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Top 10 Villain Moments in Cobra Kai

Top 10 Villain Moments in Cobra Kai
VOICE OVER: Ryan Wild WRITTEN BY: Nick Spake
These villains stole the show! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we're looking at “Cobra Kai” moments where the villains showed no mercy. Our countdown of the top villain moments in "Cobra Kai" includes Kim Da-eun Punishes Tory, Silver Strikes Stingray, the LaRusso House Fight, and more!

#10: Vandalizing Miyagi-Do

“All In” Where the first season had us shifting between Team Daniel and Team Johnny, Cobra Kai gets harder to cheer for with John Kreese’s return. Kreese’s toxic presence spreads after he motivates a heartbroken Hawk to strike against Miyagi-Do. Accompanied by three others, Hawk trashes the rival dojo in the middle of the night. The tranquil sanctum that Daniel attempted to build is desecrated with toilet paper and graffiti. While that can be cleaned up, stealing Mr. Miyagi’s medal of honor is a whole other offense, and spraypainting the iconic convertible justifiably pushes Daniel over the edge. There are some lines you never cross. Disrespecting the spirit of Nariyoshi Miyagi isn’t just one of them. It’s the ultimate sin in Karate Kiddom.

#9: The Knife & The Snake

“The Prize” 
The final season finds John Kreese on the run, seeking refuge with his sensei Master Kim. We’re given further insight into how Kreese became so merciless. As far as Kim is concerned, Kreese is still holding back. To prove himself a worthy ally, Kreese ventures into a cave where he confronts a white cobra guarding a knife. Getting bitten, Kreese faces an internal struggle between himself and his one weakness, which manifests as Johnny. The conflict ends in a neck snap that - while not real - looks and feels quite painful. Kreese sees that this test isn’t about claiming the knife. It’s about conquering the enemy standing in the way. Kreese shows how far he’ll go, returning to Kim with the knife and the cobra’s head.

#8: Kim Da-eun Punishes Tory

“Ouroboros” Terry Silver is a menace on his own, but imagine the damage he can do with an army at his fingertips. In Season 5, Silver gains several allies, most notably Kim Da-eun, whose grandfather mentored him and Kreese. Kim establishes early on that she means business, but we see just how ruthless this sensei can be after Tory abandons a crucial fight. To teach Tory a lesson, Kim and Silver present her with an opponent who can’t be so easily broken. Walking away isn’t an option this time. As formidable as Kim can be in battle, she can inflict pain without even raising a fist. She gets inside Tory’s head, motivating her to break the stone statue while nearly busting her hand in the process.

#7: Hawk Breaks Demetri’s Arm

“Miyagi-Do” Demetri and Eli were once best friends. As Eli reinvented himself as Hawk, though, he became unrecognizable in more ways than one. Hawk took up karate to build confidence and stand up to his tormentors. Along the way, Hawk turns into what he hates. Nowhere is this more apparent than when Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do clash at laser tag. As you might’ve guessed, they don’t fight with light guns. Miyagi-Do has the upper hand until Tory arrives, sending Sam into a panic. Sam can’t bring herself to intervene as Hawk pins Demetri down and - egged on by his friends - breaks his arm. Although this may be Hawk’s most malicious moment, it’s also the beginning of his redemption as he reflects on what he’s done.

#6: Kreese Escapes From Prison

“Head of the Snake” It’s really saying something when John Kreese has an “I’ve created a monster” moment. Season 4 concludes with Silver framing Kreese for the assault against Stingray. While you could argue that Kreese should be in jail for a few things, this isn’t one of them. Kreese spends the next season incarcerated, but he spends every minute plotting his next move. The audience can tell something is off after Kreese uncharacteristically shows another inmate mercy, taking what seems like a fatal blow. Kreese isn’t so easily vanquished, however. As Eagle-Fang celebrates one enemy’s defeat, they learn that another fakes his demise and is on the loose. Either this is the valley’s worst prison or Kreese is just that resourceful. Either way, it’s a pretty cool escape.

#5: Silver Strikes Stingray

“Party Time” When Kreese tracks down Terry Silver, the ponytailed psychopath isn’t how we remember him. Deep down, Kreese knows that the old Silver is still in there, dying to be unleashed. It’s a gradual process, but soon enough, Silver shows his true colors again. He goes full Terry Silver when Stingray asks to rejoin Cobra Kai. The cracks in Silver and Kreese’s partnership have begun to show. Fuelled by alcohol and his animosity toward Kreese, Silver beats the unsuspecting Stingray in one of the show’s most brutal and one-sided fights. Silver does so with a gleefully sadistic smile. Silver isn’t one-dimensionally evil in “Cobra Kai,” unveiling the character’s mental scars. That doesn’t change the fact that Silver enjoys being bad.

#4: Silver Defeats Daniel

“Extreme Measures” Silver vs. Stingray is hardly a fair fight. Daniel is better equipped to hold his own, but Silver is known for catching him off guard. Just as he did decades earlier, Silver doesn’t immediately strike head-on. He takes his time manipulating Daniel, creating a rift between him and his family. It isn’t until Daniel hits his low point that Silver cheerfully takes the credit. This instigates a long-overdue fight between the former student and sensei. Given his drunken state, Daniel puts up a good fight with the bloody knuckles to back it up. This round goes to Silver, however. In a classic bad guy move, Silver leaves Daniel alive, but only because he promises that the worst has yet to come.

#3: LaRusso House Fight

“December 19” Season 2 concludes with Tory commencing a school fight that escalates quickly. The Season 3 finale delivers a rematch as Tory brings the fight to the LaRusso residence. Like the previous year’s big brawl, some characters choose mercy with Hawk ultimately switching sides. Tori, meanwhile, remains merciless, wanting to settle the score with Sam once and for all. Sam has spent most of the season avoiding Tory, but there’s nowhere left to hide when the enemy breaks into your safe space. Although Sam eventually summons the strength to confront her fear, Tory has rarely been more intimidating. This makes it all the more satisfying once Sam gets the advantage, but she hasn’t seen the last of Tory or Cobra Kai.

#2: Silver’s Last Stand

“Head of the Snake” After bribing Cobra Kai’s way to victory, Silver’s ascension only continues. By the end of Season 5, he seems unstoppable. Standing in his way are Johnny, Chozen, and (to a lesser extent) Mike Barnes, whose furniture store was a casualty of Silver’s rampage. Chozen and Silver are ready to fight to the death. While both survive, seeing Chozen collapse into a pool of his own blood had us all gasping. Despite winning this round, Silver’s students soon see him for the monster he is, leaving him with nothing but revenge. If Silver is going down, he’s taking Daniel with him. Daniel is ready for Silver this time, finishing him with a few familiar moves. The higher they climb, the harder they fall. Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable (or dishonorable) mentions. Kreese Returns, “Mercy” Once Again, Rumors Of His Death Have Been Exaggerated Hamster & Snake, “Nature Vs. Nurture” RIP Clarence Karma Kicks Kyler, “Counterbalance” Miguel Shows What He’s Made Of Nobody Evicts Kreese, “King Cobra” He’s Clearly Marked His Territory Shaving Hawk’s Mohawk, “Match Point” We Know It’s Just Hair, But That’s Gotta Hurt

#1: Kreese Kills Captain

“December 19” Season 3 explores Kreese’s supervillain origin story in Vietnam. We can see much of what Kreese becomes in the cruel Captain Turner, who doesn’t prioritize keeping his men alive. Knowing that his girlfriend is waiting for him is the one thing getting Kreese through the war. When Turner and Kreese are forced to fight in a POW camp, the captain decides to tell him that his girlfriend died. A rescue team arrives before Turner can fall into the snake pit below, but Kreese wasn’t just fighting for his life. He wanted Turner’s blood on his hands, and Kreese gets just that with no mercy. One villain meets his end, but another is created. Two counting Silver, who now owes his life to Kreese. Which villain moment shocked you the most? Let us know in the comments!
