Top 10 Unforgettable BoJack Horseman Moments

He's our favorite self-loathing alcoholic horse. Welcome to, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 most unforgettable moments from “BoJack Horseman.”
For this list, we're looking at our favorite moments from the first three seasons of the animated Netflix series that's had us laughing, crying and everything in between.
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He’s our favorite self-loathing alcoholic horse. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 most unforgettable moments from “BoJack Horseman.”
For this list, we’re looking at our favorite moments from the first three seasons of the animated Netflix series that’s had us laughing, crying and everything in between.
#10: Newtopia Rising, Book One: The Search for a New Utopia
“Zoës and Zeldas”
In a show full of eccentric characters, lovable loser Todd stands out as one of the zaniest. As it turns out, his life’s work has resulted in a science-fiction rock opera about...well, it’s not entirely clear what it’s about. BoJack helps Todd work out the ridiculously complex plot and music, giving him the chance to make it big. The story takes a dark turn, however, when BoJack sabotages Todd in order to keep him on his couch. Besides providing an abundance of hilarity, this storyline is also a pivotal character moment for both BoJack and Todd, as it shows the best and worst of them both.
#9: BoJack Underwater
“Fish Out of Water”
This series is known for its intelligent and hilarious dialogue, which is why it was so surprising when the show made an episode with almost no speaking. Taking a page out of “Lost in Translation”’s book, BoJack attends the Pacific Ocean Film Festival, where he is a complete outsider due to his lack of understanding of underwater language and culture. He becomes entangled in a misadventure with a newborn seahorse and, as always, animal jokes abound. Showing off some of the series’ most beautiful animation and best slapstick humor, “Fish Out of Water” is now one of the most critically acclaimed episodes.
#8: You Said It with Your Actions!
“BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One”
Anyone who watches this show can tell you that BoJack is...complicated, to say the least. Many of his relationships can turn toxic in the blink of an eye, as seen with his on-again-off-again girlfriend and agent, Princess Carolyn. When she points out that he doesn’t want a baby, as indicated by his actions, we’re treated to one of the series’ best cutaway gags. Princess Carolyn points out a cute baby and BoJack flips out, overturning the baby’s stroller and causing a car wreck as he tries to escape the scene. It exemplifies the off-the-wall brand of humor that has made the show so successful.
#7: Vincent Adultman
Various Episodes
Tired of BoJack’s shenanigans, Princess Carolyn decides to date a more grown-up man, which she finds in Vincent. He works at the business factory and loves seeing R-rated movies and riding the tall person rides at Disneyland. Okay, real talk: Vincent is clearly three young boys in a trench coat, and, for some reason, only BoJack can see that in this hysterical running gag. And the characters’ ignorance of this as he enters a long-term relationship with Princess Carolyn is absolutely absurd, but also absolutely gut busting. Though the relationship ends dramatically in season two, we can’t help but hope to see more of Vincent in the future.
#6: Prom
“Escape from L.A.”
BoJack tries to reconnect with his oldest real friend, Charlotte, who he still has feelings for; but the attempt goes haywire when he discovers she’s now married and has a family. Classic BoJack, he steers into the skid and stays as the family’s guest for months. He even agrees to take Charlotte’s daughter Penny to the prom, and the two have a chaotic but meaningful night. Then Penny makes a move on him. BoJack rejects it as he should, but after a final rejection from Charlotte, his demons get the better of him. It’s the most heartbreaking moment in the series, to see a character we’ve come to love fall so hard.
#5: What Do Celebrities Know? Do They Know Things? Let’s Find Out!
“Let’s Find Out”
On a lighter note, as it turns out, legendary author J.D. Salinger is still alive, and very interested in producing game shows about celebrities. Mr. Peanutbutter takes on hosting duties, and is meaner than usual to contestant BoJack, who is presented with ridiculously difficult questions. Playing ingeniously on BoJack’s insecurities about his celebrity, Daniel Radcliffe makes a guest appearance as the “big celebrity” who is supposed to beat BoJack because he’s more popular with audiences. As the tension builds between Peanutbutter and BoJack, their issues are brought to the forefront on live TV and, naturally for television, they resolve their issues in a half-hour.
#4: The ‘90s
“The Telescope”
BoJack’s main claim to fame before his funemployment depressive state was his role in the ‘90s sitcom “Horsin’ Around.” We get to witness this period of his life firsthand, in a rather meta flashback joke. We see BoJack go from his humble beginnings to his less-than-humble prime. Of course, the relationship between BoJack and Herb, the creator of “Horsin’ Around,” is critical to the episode, as Herb kick starts BoJack’s career and is his best friend. But when push comes to shove, BoJack abandons his buddy in favor of his career. A brilliant mix of sadness and humor, this one allows us a lot of insight into our complicated equine antihero.
#3: The Great BoJack Jerk-Off
“BoJack Hates the Troops”
It’s not what it sounds like. The show didn’t wait around to show off BoJack’s arrogance. In the second episode, we see him get into a public feud with a Navy SEAL...who is an actual seal. When BoJack takes a box of muffins, which Neal McBeal the Navy SEAL allegedly had dibs on, it’s a battle between these two prideful animals. And things only get worse from there. In fact, BoJack manages to offend just about everyone as he accidentally calls the troops jerks, and then refuses to apologize. Fantastic guest voicing by Patton Oswalt and Keith Olbermann complete the disastrous controversy. But once again, we think Todd says it best.
#2: The Drug Trip
“Downer Ending”
When BoJack tries to write his biography in a single day, Dr. Hu (no, not that one) helps him out. BoJack, Sarah Lynn and Todd do some unspecified drugs, and that results in one raucous, uproarious night. Bizarre hallucinations make for some darkly humorous moments, not to mention a few attempted murders. A few seriously traumatizing moments take us through BoJack’s psyche and show us his fears and regrets. The animators really thought outside of the box on this one, mixing various animation styles in a fluid sequence. Equal parts hilarious, heartbreaking and horrifying, it reminds us why we love these characters.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
- BoJack Is Nominated for an Oscar...Or Not
“It’s You”
- Meow-Meow Fuzzyface: The Loose Cannon?
- BoJack Meets Diane
“BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One”
#1: BoJack Steals the “D”
“Our A-Story Is a ‘D’ Story”
BoJack and Diane have instant chemistry from the start of the show, which poses a problem since she’s dating Mr. Peanutbutter. After a long night of drinking and an increasingly absurd effort to one-up Mr. Peanutbutter, BoJack steals the Hollywood sign’s D. For Diane. Get it? What ensues is a hilarious scheme where BoJack teams up with Mr. Peanutbutter to return the “D” and maintain BoJack’s innocence. This moment has reverberated throughout the entire series, as after this episode, everyone refers to the city as “Hollywoo,” due to the lack of a “D.” It was an easy choice for the top pick since it deftly balances the humor and heart of the show.