Top 10 Unforgettable 13 Going on 30 Moments

Doesn’t it feel like 13 was just yesterday? Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 13 Going on 30 Moments.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the most memorable trials and tribulations of Jenna’s first shot at being 30.
#10: Thirty, Flirty & Thriving
This is the moment that changed everything for Jenna Rink. Patiently waiting blindfolded in her closet for seven dreamy minutes with Chris Grandy, Jenna is instead met with Matt who tells her that everyone, including the popular ‘Six Chicks,’ has left her 13th birthday party. Thoroughly embarrassed, she puts her blindfold back on and makes a wish ….Young Jenna’s face of utter devastation captured an all-too-relatable feeling of preteen longing – a fierce desire to be liked, popular, and grown-up. But unlike the rest of us, Jenna’s desires become a reality, her wish setting off a time-warping adventure that changes her forever.
#9: Jenna & Matt Reunite as Adults
30-year-old Jenna is met with a rude awakening when she reunites with childhood best friend Matt, only to find out that they haven’t spoken since high school. He helps her put together the pieces of her surreal reality, showing her their high school yearbook in which she finds out she became the leader of the ‘Six Chicks’ and was even crowned prom queen. The moment invited viewers to reflect on their own adolescent fantasies, living through the elated Jenna, as she finds out she got everything she ever wanted and excitedly lives out her dream grown-up life.
#8: Jenna’s Heartfelt Conversation with Her Mom
Overwhelmed by the dramas of her adult life and disappointed by the person she’s become, Jenna goes home to New Jersey to visit her parents. Over an adorable smiley face breakfast, Jenna expresses regret over her choices and asks her mom for advice. With a mother’s wisdom, she tells her daughter that she has no regrets in life because she was able to learn from them. Jenna’s special bond with her mother is brought to light in this touching moment of forgiveness and understanding – pulling on all our heartstrings.
#7: Jenna’s Boyfriend Gives Her a Striptease
Ice, Ice, Baby! A naive Jenna believes she’s in for a wholesome night of games when she leaves Lucy to go to her boyfriend’s apartment. Well Jenna, unless the ‘games’ you’re thinking of involve watching your jock boyfriend gracelessly jerking his hips to the Vanilla Ice hit, you’re in for a shocking surprise. Throwing a pillow at his ‘thing,’ Jenna’s absolutely mortified reaction to the striptease is totally hilarious. But we also can’t help but sympathize with her freaking out to this cringe-worthy performance. Don’t worry Jenna, we’re all experiencing second-hand embarrassment too.
#6: Jenna’s Presentation for Poise
Sometimes it takes an authentic and unadulterated perspective to come up with the best ideas. Jenna presented her totally unique yearbook-inspired concept for Poise’s redesign, enchanting everyone in the room. Replacing models with ‘real people,’ Jenna brings the fashion magazine back down to earth with images and feelings that are relatable to the ordinary reader. It’s a moment that speaks to the universal nostalgia for the pure and complicated joys of adolescence. Her brilliant idea wins the hearts of her colleagues, leaving us all reaching for the nearest tissue box.
#5: Jenna Gets Ready for the Poise Party
Everyone loves a good transformation montage. Set to Whitney Houston’s timelessly catchy ‘I Wanna Dance With Somebody,’ this scene shows Jenna gloriously getting ready for the Poise party. She revels at the splendours of her closet, including an abundance of strappy shoes and endless satin blouses, and is hilariously baffled by a barely-there thong. Jenna injects a little 80s flair to the early 2000s – dusting on metallic pastel-hued eyeshadow, styling her hair in a spunky up-do, and accessorizing her vivid striped dress with dangly jewelry. Totally radical.
#4: Jenna & Matt Share Razzles Again
Maybe Jenna and Matt were riding the high off their successful photo shoot. Or maybe the nostalgic Razzles of their childhood brought back memories of blooming puppy love. Then again, it could also have something to do with the romantic reflection of city lights in the twinkling water. Either way, sparks were most definitely flying in this scene. Jenna and Matt’s electric chemistry is undeniable as they adorably stick their tongues out at each other and swing in unison on a swing set. And when the charming duo finally lock lips for the long-awaited first kiss . . . how could we not just swoon?
#3: Jenna’s Slumber Party
Stuck in the adult world, Jenna finds friendship and belonging among the teen girls she befriends. After chatting up her neighbour Becky in the elevator – complimenting each others’ outfits in signature teenage girl fashion – she invites her and her friends over for a slumber party. The girls swoon at Jenna’s romantic ventures and she takes on a big-sister role, imparting her sage wisdom to her new friends. They break out into a dance party, belting it out to 80s classic ‘Love is a Battlefield.’ Their silly energy is infectious - reminding us it’s important to let loose and have some good old fashion fun sometimes.
#2: Jenna & Matt Move Into their Pink Dreamhouse
This charming film comes full circle as the pink dollhouse Matt made for Jenna appears in this last scene again, only this time it’s real. The newly wed couple are seen happily moving into a house with a pink exterior, just like the one that started this whole conundrum. It’s the ending we were all rooting for – Jenna was granted her wish to do-over the event that changed her life and got her happily-ever-after with Matt. Though most of us won’t have the opportunity to time-travel in our road to self-discovery, this scene is a reminder to reflect on what it is that truly makes us happy in life.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Jenna Gives Tom Tom a Taste of Her Own Medicine
Jenna Takes a Stand
Jenna Takes a Hard Pass on Chris Grandy
Grownup Jenna Tries to Hit On a Boy
#1: Jenna Saves the Poise Party with ‘Thriller’
Jenna showed us that sometimes the coolest thing you can do is not be afraid to look a little silly. At the Poise party, our heroine experiences her first real grown-up party, letting loose, getting a little tipsy, and calling rival magazine Sparkle’s editor ‘frizzy’. When the party starts to flop, Jenna surprises everyone by requesting the Michael Jackson anthem ‘Thriller’ and performing its accompanying dance. With Matt by her side, she gets the whole crowd on their feet, to the delight of her boss Richard. Single-handedly saving the party, Jenna reminds us to let out our inner teenagers and not take ourselves so seriously all the time.