Top 10 Funniest Supernatural Bloopers

Welcome to MsMojo and today we’re looking at the “Supernatural” gag reels that would make even Lucifer laugh.
#10: A Kiss Between Friends
“Supernatural” fans waited over a decade for that big “Destiel” kiss that never happened. But what if we told you the “Sastiel” ship actually got a payoff? This blooper brings us as close as we can to a canonical relationship between the two. In this season 14 episode, a mind-controlled Sam attempts to slay his friend before coming to his senses. Things were a lot different during filming, as Jared Padalecki goes way off script. Breaking the tension like few would have seen coming, he plants a kiss right on Misha Collins’ lips. The fact that Collins rolls with it and continues the joke shows just how close these co-stars really are.
#9: Brothers In & Out of Character
They might be close, but Sam and Dean still bicker like any two siblings would. We’ve seen the pair argue like children several times. As it turns out, that isn’t too far off from how Jared and Jensen Ackles behave around each other. Unable to get his line right, Jensen resorts to blaming Jared. Of course, that doesn’t sit with the latter who’s quick to praise his own skills. And so begins a bickering session that ends with neither being able to get through the scene. The show is built upon the brothers’ relationship. Based on this blooper, it’s clear that no other pair could ever come close to the natural chemistry that Jared and Jensen shared.
#8: Jensen Can't Look at Jared
We’ve all had moments where we know we shouldn’t laugh, but can’t help it. It’s worse when your friend is just as susceptible to breaking as you are. We find Jensen in such a conundrum during one such blooper. Rattled beyond recovery, he has no hope of getting through the scene. While the actor usually has a witty remark for such a situation, he’s way past composing himself due to Jared’s antics. It doesn’t help that crew members around him have already broken into laughter, putting Jensen on the spot. Dean is usually the source of comedy on “Supernatural,” but looks like it’s the other way around behind the scenes.
#7: Disaster Date
In this season 1 episode, Sam and Sarah have a clear mutual attraction, making the latter one of Sam’s more notable love interests. Their onscreen connection is even more impressive when you realize how difficult it was for the actors to get through their scenes. From production blunders to messing up their lines, nobody can keep it together. It isn’t long before everyone stops caring about the acting and breaks into hysterics. “Supernatural” ranges between horror, fantasy, and even comedy. But it’s not really known for emotionally charged romances. So, can you really blame the actors for messing up this dinner date?
#6: Before the VFX
One of the most terrifying visuals in the “Supernatural” universe is the demon face. Usually seen by characters targeted by hellhounds, these eerie faces serve as nightmare fuel. Of course, the real credit goes to the special effects department. That’s because it’s not quite as scary while filming. As seen in this blooper, Jensen Ackles does his best to imitate how the demon face is supposed to look. But what he comes up with lands in the realm of funny rather than scary. With a range of expressions that make him appear more constipated than anything else, it’s no surprise his co-star breaks off-camera. Taking it into stride, Jensen then creates an even campier rendition in the next take.
#5: Lockpick Malfunction
If you thought Jensen got the hang of picking locks after 15 years, you need to think again. In a tense scene about evading hellhounds, Ackles takes his sweet time to get the door open. It doesn’t seem to matter that the characters’ lives are at stake, as he fiddles around with the lock without a single care in the world. Misha and Jared’s background commentary adds to the hilarity, with the former pointing out obvious plot holes while Jared dramatically overplays the situation. It’s even funnier when you realize the door was never locked to begin with – Jensen seemingly wasted all this time just for the heck of it.
#4: Drooling on the Job
Kate is one of “Supernatural”’s underrated recurring characters. Becoming a werewolf turns her once-promising life into a constant struggle for survival. With so much dramatic tension to convey, it looks like actress Brit Sheridan might have gotten a bit nervous - or was perhaps getting a little too much into character. How else do you explain her randomly drooling during a scene? As expected, Jared and Jensen don’t let such a mess-up slide. However, the actors attempt to save Sheridan from any humiliation in the next take. Remaining firmly in character, the duo slobbers all over the place to turn what might have been an embarrassing moment into a laugh shared by the cast.
#3: Going Irish
Remember the time when Dean imitated Rowena’s Scottish accent? Turns out there’s footage of Jensen Ackles going Irish as well. Jared Padalecki delivers some of his best work during serious monologues. But there are times when he misses the mark, which Jensen is all too happy to make fun of. During an intended serious discussion, Jared flubs his pronunciation, prompting an instant response from his co-star. Not content with simply laughing at him, Jensen proceeds to mock his screen partner’s accent. Considering Jared is known for not missing the chance to pick on his castmates, it’s hilariously cathartic to see the tables turn on him for once.
#2: Hungry Jared
In case you didn’t know, there’s a long work schedule to film “Supernatural”. After spending so many hours on set, it’s natural to get a little hungry. Most people would express this verbally, but as far as Jared is concerned, his stomach does the talking. We’d all probably react the same way Jensen does upon hearing that massive rumble out of nowhere. If his follow-up question didn’t already make you laugh, Jared’s retort most definitely will. Jared’s hunger adds an ironic twist to the blooper, considering Dean is supposed to be “Supernatural”’s resident foodie.
#1: Awkward Family Moment
The 300th episode marked John Winchester’s return, as a wish-granting pearl pulls him into the present. Although the Winchesters have their long-awaited family reunion, Sam reluctantly destroys the pearl to prevent time from breaking apart. Sure, it’s one of the show’s saddest moments, but we also get what might be the funniest blooper in “Supernatural” history. Instead of shattering the pearl, Jared accidentally ricochets it into Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s own, ahem, “pearls”. It’s one of those moments you just can’t ignore, with both Jared and Jensen collapsing in stitches. We don’t see the entire crew, but you can hear everyone off-screen gasping for breath. Honestly, with a blunder as awkward as that, we’d be rolling all over the floor, too.
Do you have any other “Supernatural” bloopers in mind? Carry on in the comments.