Top 20 Worst Things Bart Simpson Has Done

Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 Worst Things Bart Simpson has Done. For this list, we’ll be looking at the times Bart acted terribly in terms of ethics towards the treatment of others in the TV series and movie. What do you think is the worst thing Bart’s ever done? Let us know in the comments!
#20: Pretending to Be Trapped in a Well
“Radio Bart”
For Bart’s birthday Homer gets him a microphone that can broadcast your voice over the radio. At first Bart is less than impressed but soon uses it to play pranks. At first they’re relatively harmless as he makes Homer think Martians are invading or making Marge think Maggie said her first word. Soon Bart ups the ante by placing a radio in a well and pretending to be a young boy, Timmy O’Toole, trapped. Understandably, the townsfolk become concerned and rally together to support Timmy and rescue him. Bart’s deception is revealed when he falls down the well and admits to Timmy being made up. With everyone realizing they’ve been played for fools, they aren’t so quick to rescue Bart.
#19: Putting Homer in the Hospital
“So It’s Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show”
April Fool’s is known as a day for playing pranks on people and Homer uses it to go all out on Bart. He at first makes Bart think he’s lost his vision by placing tape over his eyes and has him unknowingly drink spoiled milk. Bart vows to get him back by shaking up a can of beer and having it explode. He has the can shaken in a paint mixing machine and when Homer opens it there is a literal explosion that sends him to the hospital. From there he ends up in a coma and only awakens when Bart admits that he was the one responsible. Given the magnitude of what happened it was irresponsible of Bart to have shaken the can to the extent that he did.
#18: Destroying Willie’s Life
“Girly Edition”
Bart loves playing pranks but sometimes he goes too far. To get back at Willie for taking his skateboard, Bart rigs a hose to fill Willie’s shack with creamed corn, completely destroying it. Bart’s response is to laugh as he gets his board back but isn’t really concerned about Willie. Later, Bart and Lisa go on to host a news program aimed at kids. While doing a segment of “Bart’s People” we find out that Willie lost everything and has had to resort to living at the dump and still Bart doesn’t apologize or show remorse for his actions.
#17: Ruining Christmas
“Miracle on Evergreen Terrace”
Bart decides to wake up early on Christmas to sneak a peek at the presents sitting under the tree. While playing with a firetruck, he accidentally starts a fire that ends up melting the plastic Christmas tree, taking all the presents with it. He buries what remains out in the snow and when the rest of the family wakes up he tells them that a burglar made off with all their possessions. Already it’s pretty terrible to lie about what happened but when the town hears about what happened, they band together and raise $15,000 for the Simpsons. The guilt ends up being too much for Bart and eventually tells the truth, resulting in the town thinking the whole thing was a scam.
#16: Shoplifting
“Marge Be Not Proud”
After seeing an ad for the video game “Bonestorm”, Bart desperately wants it. When he asks Marge to buy it for him, she says no. Bart tries to rent the game and tries to play with Milhouse but those situations don’t pan out. At the Try N Save he runs into Jimbo and Nelson who are shoplifting, which convinces Bart to swipe a copy of the game. He’s caught by store security and is ultimately let go but he’s banned from the store. When the family returns for Christmas photos, he’s forced to tell the truth of his actions. Obviously stealing is wrong, but the worst part is Marge’s disappointment, shock and feeling that she doesn’t know her own son anymore.
#15: Being a Brat to Lisa
“My Sister, My Sitter”
Lisa decides to be a babysitter and after a few gigs she’s proven herself to be responsible and trustworthy. When Marge and Homer go to the reopening of the Springfield Squidport, they leave her in charge, upsetting Bart. During the course of the night, Bart makes things super difficult for her. He gives Maggie coffee ice cream, orders a 25 foot sub, hires Krusty the Klown for a bachelor party, and calls EMTs for an emergency sisterectomy, among other things. When he ends up hurt, he refuses medical attention just to make it look like Lisa is irresponsible. It's an extremely petty and dangerous way to act because he doesn’t want Lisa in charge.
#14: Being Envious of Lisa’s New Friends
“Summer of 4 Ft. 2”
Lisa often feels as though she’s a social outcast. At the end of the school year she can’t get anyone to sign her yearbook. When the Simpsons stay at Flanders’ vacation home she uses her new setting to reinvent herself. She’s able to join a group of local kids who like her knowledge and sense of fashion. Bart becomes envious of her new social status and tries desperately hard to get the kids to like him instead. In a really mean act he exposes her dorky tendencies to the group as a way to humiliate Lisa. She’s understandably angry with him over his actions but her newfound friends are very accepting of who she is. Bart redeems himself by having the group sign her yearbook.
#13: Catfishing Mrs. Krabappel
“Bart the Lover”
Sometimes Bart gets in way over head and this is one of those times. Noticing that Mrs. Krabappel is looking for love, he decides to play a prank on her. He writes a letter posing as a made up man named Woodrow. They two begin a correspondence and finally plan to meet in person. Up to this point it’s been all fun and games for Bart but when he sees her alone at the restaurant in tears because she was stood up he realizes that he really hurt her. It was definitely cruel but when he realized he messed up, he turned to his family to come up with away to end the relationship between Woodrow and Edna without causing further humiliation.
#12: Giving Away Santa’s Little Helper
“The Canine Mutiny”
When Bart gets a credit card he’s able to buy a whole host of various items for himself and the rest of the family. While going through a catalog, he comes across Collies for sale and buys one. He receives Laddie, a well trained and intelligent dog. Unfortunately for Bart, all the stuff he bought gets repossessed and when the repo men ask for the dog, he gives them Santa’s Little Helper. Granted Laddie is exceptional and everyone takes an instant liking to him, but how can Bart so easily give up his best friend? Especially since it seems that he’s the only one who really loved Santa’s Little Helper. Luckily, he’s able to get him back after realizing his mistake.
#11: Killing a Bird
“Bart the Mother”
Marge doesn’t want Bart to hang around Nelson believing he’s a bad influence. Nelson can be rude, has no parental supervision and is frequently in trouble at school so she has a valid concern. When Nelson acquires a BB gun, Bart can’t help but want to use it. Bart’s dared to take aim at a bird and even though he tries to intentionally miss, he ends up killing it.When Marge finds out, she’s extremely disappointed. Even Bart knew it was wrong before he fired the shot but couldn’t back down in the face of peer pressure.
#10: Making Prank Calls
Various Episodes
One of Bart’s distinguishing pranks are his calls to Moe’s Tavern, even though this hasn’t been a regular thing since the fourth season. For the few who may not be aware, the joke goes like this – Bart calls Moe’s and asks for a silly fake name like Seymour Butz. Moe then calls out the fake rude name in the bar before realizing it’s a prank and getting VERY heated about it. Yes, the pranks are fundamentally harmless (and really, who hasn’t taken part in a good prank call?), but poor Moe just wants to run his establishment in peace without some snot-nosed kid making him feel “Stu Pitt”.
#9: Exposing Himself
“The Simpsons Movie” (2007)
Talk about letting it all hang out. In “The Simpsons Movie,” Homer dares Bart to skateboard completely naked to Krusty Burger and back. Despite initially showing reluctance because girls might see him totes nude, Bart takes off after Homer calls him a chicken. He proceeds to shock the entire town with his antics before we are treated to a full-on, uncensored view of his dingle as well. As funny as the censorship joke is, did we really need to see . . everything? Mind you, a little nudity doesn’t really hurt anyone.
#8: Giving Cigarettes to Santa’s Little Helper
By the show’s fourth season, Bart had graduated from harmless prank calls to giving cigarettes to the family dog. Lisa and Bart are tasked with that school classic: science fair projects. Lisa creates a massive steroid-enhanced tomato in the hopes of ending world hunger. So responsible! Meanwhile, Bart decides to . . . study the effects of cigarette smoking on dogs. Right on cue, Santa’s Little Helper enters the kitchen with a cigarette dangling from his lips while hacking up a lung. Nothing like giving a dog lung cancer in the name of Science! But then again, we didn’t expect much more from Bart.
#7: Burning Lisa’s Centerpiece
“Bart vs. Thanksgiving”
It’s not a Simpsons holiday without one member of the family ruining everything! And this time, Bart…well, ruins Thanksgiving. To celebrate the festivities, Lisa slaves over an elaborate centerpiece, which she proudly displays once everyone is sat around the table. Enter Bart bearing the turkey, who decides that Lisa’s centerpiece is taking up valuable real estate on the table. A tussle ensues, and the centerpiece is thrown into the fire. Yes, it was an accident, but Bart was still being petty and rude about it and showed no remorse for what he had done, even calling it “bitchin’” and ordering his food to go once he was sent up to his room. Booo.
#6: Upending Australia’s Ecology
“Bart vs. Australia”
If he’s not ruining Thanksgiving, he’s ruining an entire country’s ecology. Bart is forced to travel to Australia to personally apologize for being irresponsible and sticking a boy down under with a huge phone bill. But then he brings a bullfrog on his journey; when he leaves it at Australian customs, it escapes and happily makes its way into the country. The bullfrog then reproduces at an alarming rate, and the army of bullfrogs proceed to destroy the local crops. Of course, Bart and company just laugh about it, detached from the fact that they just single-handedly ruined an entire country.
#5: Trying to Destroy Springfield Elementary
“Postcards from the Wedge”
Springfield Elementary is no stranger to abuse from Bart. If he’s not using a firehose to flood the school gym, he’s trying to destroy the entire building. While hiding from Principal Skinner, Bart and Milhouse discover that the old trains in the subway system still work. They race down the tracks and cause a tremor, which damages the school’s foundation. Wanting attention from his parents (who decided to just ignore his behavior), Bart decides to drive the train directly underneath the school in the hopes of crippling the entire building. And he damn near succeeds, too. Of course, the school is destroyed anyway once the flag pole falls on it, so mission accomplished, we suppose.
#4: Destroying Springfield With a Sonic Boom
“The Secret War of Lisa Simpson”
Leave it to Bart to destroy an entire city with a megaphone. While visiting the police station on a field trip, Bart finds the megaphone collection and proceeds to stack them, with the hope of creating a mega-amplified sound. And succeed he does. After saying “testing” into the mega-megaphone, the station wall is obliterated and a massive shockwave proceeds to shatter every piece of glass in the city. It also leaves the entire population of Springfield deaf and causes a released octopus to attack Professor Frink. This is the prank that finally sent Homer over the edge, and Bart was sent to military school as punishment. You know it’s bad when even Homer is pissed.
#3: Decapitating the Jebediah Springfield Statue
“The Telltale Head”
For this prank, we’re going all the way back to season one. Wanting to impress his new buddies Jimbo, Dolph, and Kearney, Bart uses a hack saw to decapitate the statue of Jebediah Springfield. The entire town naturally grows resentful of the perpetrator, and Bart finds that even his new, rebellious role models are upset. Petty vandalism is one thing, but cutting the head off a town statue is so out of line and despicable that even the local bullies detest the act. With this, Bart crossed a dangerous line and went from bratty child to criminal. Well, at least for this episode.
#2: Exploiting Skinner’s Peanut Allergy
“Please Homer, Don’t Hammer ‘Em”
Bart is usually a sympathetic character, even when he’s at his most rambunctious. But this was truly a new low. After the school is notified that peanuts will no longer be allowed on the premises, an annoyed Bart discovers that it is not a student with the debilitating allergy, but Skinner. Naturally, Bart uses this knowledge to his advantage and exploit Skinner via a peanut on a stick. He uses his peanut stick to torture Skinner by hurling soda cans at him and making him eat literal garbage. This is malicious, through and through.
#1: Nearly Killing Martin
“Dial ‘N’ for Nerder”
Yeah, it doesn’t get any worse than killing someone. While Bart and Lisa are riding their bikes, they come across poor Martin, who only wants to excavate arrowheads in peace. While Lisa shows enthusiasm and joins him, Bart decides to pull a prank by burying Sideshow Mel’s bone and pretending that it’s an important artifact. He pulls the bone and smacks Martin, who, in turn, topples over the cliff. And while it was Lisa who accidentally pushes him off with the stick, this is all on Bart. If it wasn’t for Martin’s durable, wedgie-proof waistband, Bart would likely have found himself facing charges of manslaughter. And all for a stupid prank.