Top 10 Times Musical Guests Broke Character in SNL Skits

#10: Ariana Grande
“Cut for Time: New Studio”
We’ve all been there. Your friend wants to show off their super cool new skill they’ve been working hard on, but, well… they probably shouldn’t quit their day job. You obviously can’t tell them that, though, can you? So instead, you try to sound supportive and refrain from laughing in their face. That’s the premise of this “Cut for Time” sketch. The whole cast is on the verge of breaking by the end of the scene but musical guest Ariana Grande holds up considerably well. It’s when Leslie Jones bursts into the room, however, that the singer has to actually cover her face as she swiftly exits the room. We probably would have done the same, TBH.
#9: Britney Spears
“Weekend Update: Will Ferrell and Britney Spears on Giving Up Show Business”
Although this is technically a cameo, we wanted to include it because well, it’s Britney! In this “Weekend Update” segment, the former “SNL” cast member talks about what he’s been up to since he left Studio 8H. Will Ferrell is perhaps one of the funniest guys around and is no stranger to making his scene mates break. Spears manages to keep it together impressively well, practically matching his wit and proving she can pull off comedy with the best of them. In fact, there were so many moments when we thought she might break, but she powered through effortlessly. That’s until Jimmy points out Ferrell’s already married, and he fires back. Though it fits the scene pretty seamlessly, Britney’s laughter there looks pretty real to us.
#8: Mick Jagger
“Mick Is Pointing, Pointing, Pointing at Himself”
When Jimmy Fallon first pitched this idea to Lorne Michaels, he was shot down. But you know who did like it? Yep, you guessed it, Mick Jagger. In this sketch, Jagger tries to brainstorm ideas to keep his latest “SNL” appearance fresh. Luckily, he can bounce some ideas off his reflection, played hilariously by Fallon. Indeed, Fallon’s impression is wildly exaggerated, but we can see a convincing likeness. Perhaps Jagger thought so too, as he couldn’t resist laughing at his scene mate’s over-the-top performance. Doing an impression of a person in front of them is intimidating, to say the least. So it sure helps when that person can laugh at themselves (and their reflection).
#7: Lizzo
“Trivia Game Show”
Lizzo had us all in hysterics as disgruntled game show contestant Nicole. We learned that the singer has a knack for comedy, so we hope this isn’t her only venture into the genre. Anyway, her character is annoyed and spiritedly brazen when the game doesn’t go quite as she expected, and she’s not afraid to make her feelings known. It doesn’t take long at all until it becomes the Nicole show. The other contestants also get in on the action as the chaos continues to devolve. Their accusations toward the host get so ridiculous that even Lizzo can’t help but laugh. She certainly has our vote for Mayor of Game Town.
#6: Harry Styles
“Childbirth Class”
In arguably one of “SNL’s” more bizarre sketches, Harry Styles and Heidi Gardner play an Icelandic couple attending a childbirth class. Their experiences differ from the others, and they’re certainly a unique pair. Everything they say and do is so bonkers that we’re honestly surprised anyone was able to keep it together. Props to Styles for maintaining composure when Gardner sways her booty in his face. Or when they give the others an explicit demonstration. He does, however, break toward the end of the sketch while suggesting the group stays in touch to keep informed about the state of his partner’s behind. We guess it just took time for the absurdity of it all to sink in.
#5: Megan Thee Stallion
In this sketch, Kenan Thompson plays a father who becomes increasingly frustrated when he can’t see the wildlife outside the window. Sure, the premise sounds pretty simple, but everyone really commits, and it’s very entertaining. It only gets funnier when the deer, now a puppet, finds its way into the house and very close to Thompson. The bit with the knife is both ours and Megan Thee Stallion’s undoing. She’s supposed to give a heartwarming monologue about how much she loves living among nature, but we guess she just couldn’t shake off the ridiculous image of the puppet. And to be fair, neither could we.
#4: Chance the Rapper
“Judge Barry”
If you thought a skit about a judge making calls based on nothing but first impressions and gut instincts sounds hilarious, you’d be right. And when it’s driven by someone with as much rhythm in comedy as they have in music, you know you’ve been sentenced to a good time. Chance the Rapper is definitely worthy of the gavel. But when Jason Momoa enters the scene, the Rapper soon becomes guilty of breaking. Not that we can blame him. It doesn’t help that Momoa sets himself off by flubbing his line. By the time the “Aquaman” actor is tearing open his top and shakes his chandelier accessories, it’s pretty much over. No wonder Judge Barry needs a recess!
#3: Billie Eilish
“Hotel Ad”
Even the most seasoned comedic talent might struggle to hold it together through a premise as obscure as this one — especially if they had to share the spotlight with Kate McKinnon. “Hotel Ad,” which sees Eilish and McKinnon sell a less-than-inviting hotel through hilariously deadpan delivery, was one of the episode’s highlights. Credit to the singer: she performs really well and easily convinces us why this hotel is the last place we want to be. She also spends a good deal of the sketch trying desperately to deliver her lines without cracking up, and it’s adorable. But, try as she might, there’s a lot to giggle about. It’s still a five-star performance if you ask us.
#2: Justin Timberlake
“The Barry Gibb Talk Show: Bee Gees Singers”
Anyone who watched SNL in the late ‘90s to mid-aughts knows that Jimmy Fallon was often the main culprit when it came to breaking character. However, in this segment of “The Barry Gibb Talk Show,” with Justin Timberlake, he went from the break-ee to the break-er. Indeed, we can’t blame him what with Fallon’s imitation of Gibb’s signature falsetto voice. The character’s short temper also provides plenty of hilarity. Timberlake shows off his stellar comedic talents as Barry’s brother Robin, but the struggle to keep poker-faced following Fallon’s antics is real. The way he contorts his face to stop himself from laughing is too funny.
#1: Janet Jackson
Could you have made it through this skit without laughing? Yeah, us either. So we totally understand Jackson’s struggle and even applaud her for getting through it as well as she did. She plays a tour group member who stops by an Italian winery to learn about the biz. Jimmy Fallon, Horatio Sanz, and others play the local winemakers who speak with heavy Italian accents, especially when they say “cork soakers.” Yeah, once you hear it, you can’t un-hear it. From the moment Jackson first inquires about the cork soaking, she’s a goner. And it’s almost impossible for her to recover. This sketch is iconic, and Jackson giggling through it is just the cork on top.