Top 10 Health Fads

These are the fitness and wellness trends we couldn't help but try. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 health fads. For this list, we are focusing on the trends of past and present that purported to promote clean living, weight loss and health – for better or worse. We are not focusing on brand names or any licensed products and services, so programs such as Weight Watchers and the Atkins diet need not apply, and neither do Zumba or CrossFit.
Special thanks to our user jackhammer for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Alternative Health Bracelets
Allegedly based on Chinese medicine, these ionized pieces of metal jewelry became both a fashion statement and a sought-after way to feel healthy and grounded by claiming they helped balance the “chi” energy in your body. While many found that they indeed could feel a difference in their bodies and minds through skin contact with this magic metal, researchers everywhere balked at the effectiveness of this trend, citing the placebo effect as the true cause of any health improvements.
#9: Mediterranean Diet
Not only delicious, but also nutritious, this diet typical of countries like Spain, Greece and Southern Italy has been studied for its health benefits – and lucky for all you lovers of things like fish and red wine, this one does not leave you wanting. Touted as high in fiber and good fats, and low in bad fats, this menu includes olive oil as a key ingredient, which replaces unhealthy fats like butter and lard in cooking. Of course, those living in the Mediterranean are healthy not just because of their diet but also because of their generally active lifestyles, so this one is more of an all-encompassing change. But, you get a heart-healthy glass of red wine each day, so cheers!
#8: Raw Food Diet
This dieting trend claims that essential nutrients are lost when food is subjected to high temperatures, meaning that cooking your meals is a counter-productive way to enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Offering both vegan and animal-based options, this diet’s popularity probably upped the sales of blenders and food dehydrators thanks to support from Hollywood celebrities such as Demi Moore and Woody Harrelson. Raw foodism is promoted as an ideal way to not only stay health and fit, but also as a way to keep looking youthful…and judging by how good the celebrity spokespeople look, they may be onto something.
#7: Exercise Video Games
Who says video games are for couch potatoes? These virtual interactive video games proved you could get fit while avoiding the gym and having fun at the same time. With a variety of workout games to choose from ranging from actual simulated sports, to games like Wii Fit to upbeat choreographed dances, these games broke new ground in the areas of both fitness and gaming alike. They’ve even paved the way for today’s fitness phone apps, which can help you chart your calories, record your workouts, and reach your fitness goals wherever you go.
#6: Boot Camp Workouts
At ease, soldier. This workout is not for the faint of heart. Focusing on pushing participants beyond their physical limits, boot camp fitness classes took the world by storm as a method to get in shape through challenging and intense physical activity, with CrossFit being one of the more popular variations on this fad. Based on the type of training militaries go through, boot camp classes use cardio exercise, weight training, and a variety of drills organized in intervals, as well as social support and camaraderie, to get their trainees into peak physical condition.
#5: Master Cleanse
This liquid concoction of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup may leave a bad taste in your mouth, but it’s said to be one of the fastest ways to lose weight and detoxify the body. Originally created in the 1940s, the Master Cleanse juice fast regained its popularity in the 2000s with Hollywood celebrities like Beyoncé using it to slim down quickly for movie roles. Described by nutritionists as one of the most extreme forms of crash dieting, this health trend should never be undertaken on a regular basis – and not only because you’ll gain the weight back once you start eating normally.
#4: Low-Carb Diets
With obesity on the rise, many people worldwide have turned to this way of managing their waistlines. Depending on the diet, carbohydrate consumption is restricted while higher-fat foods like meat and low-carb foods like vegetables are favored. Used by some to treat obesity and diabetes as early as the 18th-century and brought back to the mainstream in the 20th, the concept of low-carb has now been absorbed into the minds of food consumers and restaurateurs everywhere, prompting many menus and food products to now feature low or no-carb items.
#3: Hot Yoga
You better bring a towel to this humid workout. Designed to mimic the environment of India – where yoga was invented – hot yoga offers classes held at temperatures of around 105 degrees. Why? Well, proponents believe the amped up heat mixed with the challenging poses form the perfect combo to sweat out toxins and stretch muscles to their full potential. Variations of this type of yoga also exist with modified heat variations including Bikram, Forrest Yoga, TriBalance Yoga, and Power Yoga, but all are designed to keep you sweating throughout the session, while remaining zen-ed out.
#2: Paleo Diet
Also called the caveman diet, this “primal diet” strives to imitate the hunter-gatherer origins of the human species, citing agricultural advancements as the leading cause of health and digestive problems felt by people in the modern era. High in fruits, veggies and lean meats, this food regimen also seeks to eliminate grains, legumes and dairy as well as processed foods and sugar. Supporters of this diet have claimed their weight and overall health improved as a result; however, critics cite the fact that the lifespan of cavemen was much shorter as proof that changes in human diet since then have increased our longevity.
Before we reveal our number one pick, here are some honorable mentions:
- French Diet
- Juice Cleansing / Fasting
- Barefoot Shoes
- Colonics / Colon Cleansing
#1: Gluten-Free Diet
For sufferers of celiac disease, this diet can be a life-changing way to enjoy food while avoiding tummy pains. But recently, many people without this disease have claimed gluten-free is the only way to go. Gluten is a protein found in most wheat products, and can cause intestinal trouble for anyone who is intolerant. Gaining popularity in the treatment of autism as well as the overall gut health of many individuals, this is one health trend that is on the rise. However, by avoiding gluten, you may be avoiding vital vitamins, minerals and fiber as well, so it’s best to always consult your doctor when trying a new diet regime.
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