Top 10 Unanswered Questions in The Flash

#10: So, Can Anyone Become The Flash With Lightning & Chemicals?
While trying to guarantee that his younger self becomes the Flash, the older Barry accidentally loses his powers in the process. Well gee, it’ll be hard for Barry to get his powers back. Actually, it’s gonna be relatively straightforward. Marginally a nuisance! When another lightning storm conveniently comes along, Barry recreates the accident with a bat kite, some chemicals, and a little extra help from Supergirl. Were these the same chemicals that Barry got doused with before or some random ones that Bruce Wayne had lying around? Does this mean that virtually any person can gain superspeed powers with the right chemicals and a lightning conductor? We guess this is just comic book logic, so we’ll get off the screenwriter’s back.
#9: Seriously, What Was the Deal With “Lois is the Key?”
Okay, this is more of a holdover question from a previous film, but given the Speed Force’s role here, this seemed like a prime opportunity to provide insight. “Batman v Superman” left us all scratching our heads when Barry suddenly popped up via portal, vaguely telling Bruce that “Lois is the key.” This was kind of brought back into play in “Justice League,” as Lois manages to calm down Clark after he’s resurrected. The Snyder Cut goes a bit deeper into Lois’ significance, but it remains unclear when Barry went back in time. You’d think that Bruce would’ve brought it up after Barry tells him that he can travel through time. Like many other loose threads from the Snyderverse, it’ll probably never be resolved.
#8: Did Changing Time Affect Aquaman At All?
By saving his mom, Barry finds that his actions extended beyond his family. Among the most jarring changes, he created a reality where Atlanna never met Thomas Curry. Thus, Arthur Curry was never born. Barry attempts to rectify this, which seemingly works. In a post-credits scene, Barry meets up with Jason Momoa’s Arthur at a bar, recounting his time travel exploits. However, something feels off about Arthur. In 2018’s “Aquaman,” we saw Arthur mature from a drunk, wreckless vigilante to the savior that Atlantis deserves. In “The Flash,” Arthur has reverted to his irresponsible ways. Did Barry’s actions affect Arthur’s character arc or do old habits simply die hard? Perhaps we’ll find out in “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom,” the last DCEU film.
#7: Who is the Boy That Barry Saved/Didn’t Save?
Turns out that Barry was present when Zod attempted to terraform Earth in “Man of Steel.” Since Barry was still getting the hang of his newfound powers, he only managed to save one boy while his father perished. Who was this young whippersnapper? A little Bill Batson or perhaps a character we haven’t seen in this continuity like Tim Drake? It’s never revealed, leading us to assume that Barry saved an everyday kid. In the alternate timeline that he creates, Barry is off fighting Zod when the terraforming commences, which apparently means he doesn’t save the boy in that reality. Assuming that the boy ultimately survived, it’s uncertain who he grew up to be or how his existence affects the past and future.
#6: Who Killed Barry’s Mother?
We know Henry Allen didn’t kill his wife, but who did? In the comics, Eobard Thawne, aka Reverse-Flash, is responsible for Nora Allen’s death. Maybe if “The Flash” gets a sequel, Thawne will be revealed as Nora’s killer. As of now, there isn’t much to go on outside of the comic continuity. What we don’t get is why Barry doesn’t try to figure out who killed his mom while visiting the past. We understand that Barry had to let his mother die, but he could’ve rushed to their house to see who was at the scene of the crime. Then he’d at least be able to bring the killer to justice. Then again, if it was Thawne, Barry would’ve had a hard time catching him.
#5: Is George Clooney’s Bruce Wayne a Mainstay?
As Barry’s father is released from prison, it appears everything is as it should be. That is until Barry gets a call from Bruce Wayne. Stepping out of his car, Barry comes face to face with Bruce. The billionaire looks less like Ben Affleck and more like that doctor from “ER.” It’s possible that this is a one-off joke for those who fondly (or not-so-fondly) remember George Clooney’s 1997 stint as Batman. However, could Clooney be the upcoming DC Universe’s official Batman? Affleck reportedly won’t reprise his role in “The Brave and the Bold,” leaving the door open for another actor. They’ll probably go with a fresh face, although maybe Clooney deserves another shot. “Batman & Robin” is hated, but Clooney is basically a real-life Bruce.
#4: Will the Rest of the Justice League Be Recast?
Batman isn’t the only role going through a transitional period. “The Flash” confirms that we’ll at least see Jason Momoa’s Aquaman again. The rest of the Justice League is up in the air. Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman briefly shows up during the opening set piece, but she isn’t seen again after Barry travels through time. Since Gadot has become synonymous with Diana Prince, we’d be surprised if she didn’t return for at least one more movie in the DC Universe. However, James Gunn has stated that Henry Cavill won’t be the star of “Superman: Legacy.” Given Ray Fisher’s history with DC and WB, his days as Cyborg appear to be over. Even Ezra Miller’s future as Barry is questionable considering the actor’s controversial behavior.
#3: Is This It for Keaton’s Batman & Calle’s Supergirl?
It took over 30 years, but Michael Keaton finally donned the cape and cowl again. “The Flash” also delivers a star-making turn from Sasha Calle as Kara Zor-El. Unfortunately, both die during the climax and no matter how many times Barry goes back, he can’t change their fate. Since this is a multiverse we’re talking about, though, don’t be surprised if we see these actors pop up again. A “Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow” adaptation is in the works. Although it hasn’t been confirmed who will play Kara in that film, Calle hopes to reprise her role. Gunn has stated that “there’s not going to be four Batmans.” Yet, there could be multiple Batmans, and we hope Keaton is one of them. Only time will tell.
#2: The Effects of World Colliding?
As Barry’s attempts to save his mother grow futile, worlds literally start colliding, resulting in some of the film’s most mind-blowing cameos. Barry puts an end to the madness before things can get more out of control. If Clooney’s cameo is any indication, though, worlds might’ve collided enough to bring some other familiar faces into the DC Universe. Theoretically, Barry’s actions could’ve created a reality where Stephen Amell is Green Arrow, Michelle Pfeiffer is Catwoman, and Mark Hamil is the Joker. Admittedly, that sounds too good to be true, but with this plot device, DC could cherrypick the most beloved casting choices from each continuity, uniting them in one universe. Who knows? Maybe Nic Cage’s Superman will collide with the Flash one more time.
#1: Where Will James Gunn Take DC Now?
In October 2022, it was announced that James Gunn and Peter Safran would be heading up DC Studios with a new universe on the horizon. By this point, “The Flash” was already deep into production. Given that timeframe, it was naive to think that the film would answer all of our questions about DC’s future. All we really know as of now is that the film has reset the DCEU’s continuity, paving the way for the DC Universe. According to Gunn, “Blue Beetle” is “totally disconnected,” but the “Aquaman” sequel will lead into “Superman: Legacy,” the DCU’s first official film. “The Flash” clearly changed a lot, but it will be some time until we see just how much the film changed.