Top 10 Worst Things Done by BoJack Horseman

He’s tired of running in circles, yet he continues running the same terrible treadmill. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Things Done by BoJack Horseman.
For this list, we’re looking at the some of the most disappointing and deplorable things that this anthropomorphic horse has ever done. In case you haven’t caught up to the end of Season 5, there’s a spoiler warning in effect!
#10: Abandoning “Secretariat”
Multiple Episodes
One of BoJack’s biggest aspirations was to star in a movie about his childhood hero, Secretariat. After the success of his book, “One Trick Pony”, he finally gets that opportunity, only to throw it all away in the last few episodes of Season Two. When Lenny Turtltaub puts Abe D’Catfish at the helm of the project, “Secretariat” is gutted and turned into a cheesy family movie. This causes BoJack to slip back into his depression, and he soon ditches the entire production to travel to New Mexico. Basically, he left hundreds of jobs dangling in the air while being willing to get sued for his abandonment. In the end, BoJack gets replaced by a CGI version of himself.
#9: Trying to Sabotage Diane & Mr. Peanutbutter’s Wedding
“Horse Majeure”
When Diane pulls away from BoJack after an inappropriate kiss, BoJack realizes he’s developed feelings for her. Honestly, this wasn’t the least bit surprising; there are quite a few instances where BoJack tries to chase after Diane despite knowing her relationship with Mr. Peanutbutter. However, things go too far in the episode “Horse Majeure”. BoJack ends up spending an entire week plotting elaborate ways to sabotage their wedding. He even ropes character actress Margo Martindale into one of his schemes! Thankfully, Todd manages to stop him outside of Elefante and calls him out for his poor behavior.
#8: Taking Up with Bradley Hitler-Smith’s Mom
“Still Broken”
As we’ve learned throughout the show, BoJack did some pretty selfish things while he was on “Horsin’ Around”. On top of being emotionally abusive towards Sarah Lynn, BoJack had a history of hooking up with parents. In the episode “Still Broken”, we learn that BoJack was acting a little too friendly with Bradley Hitler-Smith’s mom, and the child actor noticed. This affair would eventually cause Bradley’s parents to divorce; but adding insult to injury, when confronted by Bradley about it, BoJack doesn’t even remember it happening. BoJack should thank his lucky stars that Bradley is a more forgiving person as the two would soon work on a “Horsin’ Around” spin-off...which BoJack also abandoned.
#7: Sabotaging Todd’s Chance at Rock Opera
“Zoës and Zeldas”
Todd isn’t the brightest bulb, but BoJack is still way too hard on the guy. In reality, BoJack needs him - so much so that he’d seemingly prefer to see Todd fail than move on. In the episode “Zoës and Zeldas”, Todd tries to launch a rock opera that BoJack says is “worse than a hundred Septembers 11th’s.” After some help from BoJack, Todd manages to sell the show to a theater owner. All he has to do is write the third act. Worried that his only friend would get to move out should it succeed, BoJack conjures up a plan to get Todd hooked on a video game. Todd fails to get any sleep, resulting in a terrible performance, and the rock opera getting rejected.
#6: His Speech at Beatrice’s Funeral
“Free Churro”
In all fairness to BoJack; Beatrice wasn’t an entirely...great mother. She was pretty condescending and resentful towards BoJack when he was a kid. Still, she didn’t deserve the treatment BoJack gave her while she was suffering from dementia, and the payback didn’t end there. In the episode “Free Churro”, BoJack spends an entire TWENTY MINUTES giving a eulogy at her funeral, often sidetracking with disrespectful jokes and anecdotes to show how terrible she was to him. Just when we think things couldn’t get any worse, the troubled ‘90s star realizes he’s at the wrong funeral. Nice one, BoJack...
#5: Almost Being Amorous with Penny
“Escape from L.A.”
Okay, now we’re getting into the real messed-up stuff. After a somewhat magical night of crashing a prom and leaving a friend passed out at the hospital, Penny tries to sleep with BoJack, claiming she knows what she wants. At first, BoJack rejects her, but when he fails to win Charlotte’s affection, he gives in and lets Penny inside his boat - despite her only being 17. Is it legal in New Mexico? Sure, but it’s still messed up. Luckily, Charlotte catches the two before anything happens. In one night, BoJack pressured kids into remaining silent about a drunk minor, ruined an important friendship and possibly scarred a young woman for life. And to think we’re only halfway done with this list!
#4: Betraying Herb Kazzaz
“The Telescope”
Back in the day, Herb was arrested for "lewd acts" and “Horsin’ Around’s” network executives start gunning for him. Knowing his career is on the line, Herb confides in BoJack (despite the two having grown apart) and asks him to help by threatening to leave the show. BoJack agrees, but quickly changes his position when he is confronted by ABC executive Angela Diaz. Sure enough, Herb is fired the following day, and “Horsin’ Around” plans to continue without him. Basically, BoJack was willing to let a friend lose his job in order to save his. That being said, we can’t blame Herb for refusing to forgive and forget.
#3: The Secret Nixon Scene
“The Shot”
Even before booking it to New Mexico and traumatizing Penny, BoJack managed to screw things up and get someone fired from “Secretariat”. BoJack talks Kelsey Jannings into shooting a scene behind the producer’s back, despite the fact that Lenny Turtltaub has already rejected the idea. With the help of Todd, Mr. Peanutbutter, Princess Carolyn, and Margo Martindale, the two sneak into the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and get the shot. The next morning, BoJack arrives on set only to find out that Lenny has fired Kelsey and replaced her with Abe D’Catfish. It’s a crummy rule, but the producer always calls the shots, and by pushing Kelsey to defy Lenny, BoJack was gambling with her job.
#2: Going After Gina
“The Showstopper”
Throughout Season Five, BoJack starts feeling persecuted by his own friends and colleagues. So, when he becomes addicted to painkillers and finds out Diane knows about his trip to New Mexico, everything spirals out of control. BoJack rapidly fades in and out of reality, failing to differentiate between reality and “Philbert”. The spiral gets so bad that he ends up strangling Gina long after Flip yells “cut”! This results in a massive PR crisis when crew members record the assault and post it across social media. What’s more depressing is that even Gina wants to cover it up with a lie, believing BoJack’s confession would only alter her public image. Sadly, this wasn’t the first drug bender to get out of control...
Before we reveal our top pick, here are some Dishonorable Mentions…
Firing Diane After Reading the Final Draft of His Memoirs
“One Trick Pony”
Offending the Navy SEALs
“BoJack Hates the Troops”
Making Eddie Relive His Trauma
“The Old Sugarman Place”
Getting Intimate with Emily
“Stop the Presses”
Throwing Beatrice’s Doll Off the Balcony
“Stupid Piece of Sh*t”
#1: The Bender
“That’s Too Much, Man!”
To forget about losing his Oscar, BoJack calls up Sarah Lynn to go on an epic bender. Coincidentally, this was a day to celebrate her nine months of sobriety. The two spend an entire night watching “Horsin’ Around” and taking drugs before they take things further. They crash Sarah Lynn’s AA meeting, break into Mr. Peanutbutter’s home, break Diane’s wrist, vandalize Ana Spanakopita’s home, cause Sarah Lynn to miss her acceptance for an Oscar, and travel to Ohio to stalk Penny. And it all ends at the planetarium where Sarah Lynn passes away next to BoJack. Too much indeed.