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Top 10 Weakest Anime Villains

Top 10 Weakest Anime Villains
VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman WRITTEN BY: Alex Crilly McKean
They're so pathetic that it's almost charming. Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Weakest Anime Villains.

For this list, we'll be looking at the anime antagonists that are lacking in both physical ability as well as constitution. Whether they're despicable or entertaining, they're weaklings all the same – bless their little hearts. Get ready for light spoilers and some disappointed parents down the line!

#10: Zorzal El Caesar

“Gate” (2015-16)
This prince is all about indulgence. Living life without consequence while making the occasional visit to the slave market. That is, until he makes the mistake of taking modern Japanese citizens. After the JSDF storms the palace in order to free their people, Caesar gets himself a rather rude awakening when all of his forces are instantly cut down by gunfire. The cathartic peak of this comes as the young female soldier Kuribayashi beats the ever-loving shit out of him with just her bare hands. Now that’s what we call a royal treatment.

#9: The Rubberrobo Gang

“Medabots” (1999-2000)
While their loss ratio may not be as high as another rather infamous set of thieves, this latex-coated gang of rare medal hunters still lend themselves to some spectacular failures. Despite being armed with some powerful Medabots of their own, they’re still no match for Metabee and his medafighter, Ikki. As you can guess they contribute more as comic relief to the series, which isn’t that surprising given that their crazy fashion sense was only matched by their incredible codenames. I mean…Seaslug? Gillgirl? Squidguts? Shrimplips? Just rolls off the tongue really.

#8: Carta Issue

“Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans” (2015-17)
Just goes to show that if you want to pilot a Mobile Suit, you’d best be able to play it fast and loose, otherwise you’ll end up like Carta. Due to being sheltered her whole life and raised on Gjallarhorn’s brand of kool aid, this knight was woefully unprepared to handle the grit of a real battle. Her obsession with fair fights and tradition lead to her losing both of her encounters with Tekkadan, the second of which ended with Mikazuki absolutely crushing her. Broken and humiliated, Carta’s end was a lot like her life; inconsequential.

#7: Shinji Matou

“Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works” (2015)
You can look to anywhere along the Fate franchises’ multiple timelines and find countless examples of this Master acting like a prick, though we like to think his appearance in this particular incarnation of the Fifth Holy Grail War showcased ALL the reasons why he’s a prick. Abusive, cowardly, lecherous, the only reason he was able to get as far as he did was because he had manipulator like Kirei backing him up. Ah well, at least he ends up getting a fitting end courtesy of Gilgamesh turning him into a living vessel. Thanks dude, that almost makes up for the events of Fate/Zero.

#6: Spandam

“One Piece” (1999-)
Look at it this way, if someone as pathetic as this guy can rise up the ranks of the Navy, then anyone has a shot at making it in life. As the commander of the CP9, Spandam was often found hiding behind the elite assassins put in his charge, using his own authority to punish and put down those who could otherwise turn him into mincemeat, evident from his mistreatment of Robin during the events of Enies Lobby. Thankfully, for all his bravado and position of power, it didn’t serve as much of a shield when he ended up getting his spine snapped.

#5: Nukesaku

“JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders” (2014-15)
Dio has many terrifying creatures in service to him. Nukesaku is not one of them. Despite having vampiric blood flowing through his veins as well as the ability to turn himself into a woman, he didn’t manage to last even a minute against Jotaro. No matter which guise he assumed, this pint-sized bloodsucker still ended suffering the same fate as all of those who messed with the grumpiest JoJo; a Star Platinum punch right to the face. Say what you want about the likes of the Manish Boy and Alessi, at least they put up some-kind of resistance.

#4: The Jiggle Butt Gang

“Fairy Tail” (2009-)
Despite having no end of rival mages to fight as well as numerous filler villains coming their way, there’s just no topping this dastardly group of criminals in terms of suckitude, whose main method of offense involved them unleashing magically-powered farts. Their ludicrous antics managed to give them the slip against Natsu and company for a while, even scoring a surprised win against Erza with a lucky blow. That being said, there was only so much flatulence could do when going up against the flames of a dragon. Seriously, why were these guys a thing?

#3: Dr Gel

“Space Dandy” (2014)
It can be hard to make a living as a gorilla with a flashy taste in clothes, especially if you’re in service to a nightmarish creature who constantly tasks you with hunting down the crew of the Aloha Oe. Dr Gel may be a genius and have a pretty dapper wardrobe, but alas his mission to bring down Dandy always ends in failure. If he’s not left kicked to the curb, then he ends up losing his life in the process of his pursuit. Explosions, black holes, comedic timing, it seems like the universe itself is set on ruining Gel’s day.

#2: Emperor Pilaf

“Dragon Ball” (1986-89)
When your biggest claim to villainy is that you inadvertently started Dragon Ball GT, then you know you’re a far cry for claiming the top spot as the franchise’s bad guy. From his first appearance, this so-called Emperor has only managed to serve as a comedic obstacle for Goku to occasionally side-step in his pursuit of the Dragon Balls. This was only extended in sequel series like Super, where his incompetency has only intensified as the years have gone by.

#1: Team Rocket

“Pokemon” (1997-)
For over a thousand episodes this trio have hunted down Pikachu across the globe, and each and every time have failed like no others can. No matter the disguises, no matter how crazy the contraptions, it all falls apart after they find themselves getting zapped with Pikachu’s personal thunderbolt. From there, its business as usual as they are sent blasting off into the stratosphere, only to appear an episode later ready to start the cycle over again. Full points for remaining determined in the face of defeat, but after twenty years don’t you think you guys should take a break?
