Top 10 Villainous TV Couples

Love makes people do crazy things. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Villainous Couples on TV.
For this list, we’re taking a look at TV’s evilest, nastiest and most conniving couples. However, we’ll be excluding animated couples, because they deserve a list of their own. Consider yourself warned — spoilers lie ahead! Let’s get to it.
#10: Blair Waldorf & Chuck Bass
“Gossip Girl” (2007-2012)
These two lovebirds got up to more dastardly deeds in a single season than most villains achieve in an entire series run. Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass may have wound up living happily ever after, but that was only after years spent deceiving their friends, their family and half the city of New York - usually for their own selfish gain. However, Chuck and Blair’s wrath was not limited to the Upper East Side; they often turned on each other, using sex, lies and jealously to gain the upper hand in the relationship. That being said, Chuck and Blair were never more frightening than when acting as a team, and we feel sorry for anyone unlucky enough to have been caught in their vengeful crosshairs.
#9: Lord Zedd & Rita Repulsa
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-96)
Now this is what we’d call a power couple. Prior to becoming an item, Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa were bitter enemies. In season two, Lord Zedd, angered by Rita’s inability to defeat the Power Rangers, locked her inside of a Space Dumpster. Rita responded in kind, drugging Zedd with a love potion in order to manipulate him. In a surprise twist, however, Lord Zedd wound up falling in love with Rita Repulsa for real. From that point on the two villains were a team, hellbent on taking over the Earth and destroying the Power Rangers. Sadly (for them), it was not to be.
#8: The Countess & Ramona Royale
“American Horror Story: Hotel” (2015-16)
We have a hard time deciding when these two were at their most deadly: together or apart? The Countess, aka Elizabeth, met Ramona Royale in the late ‘70s, and the two quickly became an item. Together they’d engage in all manner of sexy and deadly deeds, turning others into vampires and looking hella fine as they did it. Despite their obvious chemistry, things hit a snag in the ‘90s when Ramona fell in love with and subsequently afflicted someone else. The Countess, uh, didn’t take it well; murdering Prophet Moses and his friends. From that point on, this villainous couple was at odds, leading to plenty of death and destruction. “American Horror Story” isn’t short on evil couples, but The Countess and Ramona are right at the top of the list.
#7: Fred & Serena Joy Waterford
“The Handmaid's Tale” (2017-)
On the surface, Fred and Serena Waterford could not be more different. Fred appears kind, with a willingness to bend Gilead’s strict rules to suit his needs. Serena on the other hand is cold and calculating. However, beneath the contrasting facades are two monsters cut from the same cloth, who brutalize others regularly and without remorse. While their storyline has changed dramatically in recent seasons, one mustn’t forget the horror of “The Ceremony”, or that Fred raped Offred to punish her, and that Serena has been physically abusive. These two deserve each other.
#6: Dexter Morgan & Hannah McKay
“Dexter” (2006-2013)
Part of a wave of television anti-heroes that cropped up in the 2000s, Dexter Morgan is far from perfect. He means well, but torturing and killing serial killers … is still wrong. And when your kill count is over one hundred, it’s clear that you’re taking pleasure in your work. Hannah McKay on the other hand is far more utilitarian and indiscrimnate about murder. These two killers hooked up towards the end of the series, but that was more than enough time for them to engage in some truly heinous acts together. While one could argue that Dexter was never on the same level as Hannah, he kept going back to her despite their philosophical differences. This makes him culpable, and thus, a villain.
#5: Batiatus & Lucretia
“Spartacus” (2010-13)
These two Roman citizens are status-obsessed social climbers of the worst kind. Batiatus and Lucretia are motivated by power and will do anything to make sure they have it. This includes, but is not limited to sedition, manipulation, intimidation, rape and the big one, murder. They love to flaunt their wealth and status in front of their enemies and underlings, getting off on the jealousy it produces. Both characters ultimately meet a grisly end, and most viewers were okay with that. With a litany of sins under their togas, Batiatus and Lucretia were an obvious choice for this list.
#4: Joe Goldberg & Love Quinn
“You” (2018-)
Of all the villainous couples on our list, these two are arguably the most compatible. Season two of “You” saw Joe Goldberg starting fresh on the west coast. He quickly falls in love with and subsequently obsesses over (in only the way he can), Love Quinn. However, as the season progresses it becomes apparent that Love has no intention of being a victim. In fact, she’s just as evil as Joe! The final two episodes reveal the depths of both characters depravity, as they team up in order to clear their tracks and start a life together. Imprisonment? Deception? Murder? Pff, that’s a Sunday afternoon for these two psychotic lovebirds.
#3: Spike & Drusilla
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (1997-2003)
Season two of “Buffy” introduced the titular vampire slayer to two of her most iconic adversaries: Spike and Drusilla. The couple wasted little time instituting their unique brand of evil upon the town of Sunnydale, using torture and murder to solidify their place amongst the show’s best antagonists. While they occasionally come across as sympathetic, what with Drusilla’s own history of having been tortured and manipulated, they’re not to be underestimated, let alone trifled with. Sure Spike wound up joining the Scooby Gang, but it wasn’t exactly an overnight decision. Drusilla and Spike were formidable opponents for Buffy and co., proving extremely difficult to eradicate.
#2: Angelus & Darla
“Angel” (1999-2004)
These two have a history that goes back hundreds of years; with Darla having sired Angelus in the 18th century. In the years leading to the present day, the two tortured, raped and murdered their way across Europe. In their bid to toy with vampire hunter Daniel Holtz, they raped his wife, turned his daughter into a vampire and killed his infant son. So, yeah, volumes of villainous stuff. Angelus and Darla can also be quite nasty to each other, leaving the other behind to die in order to save their own skin. While Darla is the clear-cut villain in the present day, what with Angelus becoming Angel in order to better himself, these two will always have the memories of their shared dark history.
Before we unveil our number one pick, here are some honorable mentions:
Clay Morrow & Gemma Teller Morrow
“Sons of Anarchy” (2008-2014)
Frank & Claire Underwood
“House of Cards” (2013-18)
Gaius Baltar & Number Six
“Battlestar Galactica” (2004-09)
Paul & Mary Alice Young
“Desperate Housewives” (2004-2012)
Wilson Fisk & Vanessa Marianna
“Daredevil” (2015-18)
#1: Cersei & Jaime Lannister
“Game of Thrones” (2011-2019)
Right from episode one, it was made clear that Cersei and Jaime would do anything to protect their forbidden love. Jaime’s good deeds notwithstanding, one cannot deny that he has buckets of blood on his hands – from pushing Bran out of a tower window to strangling his cousin in a prison cell. Cersei meanwhile was one of the show’s primary antagonists for the entirety of its run, murdering and manipulating as she saw fit. With their love serving as the driving force behind their various crimes, Cersei and Jaime often drew the ire of fans for their inability to see beyond their own interests. Despite their wildly different character arcs, it was only right that these two ultimately died in each other’s arms.