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Top 10 Ways To Dominate Warframe

Top 10 Ways To Dominate Warframe
VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
Once players outgrow Space Mom's sage advice, learning how to get the most out of the game is a whole new challenge. Welcome to and today we're counting down the top 10 ways to dominate in Digital Extreme's free to play co-op shooter, Warframe.

For this list, we're looking at broad tips that can help both new and experienced Warframe players get the extra edge they need to become unstoppable killing machines.

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#10: Use the Starchart

Resource gathering and manufacturing is one of the driving forces behind Warframe, and there is no better way to manage that than by mastering the Starchart. Besides teaching players about the surprisingly deep lore, this is the best way to find missions, bosses and those must play alerts. More than just pretty graphics and Warframe’s notorious capacity for flare, the Starchart provides distinct visual ques that give players information easily and quickly, and the less time you spend dicking around between missions the more you get to reap sweet sweet rewards.

#9: Never Forget the Trade System

You would be amazed at how many players ignore Warframe’s trading community. Getting the most out of your hard earned work and credits means opening yourself up to Warframe’s vibrant community. There are so man resources out there, and with blueprints being so specific, you will always find players looking to get what you have, and looking to trade what you need for it. There are literally millions of other people enjoying Warframe right now. Think about that for a second. That’s a lot of people who are looking to set you up with a deal, and bring you that much closer to your newest frame.

#8: Adapt Your Playstyle

Warframe, at it’s core, is class-based action and controlled mayhem. However, unlike typical class-based games, every role, whether you focus on supporting the team or being the front line damage sponge is capable of dishing out as much pain as they receive. Freaking power armor ninjas people! There is no reason to pigeon-hole yourself into doing one thing and one thing only. Speed, stealth, damage, team synergy, all of these are viable options so rather than fall back on the same habits, learn to push your frames to their limit and always be ready to adapt to the ever changing landscape of battle. Or just let the Nekros do everything and hope the particle effects don’t melt your system.

#7: Use Your Mobility Both in and Out of Combat

Everything about this game’s action is based around mobility. Besides making you feel like a total badass, zipping around the maps is the best way to take full advantage of the abilities and the weapons at your disposal. Ducking in and out of melee range, getting distance on the tougher enemies or finding the right position to unleash your ultimate is the best way to keep the fighting in your favor. Furthermore, not every mission requires killing all the enemies in your way. Stealth and mobility may be all you need to sneak past some groups and get to the mission objective and your rewards all the faster.

#6: Follow Game Updates and Changes

Warframe is a game with the potential to stay alive forever, and the constant stream of updates, balancing, new content and of course, new Warframes means an ever evolving experience. With so much scope and so many options, most players focus on what is happening in the here and now. That’s all well and good, but seasoned players are always paying close attention to what the developers have in store for the future so more astute players prepare mods and plan their resource gathering accordingly. Developer Digital Extremes goes to great lengths with their community outreach. With developer streams and even a whole convention, TennoCon, dedicated to the game, the open nature of the game’s evolution is admirable to say the least.

#5: Learn the Warframes

There are a lot of Warframes at your disposal, each with unique abilities and strategies to take advantage of. Beyond just knowing your own personal favorites, learning about what every single one does lets you know the limits of your allies as well. The best way to be a team player is to make sure you don’t overlap or interfere with those fighting alongside you. Knowing what all the frames are capable of ensures that you and your teammates can get the most out of each other. For example, support frames like Trinity or Banshee can only help their friends when the rest of the team understands how they work, and take advantages of the healing and buffs they bring to the table.

#4: Learn the Stats and Mod System

Numbers, numbers everywhere. For an action game, Warframe has an enormous amount of depth and customization. Getting the most out of the system requires a solid understanding of all the stats like power efficacy, power strength and most especially, polarity. Every frame can be customized with modules or mods and the knee-jerk reaction for most players is to just dump everything into enhancing their damage. Make sure to take a look at the more specific and situational mods as things that might not seem that useful at first, but once combined with other mods or powers can turn any Warframe into an unstoppable, potato-powered killing machine.

#3: Maximize the Crafting System

More than just a tacked on option, Warframe’s crafting system, research and forging, is an essential and necessary aspect of the game. Not only are you going to need a lot of resources to build the fancier weapons and frames, but forging the items themselves takes serious time and patience. The more elaborate items like helmets and chassis can take about 12 hours and your final Warframe can take up to three full days. That’s real time so you don’t need to have the game open for your items to complete but you’ll definitely want to plan you schedule accordingly. Make sure to build the right items in the optimal order and spend less time waiting for your new stuff, and more time using it.

#2: Online Resources are Endless

This video really only scratches the surface when it comes to learning about Warframe. YouTube channels and Twitch streams hosted by other players are not only a great place to start, but also one of your best sources of information. Just watching veterans play can teach you new tricks and moves you didn’t even realize were possible. If you really hit a wall, the community can also give you crafting guides, tutorials on the best way to farm certain resources and unlock new frames faster. While you’re at it, be sure to check out advanced character builds to create mod combinations you would have never thought about otherwise.

Before we reveal our number one tip, here are some honorable mentions.

Don’t Shy Away From Resource Farming

Rank Up in a Syndicate

Pay Attention to Alert Missions!

#1: Play With Friends

A coop game is always best when played with people you know. While the matchmaking system works pretty well, and it’s easy to find new people to play with, running with the same crew is the best way to tackle this game. Communication, especially in the more challenging boss fights can mean the difference between success and failure, so having a consistent group that you work well with will always go further than a group of strangers. Joining a clan is a great place to start, and as this is a coop community and not a MOBA, you’ll probably meet some pretty decent people as well. Although playing solo is a viable option, and frames like the Oberon or Inaros accommodate solo play very well, things are always the best when enjoyed with friends.

Do you agree with out list? What tips would you give Warframe players to help them get the edge? For more explosive top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to WatchMojo.
