Top 10 Times Jerry Was A Badass on Rick and Morty

#10: Dating a Warrior Alien
“ABCs of Beth”
So what if she’s a rebound, it’s a pretty cool relationship to be in after just getting divorced! After Jerry gets on an alien dating website, he ends up dating Kiara, a Krootabulan warrior, which he is very proud of. Not only does he get psychic powers thanks to his intimate time with her, but he also shows off he can handle slaying vampire-like creatures. While we don’t think he’ll be applying for any Monster Hunter jobs, dating a warrior alien, gaining powers and proving he’s adept with an axe qualifies some recognition of badassery.
#9: Jerry Asserts His Authority
“Lawnmower Dog”
Jerry isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, or in this case, it seems to be his carpet. The father of the Smith household isn’t very nice to Morty’s dog Snuffles. When the dog gets his intelligence boosted and starts arming his canine companions with advanced weaponry, Jerry doesn’t take too kindly to this. In season 1, there is a notable difference in this Jerry to that of other universes, in that he seems to be more stubborn and courageous. While you could say that Jerry was doing this while being ignorant of the true threat that Snuffles and his fellow intelligent dogs posed, you can’t help but laugh at his attempts to be the man of the house.
#8: Giving Himself to Shrimply Pibbles
“Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate”
It’s a big decision to give away your gonads, but he seemed up for it anyway! Jerry is approached by space activists to save the life of Shrimply Pibbles, the galaxy’s most influential civil rights leader. The problem is the only way to save him is to cut off Jerry’s goolies. When the aliens think that it’s too much for the man, Jerry rises to the challenge, even if he backs out and then later tries to force the operation. Despite his initial fear of losing his family jewels turned him away from the right path, he ultimately wants to be a good person, and will go to unreasonable lengths to prove he is.
#7: Helping Beth Save a Deer
“A Rickle in Time”
While Jerry is mostly an oblivious coward, he does have his sweet moments. When he and Beth go out for ice cream, they accidentally hit a deer. Beth takes a comment about her skill level as a surgeon personally which forces them to try and save it. However, after some legal hassle with a hunter, they have to give the deer up. But it turns out it was all a ruse! Jerry tricked everyone into believing the deer was being transported elsewhere, but instead he brought it to a private clearing in the forest so Beth could prove herself. It shows that he really knows how to make his wife happy.
#6: Buoyant Jerry
“Rattlestar Ricklactica”
Jerry may be the most “pathetic” member of the Smith family, but by those standards, he’s pretty awesome. When Rick reduces Jerry’s gravity levels to help put up some Christmas lights, he takes his new abilities out for a test drive. But when he loses his shoes, which were his counter weight, he flies up into the sky without any way to get down until his abilities eventually wear off. He rejects help from the rest of the family and becomes surprisingly intuitive. He even holds onto a passing plane, which is ridiculously awesome. When push comes to shove, Jerry can hack it with the rest of them.
#5: Jerry vs. The Meeseeks
“Meeseeks and Destroy”
When Rick gives the family a Meeseeks box, Jerry tries to get the blue servants to remove two strokes from his golf game. The only problem is that he really sucks at it and gives up pretty quickly. Unfortunately, Meeseeks must complete the task given to them otherwise they go insane. They attempt to eliminate Jerry, as that will remove all strokes from his game. It’s when he gets cornered in a freezer that Beth gives him the help he needs to finally pull off some sweet moves. After kicking the door down, jaws drop as he pulls off a difficult shot under pressure. The drastic improvement shows that he does have what it takes, he just needs the right kind of encouragement.
#4: Puppeting Tammy
“Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri”
Jerry is nowhere near the most capable person in the family. Morty, Summer, Beth and Rick all have him beat in a lot of areas. But it’s his ability to surprise you which makes him truly badass. When his family lay defeated at Pheonixperson’s mercy, Jerry shows up in the nick of time pretending to be the cyborg’s lover. Using the invisibility belt, he distracts Rick’s old friend by puppetting Tammy’s dead body, giving enough time for Clone Beth to eliminate the threat. It just goes to show you shouldn’t underestimate anybody from the Smith family.
#3: Becoming God’s Chosen
“Childrick of Mort”
Jerry shows that even when he’s ridiculed by the family, he can still shine when he needs to. Rick and Beth’s machine to create a functional society for Rick’s adoptive children does seem incredibly efficient, but it’s also very mean to the ones they don’t deem valuable. So Jerry becomes the leader of these rejects and it’s kind of wholesome. But what’s even cooler is when he is granted powers by the god-like being, Reggie. While he only uses them for a brief confrontation with Beth, it shows that he’s not only a good leader in the right circumstances, but he’s also capable enough to wield mystical powers.
#2: Facing Down Monster Beth
“Big Trouble in Little Sanchez”
Jerry may not be the bravest of the couple, but he’s shown that he can be confrontational when he needs to be, even if the odds are dramatically stacked against him. When the parents of the Smith family go to other-worldly marriage counselling, the manifestations of their negative thoughts wreak havoc on the facility. Despite wanting to run and hide at first, once his wife is taken hostage, Jerry rises to the challenge and uses his smarts to overpower Monster Beth. Again showcasing that Jerry can do well under pressure and he’ll risk his life trying to save the ones he loves.
#1: Mr. Crowbar
“Rick Potion #9”
Who knew that this wimpy ex-advertising executive could kick so much ass? When Rick accidently turns the world into Cronenbergs due to a love potion gone wrong, Jerry shows that you would definitely want this man on your side during the apocalypse. He slays monster after monster, saving his wife, and then building a badass Mad-Max looking car. Despite his one-liners being a bit goofy, they’re still incredibly badass. It’s a shame that this Jerry ended up trapped in this dimension cause we would love to see more of him! If we were to give a nickname to this dimension’s version of Morty’s dad, it would probably be “Badass Jerry.”