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Top 10 Funniest Mean Girls Moments

Top 10 Funniest Mean Girls Moments
VOICE OVER: Samantha Clinch WRITTEN BY: Sammie Purcell
These "Mean Girls" moments will always be fetch. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most laugh-out-loud moments from this 2004 comedy hit. Our countdown includes three-way attack, a mom for the ages, sex ed, and more!

#10: “Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen”

No matter what Regina George said, we think Gretchen Wieners did make “fetch” happen, even if it wasn’t necessarily right away. In the internet age, we love to make ironic sayings completely unironic so Gretchen definitely ended up being a trendsetter of sorts. Her obsession with the word which, as she will let you know is “like, slang from England” is a running gag throughout the movie. Every time she brings it up is funnier than the last, all culminating in a devastating blow from Regina. Twenty years later, we just know Gretchen would be obsessed with social media slang.

#9: Jingle Bell Rock

Who doesn’t love a good talent show? Well, the one at North Shore High School is a little more raunchy than most, to say the least. We start off strong, with Damian’s lovely rendition of “Beautiful.” Kevin Gnapoor’s rap is a little less savory, but not too bad. But then come the Plastics. Although they’re dancing along to a relatively wholesome tune, the moves themselves are anything but. The looks on Cady’s parents’ faces are priceless, not to mention Regina’s mom performing her own mirrored routine in the aisle. And to cap it off, it all ends with a boombox to the face. Classic.

#8: “You Go, Glenn Coco!”

Ah, the enigmatic Glenn Coco! We never see him, but he looms over “Mean Girls” lore as a large part of the reason that Gretchen, as they say, cracked. (More on that later.) When Damian comes to deliver Candy Cane grams dressed as Santa Claus, most students get one, maybe two. But Glenn Coco is no ordinary student. He racks up four candy cane grams in a scene-stealing moment. It’s such a funny line and so well-delivered that we almost miss the fact that, as per Cady, Janis, and Damian’s plan, Gretchen receives none. She may have been part of the mean girls crew, but she didn’t deserve this psychological Christmas-themed torment!

#7: “If You’re From Africa, Why Are You White?”

Karen Smith might be the dumbest of the Plastics, but she also might be the funniest. From the very first moment we see her, we know that we’re in for a wild ride. When Cady is roped into sitting with the Plastics at lunch, the first thing Karen says to her is predictably ridiculous. Cady’s move from Africa has already caused her some strife thus far in the movie, and Karen’s confusion about how she could possibly be white only adds to that humor. We, for one, agree with Gretchen. You really can’t just ask people why they’re white.

#6: Sex Ed

The Coach Carr segments of “Mean Girls” may not have aged particularly well, but we still can’t help but laugh out loud at this one. On her second day of school, Cady ends up skipping sex ed so she can hang out with Janis and Damian. She might not know what she missed that day, but we will never forget it. Coach Carr’s plea to his students to not have sex, lest they get pregnant and die, is one of the most iconic parts of the film. This definitely isn’t the best way to teach sex ed, and Coach Carr is for sure not the one you should be taking advice from, but at least it’s entertaining.

#5: The Projection Room Above the Auditorium

This is a smaller bit, but it gets us cackling every time. When Cady is finally able to get some good information out of Gretchen, she puts it to hilarious use. Gretchen tells her that Regina frequently cheats on her boyfriend Aaron with Shane Oman in the projection room above the auditorium. Cady then tries various ways to lead Aaron to said room, including staging a mugging. But our favorite trick is when she makes a fake sign stating that swim practice, notably a sport that requires a pool, will be held in the projection room above the auditorium…and Aaron actually goes. Well, at least he’s cute.

#4: A Mom for the Ages

“Mean Girls” gets a few of its amazing actors from the hallowed halls of “Saturday Night Live.” As Regina’s mom, Amy Poehler brought a whole new meaning to the phrase “cool mom.” From the moment Poehler comes on screen in her light pink sweatsuit, she takes over the movie. If you’re going to drink, you had better do it in the house, because Mrs. George is not a regular mom. Say it with us: she’s a cool mom! From that scene on, everything Poehler does is worthy of all the accolades. We especially love her practicing safe sex, popping in on Regina and a boy to offer some snacks or a condom.

#3: We Should Totally Just Stab Caesar!

Gretchen Wieners might have some of the best lines in the entirety of “Mean Girls.” Her apology for being popular is one of the most memorable moments in the movie, after all. But she’s at her strongest when she’s going on a full-fledged take down of none other than Julius Caesar himself. Before Gretchen finally “cracks” and decides to betray Regina’s confidence to Cady, she hits her breaking point in class. Her speech about Brutus and Caesar parallels her own experience with Regina in hilariously perfect ways. And she’s right! Brutus is just as cute as Caesar, and people totally like Brutus just as much! We love you, Brutus.

#2: Three-Way Attack

One of the more outdated modes of technology in “Mean Girls” is the excessive use of the three and four-way call. It’s used early on in the film when Regina tries to gauge whether Cady is upset with Gretchen for telling Regina about Cady’s crush on Aaron. But the best use of the four-way call comes when Gretchen and Cady finally convince Karen to turn on Regina. Karen bails on the plans she made with Regina, claiming that she is sick with a weak fake cough. In the years since the film’s release, Regina’s response has become iconic. In fact, calling your best friends the most horrendous names you can think of (lovingly, of course) is pretty much the ultimate sign of close friendship.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

“Is Butter a Carb?”
It’s Actually 100% Fat So, No, Not a Carb

“It’s Like I Have ESPN or Something”
Karen Confirmed What We Always Knew, That She Is Psychic

Karen’s Halloween Costume
We Could Totally Tell From the Ears

“You Can’t Sit With Us”
Gretchen Wieners Cracked Once & She Will Crack Again

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#1: “She Doesn’t Even Go Here!”

Perhaps the most famous line from “Mean Girls” doesn’t come from Cady, or even one of the Plastics. It comes from Damian. And technically, he probably wasn’t supposed to be there either! After the release of the Burn Book, Damian crashes the girls’ assembly and watches as they all apologize for being so mean to each other. He’s incognito, quiet in sunglasses and a hoodie. But when a girl who does NOT go to North Shore gets on the stage and starts talking about cakes and rainbows, he just can’t take it anymore. He yells the iconic line, before ducking back into obscurity. If we had a nickel for everytime someone said this in real life, we’d have a lot of nickels.

If we missed any of your favorite funny “Mean Girls” moments, let us know in the comments below.
