Top 10 Times Karens Ruined Their Careers

#10: DJ Disaster
In 2020, Dianna Ploss was a conservative talk radio host with WSMN who regularly talked about her admiration for Donald Trump. But then she threw that career away as she walked down the street in New Hampshire and harassed busy landscape workers. And all it took was hearing the employees speak Spanish. Ploss recorded the interaction as she accused the workers of being in the country illegally, and demanded that they speak English in America. She also decided this proved the government was doing communism…right. When a stranger stepped in, Ploss berated him for wearing a face mask amid a pandemic and pointed out his race. When WSMN heard about this incident, they dropped her show from the station.
#9: Anti-Tourist Karen
There’s a popular saying that drunk words sober thoughts. Well, in 2023, a seemingly inebriated Brianna Pinnix was recorded on a train in New York City by another passenger. She went on an ever-increasing aggressive and xenophobic rant at a group of German tourists as she towered over them, claiming immigrants shouldn’t come into the country. Pinnix’s partner tried to calm the situation and talk Train Karen down by warning her she could be arrested. He even threatened to leave her. Shortly after the viral incident, Pinnix’s employer, pharmaceutical company Capital Rx, fired her from her job as a senior talent acquisition specialist as they have a “zero-tolerance policy around prejudicial or discriminatory behavior.”
#8: Pool Patrol Paula
Thanks to cell phones, people can record horrible interactions with Karens to get justice. For example, Stephanie Sebby-Strempel, better known as Pool Patrol Paula, had her terrible behavior at a Summerville, South Carolina, community swimming pool in 2018 exposed. She was seen shouting at Black teenagers with racist overtones, demanding they leave despite being someone’s guests, and threatening to call 911. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Sebby-Strempel was filmed pushing one of them. One victim also said she used racial slurs and continued to be violent. Sebby-Strempel made it worse when she attacked law enforcement. She later pleaded guilty to assault, and was fined $1000. On top of that, the skincare group Rodan + Fields ceased working with Sebby-Strempel, who was an independent contractor.
#7: Park Ranger Karen
Simply enjoying a hobby legally? Apparently that’s enough to get a Karen to involve herself. In 2023, Anthony Gibson captured Tanya Petty, bothering him as he fished at a lake in Georgia. She began by stating it was for residents, which Gibson is. With little resistance, Petty announced he wasn’t allowed to record her, and that she’d give law enforcement his license plate number. Unfortunately, Gibson stated this was the third time someone had harassed him for fishing in his neighborhood. The video eventually got the attention of Sea Glass Therapy, whom Petty worked for as an independent contractor. The company dropped her, stating they “stand against discrimination of all forms.”
#6: Taco Tina
Some Karens hate it when someone stands up for themselves, even when they’ve committed a crime. In 2023, employees of the Ortiz Tacos stand in Los Angeles, California, felt the wrath of Renee Latrice Hines after asking her to pay for her food. Hines was recorded uttering insults while relentlessly attacking the people, even hurling a sign at the individual filming for showing her license plate. Unsurprisingly, she was arrested and charged on several counts. But that’s not all! Hines had been working as a temporary contractor for Yusen Logistics America through the company Simplified Labor Staff Solutions. Yusen fired Hines for her horrid attack.
#5: Anti-Protest Karen
In 2020, a Black Lives Matter protest took place in Tennessee. But Sonya Holt was not happy about it for some reason. The vile anti-protester was filmed screaming homophobic and racist insults at people, many of which are too terrible to repeat. She also had support from those around her, who were uttering obscenities that are just as disturbing. When the video got out, Holt tried to walk back her grim remarks by apologizing in a news interview. However, her employers, the Keith Family Vision Clinic, were less than impressed. They didn’t let their business’s reputation get dragged through the mud by association though, promptly firing her.
#4: McDonald's Mayhem
Most people go to McDonald's to grab food and leave. No drama, just some burger-y goodness. But in 2023, a chain in Fresno, California, didn’t have a calm time. Gina Aiello allegedly got into an argument with staff over a soda. When Luis Aceves, another customer, stepped in and criticized her for being disrespectful, Aiello bellowed a racist insult at him before storming out of the building. It was soon discovered she worked at the dental office of Dr. Jack Ohanesian. First, Aiello was put on leave as Ohanesian and co. investigated. A few days later, Ohanesian publicly revealed she had been fired, citing his proud heritage of his great-grandfather coming to the States from Armenia and experiencing prejudice.
#3: Permit Patty
When kids show initiative and want to create a business, they should be praised for doing so. But in 2018, Alison Ettel shut down a young Black girl selling water bottles in San Francisco, California. Claiming to be enraged by the noise as she worked from home, Ettel confronted Jordan Rodgers, demanding to see her permit. Ettel then called the cops about the situation, something she denied actually doing. However, it was later proven that she did speak to dispatchers. After being mocked online and deemed “Permit Patty,” Ettel’s business, TreatWell Health, reportedly hired a crisis manager to assess the situation. In the end, she had to resign as its CEO due to the horrible publicity and loss of business she had created.
#2: SouthPark Susan
In 2018, sisters Leisa and Mary Garris were waiting for AAA in the parking lot of an apartment building in Charlotte, North Carolina. But then, Susan Westwood arrived. The seemingly intoxicated Karen ranted at the duo with plenty of racism and bragged about her high-paying job. She even threatened the sisters with violence. Westwood faced several charges, which she pled guilty to, and received 12 months of probation alongside other punishments. She was also fired from her employment at Spectrum Enterprises. This incident, mixed with further issues, reportedly helped Westwood see she needed to get help for her substance use. She was notably interviewed in 2022, showing remorse for her past actions and insisting she had changed her racist ways.
#1: Central Park Karen
One incident in 2020 at New York City’s Central Park took the internet by storm. On that day, Christian Cooper was birding when he spotted Amy Cooper with an unleashed dog in a prohibited area. When he confronted the woman (whom he’s not related to, despite their last names), the conversation took a dark turn. Cooper called the cops, dramatically claiming she was being threatened by Black man, all while tugging her poor pup’s collar. Thankfully, Christian recorded the incident. Amy was slated all over and was even investigated by the police. Her employer, investment firm Franklin Templeton, fired her. She filed a suit and subsequent appeal against the decision. However, in 2023, the court ruled against her.
Have you ever worked for or with a Karen? Let us know your tale of woe below!