Top 10 Cobra Kai Season 3 Fights

#10: Miguel Fights For His Life
In classic cliffhanger fashion, the Season 2 finale left Miguel’s fate in the balance. Although Miguel remains comatose throughout the Season 3 premiere, his internal struggle is cleverly depicted through karate. As Miguel lies in his hospital bed, we cut to a one-on-one match between him and a competitor from Yoshukai Karate. The dream is interspersed with footage of Miguel’s previous fight against Robby, which left him in critical condition. While the match is taking place inside Miguel’s head, the conflict is real and the stakes are high. It’s complemented by some emotionally effective scenes with Miguel’s mother and Johnny, who encourage him to fight. Miguel thankfully wins this round, but the real fight is only beginning.
#9: New Cobra Kai Recruits
“King Cobra”
Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz has changed so much that it’s almost hard to envision him pre-mohawk. Those memories come flooding back when Kreese brings in several new recruits, which includes Hawk’s former tormenter, Kyler. The bully has little trouble finishing Mitch and taking his spot. Tory secures her place on the team, leaving her opponent with a chipped tooth and one of her signature insults. The main event is between Hawk and Brucks, who bullied him with Kyler. If the hair and tattoos weren’t enough, Hawk makes his message loud and clear on the mat. He’s not a weakling anymore and his opponent has the bloody face to prove it. As satisfying as it is watching Kyler tremble, it’s also unsettling seeing what Hawk has become.
#8: Soccer Showdown
“The Right Path”
After the first day of school turned into an all-out war, the faculty cracks down on karate. Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai seemingly find a loophole during a game of soccer, treating the field like a dojo. The kids turn the ball into a weapon, sending it flying into each other’s chests and faces. Sam actually does a pretty good job at making a kick to the head look like an accident. Of course, it doesn’t take long for the coach to realize that this is really just a brawl disguised as association football. It’s like “Shaolin Soccer”... minus the kung fu and fantastical elements. Okay, there’s only a vague resemblance, but any scene that draws comparison to that movie is doing something right.
#7: Kreese Deals with Bullies
“Nature vs. Nurture”
We’re not sure if John Kreese can be fully redeemed at this point, but Season 3 did add more layers to the sadistic sensei. In a flashback to the 60s, we see a waiter being mistreated by a jerky jock. Although you might assume that the letterman louse is Kreese, the villain we’ve come to despise is actually the sensitive server. While Kreese takes the humiliation in stride, he refuses to stand by when the bully gets rough with his girlfriend, Betsy. In a back alley, Kreese takes out the trash in more ways than one. As Kreese emerges victorious and Betsy sends him a smile, we’re given a glimpse of what could’ve been. We know, however, that there’s nothing but darkness in Kreese’s future.
#6: Garage Fight
“Nature vs. Nurture”
As fun as it is watching Daniel and Johnny settle the score, it’s just as compelling whenever they join forces. In this scene, we get a little bit of both. Attempting to track down Robby, the rivals are led to a garage full of stolen vehicles and suspicious fellows. Naturally, Daniel tries to resolve matters peacefully while Johnny lets his fist do the talking. The thugs may have chains and pipes, but they’re no match for a couple of karate all-stars. Watching out for one another in battle, we’re reminded that Daniel and Johnny work surprisingly well together. When the lead runs dry, though, we’re reminded why they never stay friends for long. Johnny’s temper clashes with Daniel’s merciful nature, ending their partnership with punches.
#5: Laser Tag Fight
It never ceases to amaze us how well this show’s fight choreography compliments the editing. As Robby stands up to his tormentors in juvie, Miyagi-Do challenges Cobra Kai in their biggest confrontation since the school showdown. Both fights blend together seamlessly, but one is noticeably greater in numbers. That’s not the only reason why this battle sticks out. Laser tag was first played in 1984, the same year “The Karate Kid” hit theaters. So, setting a fight in an abandoned laser tag building was inevitable. Although the retro scenery creates a lighthearted atmosphere, things take a twisted turn when Tory arrives and a traumatized Sam panics. Where Robby bests his enemy, Sam is unable to do the same, allowing Demitri to get his arm broken.
#4: A Very Cobra Christmas
“December 19”
Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang may set aside their differences, but not even the spirit of Christmas can convince Cobra Kai to call a truce. The cinematography, choreography, and set design click together flawlessly as the LaRusso residence is ambushed. We watch several fights break out in what appears to be one long take, although the most heated confrontation is between Sam and Tory (who is appropriately wearing a skeleton jacket). As those two square off in the dojo, Hawk comes to a realization. Having earned Kyler’s respect, Hawk sees what he’s become. He redeems himself with a kick and flip, saving Dimitri. Miguel, meanwhile, shows Kyler that he’s back and ready to defend his title as All-Valley champ. The fight is far from over, though.
#3: Rematch to the “Death”
Daniel’s return to Japan brings about several memorable callbacks to “The Karate Kid Part II.” While Daniel was elated to see Kumiko again, the same can’t be said about Chozen. While Chozen is less bloodthirsty than when we last saw him, he’s still intimidating even when he’s making amends. To prove himself worthy of the Miyagi family scrolls, Daniel must face off against Chozen once again. Although Daniel beat him over 30 years ago, Mr. Miyagi didn’t teach him everything, which Chozen demonstrates. In a surprising turn, Daniel’s former enemy becomes a teacher, picking up where Miyagi left off. Chozen could easily finish him with a pressure point technique, but he instead steals a move from Daniel’s playbook. The way of the nose honk.
#2: Why’d It Have to Be Snakes?
“December 19”
Taken prisoner, Kreese’s unit is forced to fight each other to the death. Kreese volunteers to face off against his captain, sparing his friend Silver (as in Terry Silver?!). The cruel captain chooses now to tell Kreese that Betsy died in a car accident. To make matters even more stressful, they have to fight over a pit of snakes. Well, that explains a lot. Although Kreese is distraught, he doesn’t let the captain’s taunting distract him. With one resourceful move, he leaves the captain hanging on for dear life. With rescue on the horizon, Kreese no longer finds himself in a kill or be killed situation. He sends the captain falling to his doom anyway, marking Kreese’s descent into a life without mercy.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Tory vs. Sam… in a Dream… But Still Cool!
Johnny Starts Another Parking Lot Fight
Robby Adjusts to Juvie Life
“Now You’re Gonna Pay”
#1: Johnny vs. Kreese vs. Daniel
“December 19”
Season 3 has been a three-way battle between Johnny, Daniel, and Kreese. Thus, it only makes sense that the season would conclude with the three karate teachers squaring off. Caught in the middle is Robby, who’s sworn his loyalty to Cobra Kai. Johnny isn’t ready to give up on his son, engaging in his most heated fight with Kreese yet. He sends Robby charging into a locker during all the commotion, distracting Johnny long enough for Kreese to get the upper hand. No longer playing around, Kreese is ready to finish Johnny for good. Daniel shows up just in time, however, putting the moves Chozen taught him to effective use. Going through a window together, Daniel takes away Kreese’s ability to wage war… for now.