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Top 10 Unhealthy Health Foods

Top 10 Unhealthy Health Foods
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Script written by Melissa Kusiolek.

Here are a few food options you might want to avoid when you're trying to lose a few pounds. In this video, counts down our picks for the top 10 unhealthy health foods. For this list, we're looking at foods you think are healthy but aren't. These are foods that are marketed as part of a nutritious diet, but which should be eaten in moderation. However, as always, speak to your healthcare professional if you've got any questions regarding your diet.

Special thanks to our users melissarose_knows and Lloyd Eksteen for submitting the idea on our Suggest Page at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest

Script written by Melissa Kusiolek.

Top 10 Unhealthy Health Foods

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Top 10 Unhealthy Foods

Here are a few food options you might want to avoid when you’re trying to lose a few pounds. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 unhealthy health foods. For this list, we’re looking at foods you think are healthy but aren’t. These are foods that are marketed as part of a nutritious diet, but which should be eaten in moderation. However, as always, speak to your healthcare professional if you’ve got any questions regarding your diet.

#10: Veggie Patties

This meat alternative is a quick solution for both seasoned vegetarians and those wanting to avoid red meat at their next BBQ. But don’t be fooled: meat-free doesn’t always mean healthy. While veggie burgers might be lower in calories and fat than their meat-based counterparts, many commercial brands are not actually all that high in veggie content, and instead are packed with chemicals, preservatives, unhealthy oils or fillers like soy to make them more burger-like. If you really want a healthy alternative, avoid the processing by making your own with beans and grains or just use a big Portobello mushroom instead.

#9: Sports Drinks

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We’ve all seen the advertising that claims these products will help you rehydrate after a killer workout. And, thanks to their added electrolytes like sodium or potassium, they might just do that. However, we said a killer workout; we did not say a leisurely stroll around the block with your dog. Due to their often high calorie counts, these beverages are often not worth it for non-athletes. Plus, with those artificial dyes they add to create the drinks’ vibrant appearances and the often mounds of added sugar, you’re more often than not just better off sticking with high-quality H20.

#8: Bran Muffins

While they seem harmless, they can add inches to your waistline and pounds to the scale if consumed on the regular. Don’t let their plain appearance fool you: depending on how they’re made, bran muffins can pack as much sugar as a doughnut. But the worst part of this seemingly smart snack? Portion size: restaurant or store-bought bran muffins are often far bigger than those your grandmother made, and therefore the golden rule of moderation falls by the wayside. Add an extra smear of jam or butter to the mix and you’ve got one healthy-looking snack that is anything but. The smart alternative is to just make your own.

#7: Smoothies

Mixing some fruits and veggies in a blender seems like a healthy option for a quick snack or a vitamin-boosting beverage on-the-go, but be warned: depending how they’re made, these drinks can pack tons of calories and sugar that might not leave you feeling satisfied for long. Yes, the fruit’s healthy, but added sugary fruit juice, scoops of sorbet, and frozen yogurt will all contribute to your waistline and cheat you out of nutritious vitamins to carry you through your day. You might even find that some ready-made versions pack as much of a caloric punch as soda, so making your own with low-fat ingredients is definitely the way to go.

#6: Dried Fruit

But… It’s fruit; how bad can it be? Well, these bite-sized morsels are considered a healthy alternative to chips or candy. In reality, though, they’re deceptive, as they can be full of preservatives and artificial sweeteners. Plus, since dried food is so easy to eat, you’ll eat more. Have you ever considered eating a dozen apricots in one sitting? Probably not, but you probably wouldn’t hesitate to eat that many dried. Banana chips are the worst offenders, however, because they’re often deep fried like regular potato chips. You’re better off grabbing fresh fruit next time you’ve got a craving for something sweet.

#5: ‘Fat-Free’ Products

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Fat is bad, right? Then fat-free must always be a good thing. Well, neither of those statements is actually true. There are many healthy fats, like avocados or salmon, which are necessary in a balanced diet. But, of course, since a low-fat diet is preferred, fat-free foods must be a godsend; but they’re not. Many products bearing this label are highly processed, with chemicals and artificial flavors inserted to amp up their taste. Even worse, fat-free doesn’t mean calorie-free, so it’s best to educate yourself about their ingredients and nutritional properties to see if they’re really worth eating.

#4: Energy Bars

These packaged treats claim to be packed with vitamins and nutrition, but have been referred to as “glorified candy bars” by many of the world’s leading voices in the health community. It’s their use of unhealthy add-ons like white flour, saturated fats and added sugars that make these so-called health foods unhealthy; plus, most of them don’t even boast as much fiber as you might think. One bar might satisfy a craving, but it can add an additional 400 calories to your day. Even as a pre-workout snack, it seems this health food is better left on the shelf.

#3: Cereal / Granola

Sure, we know those sugary cereals packed with marshmallows are unhealthy. But surely those brands filled with bran and grains make for a good start to your day? Well, our advice is: always read the labels carefully for this go-to breakfast option. In many cases produced via a process that obliterates many of the grains’ nutrients, many cereals are also full of sugar and refined carbohydrates that will lead you on a one-way street towards a mid-day sugar crash. Granola, on the other hand, is relatively healthy in terms of its fiber, mineral and vitamin contents; but it can pack a huge punch fat-wise so moderation is key.

#2: Skim / Low-Fat Milk

Like fat-free products, skim and low-fat milk purport to be healthy options for those trying to lose weight and stay healthy. And some health nuts have vilified full-fat milk as an extravagance that has no place in a healthy diet. But be warned: regular milk may be healthier for you on the whole than its lower-fat counterparts. To produce many skim or low-fat milk brands, manufacturers add powdered milk to make it taste more like what you’re used to; but that process adds cholesterol. Plus, important vitamins like A, D, E and K are much more prominent in the full-fat variety, so best to guzzle an ice-cold glass of whole milk to maximize the nutritional value. Before we reveal our number one pick, here are some honorable - or in this case dishonorable - mentions: - Yogurt [Low-Fat or Fruit-Filled] - Fruit Juice - Wheat Bread - Reduced-Fat Peanut Butter

#1: Diet Soda

There’s a rule-of-thumb that suggests you shouldn’t drink your calories. Great advice, and diet soda is a great option to avoid wasting your daily caloric intake on liquid, right? Wrong. While sugar-free diet soda is an option for those with diabetes, it’s best to be avoided by those of us without the disease because it boasts no redeeming health qualities. Worse than that, these drinks contain contains tons of additives, chemicals, and dyes that make the regular sugar-filled versions actually look like the better option. With consumption of diet soda linked to serious ailments like heart disease, strokes and more, this is one so-called health food you should avoid at all costs. Do you agree with our list? Which health foods do you avoid? For more health and wellness countdowns published daily, be sure to subscribe to
