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Top 10 Ways to Cure a Hangover

Top 10 Ways to Cure a Hangover
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Script Written by Clayton Martino.

Whether you call it a hangover or a wine flu, waking up after a night of drinking can be rough! Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Hangover Remedies. For this list, we are looking at the most popular things people do the morning after a night of heavy drinking to relieve their queasy stomachs, pounding headaches and general sense of uuuuugh.

Special thanks to our users Walter Cadena and ijdgaf323 for submitting the idea on our Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest

#10: Sleep

A night out drinking can significantly impact your sleeping habits, as most people don’t get home till early the morning after. While alcohol will cause you to fall asleep almost instantly, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee a good night’s sleep; in fact, drinking alcohol before bed limits your REM sleep, which is thought to be the most recuperative phase of the sleep cycle. Sleep deprivation can make you feel much worse in the morning and intensify your hangover symptoms. If you have the option to stay in bed and sleep the day away, do it! Guaranteed you’ll feel much less irritable, tired and gross overall!

#9: Coffee

For coffee addicts, the side effects of a day without a cup of joe in the morning can almost equal the symptoms of a hangover. Coffee can be a mixed bag, however, and usually it comes down to your personal coffee drinking habits whether or not it will cure a hangover, as caffeine can act as either a cure or a cause of headaches. If you do decide to drink it the morning after, try water with it: caffeine can cause dehydration, which is the last thing you need when you are hungover.

#8: Light Exercise

What’s the last thing a person wants to do when they are hungover, besides going to work? Most likely exercise. While we aren’t suggesting putting in a full day at the gym, a little light exercise can cause a healthy release of endorphins and help remove harmful toxins from your body. Light exercise can take the form of a short jog, gardening, or even a little fun in the bedroom. While there is no proof that says sex helps eliminate a hangover, doesn’t hurt to try. But whatever you do, stay hydrated!

#7: Soup

It could be argued that soup is alcohol’s antithesis: it provides sodium, water, and other nutrients that alcohol depletes. And, since it can be salty, you will likely double down on the H20, which is an added rehydration bonus. Soup can also help with digestion, and settle down your stomach if you are feeling nauseous after a night of heavy drinking, which is beneficial to people who may find it too difficult on their stomachs to eat a meal. A bowl of chicken noodle soup can go a long way to helping you feel back to normal.

#6: Marijuana

To start, we want to be clear: we are not promoting drug use. What we are saying is we all have that one friend who swears pot is the best cure for a hangover. While marijuana isn’t a magical hangover antidote, it can definitely make you more tolerant of the symptoms, including a headache and feelings of nausea. It might also give you the munchies, and eating will likely make you feel better. For people who have never smoked weed, however, we recommend not trying this remedy, as being high for the first time could make things worse.

#5: Hair of the Dog

Almost every doctor would advise against this strategy, but there’s no question that drinking more alcohol will help lessen the symptoms of your hangover…at first. While your symptoms may be lessening, you are actually making the situation worse, because you are forcing your liver to break down even more alcohol. Essentially, you are delaying your hangover, and making it more likely setting yourself up for a much more brutal one later on. Still, some people are more than willing to take that risk for the satisfaction of instant relief. And, if you are interested in testing this one, a Bloody Mary is a good choice because it’s got some vitamins and minerals in there with the booze.

#4: Pills

What do most people do when they have a headache or feel sick? They take pills – specifically painkillers. If you are still functional when you get home from the bar, you can try taking painkillers before you fall asleep, and again when you wake up. However, be careful: Tylenol or other acetaminophen products are harsh on your liver, which is already working harder than usual to metabolize all the alcohol you drank the night before, while Aspirin-type pills can cause stomach bleeding. If you want something a little more natural, vitamin supplements like B6 and B12 can also help make you feel better.

#3: Sports Drinks

Dehydration caused by alcohol is essentially what causes your hangover. Thus, it’s important to drink as many fluids as possible the following day to help re-hydrate your body. Sports drinks, like Gatorade, are a popular choice because they help replenish your body with electrolytes that it may have lost thanks to the diuretic effect of alcohol. Stocking your fridge with Gatorade before you go out to the bar may save you a ton of pain in the morning.

#2: Greasy Breakfast

While some people say you should eat a heavy meal before you go out drinking, mainly because fatty foods help slow the absorption of alcohol, sometimes a greasy breakfast is all you need to get back on track the following day – if you can handle the smell. Loading up on eggs, toast, and bacon should help calm your stomach down. While research doesn’t support greasy food as a cure for a hangover, sometimes satisfying your appetite is all you need to get the day started!

Before we unveil our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Chocolate
- Alka-Seltzer
- (Cold) Shower

#1: Water

If we’ve said it once in this list, we’ve said it ten times: hydration is key to curing your hangover woes. One thing you may notice when you start pounding back the drinks is how many times you need to use the bathroom. Alcohol causes dehydration, which is one of the main reasons why you feel so terrible in the morning. Ideally, you should drink water throughout the night, and have at least a full glass or two of water before going to bed. This will help minimize the symptoms of a hangover in the morning. Keep that water close, however, because if you do wake up feeling awful, it is the best remedy available to kick your hangover to the curb.

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