Top 10 Times The Simpsons Went to Other Countries

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Times The Simpsons Went to Other Countries. For this list, we’ll be looking at the wackiest and most hilarious international adventures the members of the Simpsons family have gone on. Which of their trips made you laugh the most? Let us know in the comments below!
#10: The Simpsons Visit Peru
“Lost Verizon”
We all expect Bart to misbehave, but it’s not often that Lisa also deceives her parents. When the eldest child gets his hands on a cell phone, Marge uses the GPS feature to keep tabs on him. The mischievous son can’t resist being a trickster though, and attaches the tracker to a bird. Lisa discovers his prank, but she refrains from tattling because the bird just happens to be migrating to Machu Picchu, her dream vacation. The family obviously doesn’t find Bart, but their long and arduous journey is chock-full of some great comedic moments. And, the reunion between mother and son when the Simpsons return home is just plain wholesome.
#9: The Simpsons Visit Cuba
“Havana Wild Weekend”
Grampa is the star of the show in this family adventure. When he struggles to find healthcare at home, the Simpsons head off to Cuba. The doctor says he can’t do anything to help, but that doesn’t stop Grampa from having a great time. The city is full of vintage cars and he finds himself a lovely lady, so how could he not love Havana? But, this is a Simpsons family vacation, so something has to go wrong. He has a bit too much fun and getting him back home proves to be a chaotic ordeal. It’s impossible not to laugh watching him get this wild.
#8: The Simpsons Visit Japan
“Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo”
The Simpsons’ Japanese vacation is a treasure trove of jokes about American tourist clichés. Lisa wants to experience Japanese culture, but Homer would rather spend his time in an American-style establishment. He finally gets a glimpse of the local culture when he and Bart attend a sumo wrestling match. Predictably though, he manages to get himself into trouble. So, they have to compete on a game show to win tickets back home. You won’t want to miss all the crazy challenges they go up against. This episode isn’t without controversy, though. It wasn’t aired in Japan, reportedly because of the scene where Homer flings the emperor into a bin.
#7: Homer Visits Scotland
“Monty Can’t Buy Me Love”
Mr. Burns is always asking Homer to do weird things, and hunting down the Loch Ness monster is definitely one of the most bizarre. The two set off to Scotland accompanied by Professor Frink and Groundskeeper Willie. It’s tons of fun watching this odd team execute their mission because it’s not a group of characters you usually see together. Finding the creature is not an easy task and they end up having to drain the entire lake. They eventually succeed and take Nessie back to Springfield, but it’s safe to say this bunch is not suited to be monster hunters.
#6: The Simpsons Visit Tanzania
“Simpson Safari”
You’re gonna love watching the family get a little wild. When Homer finds a golden giraffe in his old animal crackers, he ultimately gets a safari trip. The Simpsons enjoy sightseeing, but, as usual, the patriarch does something disastrous to mess up their trip. This time, he smacks the bottom of a furious hippo and the family flees in a raft. They’re unable to find their way back to the hotel and they stumble upon Dr. Joan Bushwell’s Chimp Refuge. What happens there will leave you shocked. Who knew a box of animal crackers could kick off such an adventure?
#5: The Simpsons Visit Ireland
“In thee Name of the Grandfather”
Homer and Grampa may not always get along, but this episode is full of father-son bonding. The Simpsons forget about Grampa’s family picnic at the Retirement Castle, and they decide to check an item off his bucket list to lift his spirits. They choose to visit O’Flanagan’s Pub in Dunkilderry, Ireland. When they arrive, Homer and Grampa realize that the pub has lost its luster, but they’re still able to do what they do best: drink beer. After a wild night, they wake up to some unexpected news. The trip ends up being a lot more than the Simpsons bargained for, and it sure takes viewers on a fun journey.
#4: The Simpsons Visit Italy
“The Italian Bob”
Mr. Burns has Homer traveling abroad once again, and this time the whole family tags along to pick up a car for him from Italy. Things go awry when the vehicle is crushed by a giant wheel of mortadella and they seek help in a nearby town. Imagine their surprise when they find out the mayor of this little village is none other than Sideshow Bob. Bart’s mortal enemy seems to be reformed, so the Simpsons do their best to keep quiet about his past. But can such an evil criminal really change for good? Enjoy all the beauty of Italy while revisiting one of the show’s longest-running storylines.
#3: The Simpsons Visit Vancouver
“Boy Meets Curl”
The Simpsons have often visited their neighbors to the North, like the time Homer and his friends got caught smuggling prescription drugs. Or, in the comics, when Mr. Burns laid off everyone and almost the entire town illegally immigrated to Canada. But their best Canadian adventure by far is their trip to Vancouver. Homer and Marge join a curling team and make it all the way to the 2010 Winter Olympics. At the same time, Lisa is becoming addicted to collecting souvenir pins. Marge’s cleaning skills really come in handy when she’s sweeping the ice and you’ll be cheering her on while she crushes the competition.
#2: The Simpsons Visit England
“The Regina Monologues”
The Simpsons’ trip to Ireland wasn’t the only one they took that was influenced by Grampa’s memories of his youth. When Bart makes $3000 from his Museum of Modern Bart, he decides to take the family on vacation. Grampa suggests they go to England so he can reunite with his long-lost love, Edwina. Things go relatively smoothly until Homer rear-ends the Queen’s carriage and gets put on trial. But let’s be real, is anyone surprised that he made such a royal mistake? Their vacation is also memorable because it features cameos from some of the most famous Brits, including Tony Blair and Sir Ian McKellen.
#1: The Simpsons Visit Australia
“Bart vs. Australia”
You can thank the Coriolis Effect for giving us one of the most unforgettable episodes of “The Simpsons.” Bart and Lisa get into an argument about the way the water drains down the sink, and he ends up making a $900 collect-call to Australia to try to prove her wrong. As a result, he gets charged with fraud. Thankfully, he gets offered the chance to head down there with his family and make amends instead. But he also finds out they want to quite literally kick him with a boot. His reaction will have you crying tears of laughter. Let’s just say the Australians weren’t too happy about his trick.