change. Many demons, gods, and Bobbys have come and gone; through it all, the only thing the Winchesters know for certain is that there will always be another crisis. In such times of turmoil, the perpetually straitlaced and honest Cas persists as a reliable source of comfort for Dean.
#5: Castiel’s Choice Words for Michael
"Swan Song"
Considering the eons Castiel spent in Heaven, the angel grows an astonishing amount in a relatively short time after meeting the Winchesters. Dean – in particular – has a tremendous impact on the renegade angel, with Castiel often coming across as a pupil as often as he does teacher. And, what better way to honor Dean than to sprout a badass insult at an annoyed Michael. Of course, Castiel doesn’t seem quite so well-versed in foul language, and it hilariously shows. Along with providing a bit of respite in Season 5’s otherwise heavy and depressing finale, “Assbutt” reaffirms that Castiel has truly joined Dean in the hunter ranks.
#4: Castiel’s Debut
"Lazarus Rising"
Like so many best friends, Castiel and Dean’s relationship started when one shot and stabbed the other. Thankfully, Cas did not take Dean’s actions personally. Due to Castiel’s indoctrination and Dean’s unwillingness to open up to anyone, this friendship was a work-in-progress rather than an instant attraction. Along with pulling Dean out of hell, Cas instantly alters the Winchester’s entire worldview by establishing the existence of angels, heaven, and god. The same holds true in reverse, as Dean challenges everything Cas has ever believed. This moment changes the destinies of both forever.
#3: Dean Brings Castiel Back to His Senses
"Goodbye Stranger"
The life of a hunter is filled with death, sorrow, and distrust, so someone has to be truly special for Dean to welcome them into his inner circle. Thankfully… Castiel is that kind of special. Under the control of Naomi, Cas is ordered to kill the older Winchester brother, and the angel comes very close to doing just that before Dean manages to break through the mind-control. Family is sacred to Dean, so this speech was not just a last-ditch effort to revert Cas back to form; he meant every single word. A testament to the power of friendship, Castiel heard Dean’s voice, even through the darkness caused by Naomi’s mind-control.
#2: Dean’s Refusal to Leave Castiel in Purgatory
"What's Up, Tiger Mommy?"
Castiel spends most of Season 7 trying to get back into Dean’s good graces, and it ends with “Supernatural’s” odd couple stuck in Purgatory. After being temporarily separated, the two finally reunite in a moment that is heart-warming, sweet, and also powerful. Being chased by the Leviathans, Castiel begs Dean to go away so the hunter will not be targeted; however, Dean is having absolutely none of it. In their own ways, both guys are more concerned with protecting each other than themselves. No matter the situation, threat, or personal risk, Dean and Cas are in it for the whole ride.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Castiel Endures Great Pain to Send Dean & Sam Back in Time
"The Song Remains the Same"
Castiel Willingly Contacts a Demon Just to Find Dean
"Stranger in a Strange Land"
Each & Every Bro Hug
Various Episodes
Dean Appreciates Castiel’s Peach Fuzz
"What's Up, Tiger Mommy?"
Castiel Tries to Buy Dean’s Favorite Adult Entertainment & Food
"Clip Show"
#1: Castiel Proves His Loyalty
"Let It Bleed"
Trust goes both ways, but when lives are on the line, loyalties tend to be tested. As this is “Supernatural” and the potential body count is often in the billions, Dean cannot take any chances by letting someone else – not even Castiel – take the driving seat. While both guys are striving to achieve the same goal, Dean simple cannot accept Cas’s plan, even after the angel bears his soul to the hunter. As a fan, this Season 6 scene is absolutely devastating; however, no other moment reflects this friendship’s complexity quite as perfectly. Cas and Dean are closer than friends; they are family. And sometimes – no matter how much it hurts – brothers fight.