Top 10 Times People Found Hidden Secrets in Their Homes

#10: OSU Squatter
We know college is supposed to be full of new experiences, but we wouldn’t want this incident on our collegiate bucket list. Some Ohio State University students thought a ghost might be lurking in their home, making noise, turning on devices, and opening cupboards. But during their investigation, they found a hidden room next to the basement. It turns out that they had another, unknown roommate name living there. He was promptly served with an eviction notice. According to the students, the leasing company failed to change the locks from the previous year or put "do not duplicate" notices on the keys. How much longer could Jeremy have lived there if he did a better job of covering his tracks?
#9: Bootlegger Hatch
Do you love movies set during Prohibition about bootleggers? Then this next story might give you an idea for a new screenplay. In response to a question on Reddit posed by user reptilesni asking for stories about people who’d found a secret room in their homes, Redditor thatstheteahoney explained that when they and their sister were around 12, they found out that their game room covered up a tiny room. They used this space for hide-and-seek with friends and apparently didn't consider what it might have been used for. When discussing it with their parents many years later, they learned the home was constructed during Prohibition. This makes it highly likely that it was used for concealing alcohol. Thankfully, there were no ancient liquor bottles waiting for the homeowners to clear out.
#8: A “Special” Gardening Room
Finding out the previous owners of your home were into gardening isn’t that much of a surprise. But this story isn’t just about planting some tomatoes. Responding to that same Reddit thread, Redditor GrandProduct explained that they were once goofing around with their cousin at their grandparents’ home when they accidentally knocked a hole into a wall, unveiling a secret space. Apparently, this room contained grow lights, trays for plants, and various gardening books. One of them was reportedly about marijuana cultivation. When you put all that evidence together, it’s pretty clear what this room was used for. There’s no word if Grandma and Grandpa had a new business venture in the wake of making this discovery.
#7: Nightmare Fuel Room
Even if you don’t believe in ghosts or haunted houses, we think you’ll find this story scarier than most horror movies. Responding to Redditor MercuryCrest’s request for stories where people have found secret passages, tunnels, or rooms, user SmugUgly told this tale: their father had bought an old Victorian house, which they and their friends used as a hangout. However, during an overnight stay, they heard rustling upstairs. When they went to investigate, they found a hidden room behind a bookshelf, full of all kinds of creepy things, like vintage kids toys. But the scariest part was the visible scratch marks and handprints on the bookshelf. They got out soon after and didn't host any more sleepovers there. It’s still not clear what was making the noise.
#6: An Explosive Room
If you had a relative who served in the military, it probably wouldn’t faze you to find one piece of war memorabilia in their home. However, this story is beyond comprehension. Responding to that same reptilesni thread, Redditor commentator9876 told a story about a man in his neighborhood who had served in World War II. After he passed away, his son checked out the basement for the first time since childhood. A hidden section revealed all kinds of items from the war. Some of these items included grenades and other explosive devices that could have practically demolished the residential area. Most of these were donated to a museum, which is a much better place than in a home's basement.
#5: Josh’s Rules
You know how scary that scene in “The Shining” is when Danny etches the word “Redrum” into the door with a red crayon while holding a long knife? This story has some scary ecoes to that legendary horror film. When touring a home, Redditor The Pantser found a section in the basement seemingly belonging to “Joshua.” Scrawled on the wall were a list of rules. A couple of these creepy credos read “No watching Isaiah through the hole” and “Stop Watching Me.” There were also peepholes made in the stairway. Hopefully, the realtor was able to get these etchings covered up and sage the house for good measure.
#4: A Huge Fashion Find
Posting in the MercuryCrest thread, redditor 93_Vector said that their father’s cousin and her husband purchased a vintage home they intended to flip. One day, they were looking at the house from the outside and saw something they hadn't seen before. There was apparently a window in the middle of their bedroom and their daughter's bedroom. The only way to get into this window was by climbing a ladder outside. Inside was another bedroom, full of art, jewelry, and fur coats. Since the entrance from the inside had been boarded up, they could have easily missed it completely. This great find was definitely cheaper than shopping at a luxury brand retailer.
#3: A Historic Hiding Place
While most people learn about history from reading books and watching documentaries, rarely do people ever get to learn about facts like this. When Redditor mamaneedsacar was a child, they lived in Copenhagen for a brief period. In their house, they discovered a false wall and used the space behind it as a hideout. When a girl from the neighborhood was visiting, she said that the space was used for hiding people. As it turned out, an adult confirmed that it was used to protect people from capture during the Holocaust. The significance of this crucial room had a definite impact on the redditor and likely anyone else who read their post in that already creepy reptilesni thread.
#2: Mysterious Tapes
Anyone who's seen "The Ring" knows that if you find a mysterious videotape, you stay far away from it. When imgur user lmbrjack found a tiny passageway inside their new house, they decided to see what it led to. They proceeded to find a room with small items inside. The poster found a few treasures, including cash and watches. But there were also multiple tapes. One was labeled, "NO NO NO NO" in all caps and black marker. They fortunately did the smart thing and gave these tapes to the police. Hopefully, no one received any ominous phone calls over the next seven days.
#1: A Secret Hangout For Kids
When you're a kid, having your own space is vitally important. While a bedroom is nice, what's even better is having a place that hardly anyone else knows about. Redditor toxxicrewind won the reptilesni thread as far as we’re concerned with the story about how they lived in an apartment with their family when they were a kid. Underneath the stairs was a crawl space, accessible through a closet in a door. They found art from other kids and comfy furniture. The Redditor hung out in this space until a couple of growth spurts made it too cramped for them. They left behind notes to tell future explorers about the clubhouse and who lived there. Hopefully, others were able to enjoy the space.