Top 10 Witcher 3 Moments!

Picking just 10 moments from one of the best games of our generation? A task fit for a monster hunter! Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Moments from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt!
Special thanks to our user “Nick Roffey” for suggesting this topic using our interactive suggestion tool at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest
Greetings, monster hunters. Welcome to, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 moments in “The Witcher 3”.
For this list, we're looking at memorable, moving, and amusing moments from CD Projekt RED’s third title in “The Witcher” franchise.
#10: Witcher Reunion
What do Witchers do on their nights off? Catch up for a drink . . . or several. In a light-hearted interlude between hunting monsters and lifting curses, Geralt, Lambert and Eskel drink some White Gull and spirits over Gwent and a drinking game. As it turns out, even Witchers can overindulge, their merrymaking leading to confessions of brotherly love, among other things. In a tale marked by war and everyday tragedies, it’s a nice break that brings players deeper into the world of the Witchers.
#9: The Play’s the Thing
Everyone loves a good show. So when Geralt wants to coax the shape shifting doppler Dudu out from hiding, he enlists the aid of the poet Priscilla to compose a play sympathetic to dopplerkind. It’s an elaborate premise that allows the developers to shift the tone for a moment. But the best part is the spectacle of the stoic and taciturn Geralt delivering, or sometimes stumbling over, high-blown dialogue in his scratchy Clint Eastwood rasp.
#8: Yennefer's Unicorn
Yennefer is a witch with a mission . . . and an interesting fetish. A lot of witches are hot for Geralt, but only one of them has a stuffed unicorn in her bedroom. If Geralt plays his cards right, he’s invited for a candlelit ride on the mythical mount. The scene references the novels that serve as the game’s source material, in which Yennefer is similarly enthusiastic about inventive locations for lovemaking - including on the famous horned horse. Hold onto something, things are about to get weird and steamy.
#7: Baby in the Oven
For “what the hell” moments, nothing beats this moment from the quest “Possession”. A wraith that feeds on guilt is haunting the jarl Udalryk. The quick-witted Cerys comes up with a plan that’s either clever or insane, depending on how you look at it. Cerys asks Geralt to throw the jarl’s son into an oven, so that the Witcher’s guilt attracts the wraith; then Cerys reveals the child unharmed (thanks to a backdoor in the oven). The crazy part is that for it to work, Geralt can’t know Cerys’ plan, so the moment is genuinely shocking leaving the player little time to react.
#6: Ciri Confronts the Crones of Crookback Bog
You don’t want to know what’s cooking in these witches’ cauldron . . . But we’ll tell you anyway. Parents who can’t afford to feed their children send them to the crones, who turn human flesh into a meaty stew. As any Witcher worth his salt knows, there are some “monsters” who are actually pretty nice folk . . . and then there are creatures of unspeakable evil like the crones. When Ciri faces off against them, we get some satisfaction from kicking ass and punishing evil – save the crone that got away.
#5: Vesemir's Sacrifice
Vesemir is the Obi-Wan of the Witchers, a mentor figure who represents a tradition that was almost wiped out. And during the Battle of Kaer Morhen, the Witcher master meets a similar fate. As the Wild Hunt converges on Ciri, Vesemir hurls himself against them, but is soon disarmed. As Ciri prepares to surrender, Vesemir sacrifices himself to save her. A true father figure, Vesemir is the oldest and wisest of the Wolf School Witchers, and his death adds impetus and gravity to the fight against the Wild Hunt.
#4: Wedding Shenanigans
How do you show a dead man the time of his life? By letting him try out awful pickup lines using your body, apparently. In the DLC “Hearts of Stones”, Geralt needs to fulfill a wish by letting the deceased Vlodimir von Everec live it up at a wedding wearing the witcher’s skin. The grouchy Geralt can only look on as Vlodimir parties up a storm, and his ornery antics inevitably land him in trouble.
#3: Geralt finds Ciri
The search for Ciri is the driving force behind most of the game’s main questlines. So when adoptive father Geralt finally finds her in the eerie Isle of Mists, it’s both a rewarding and powerful moment. Like Snow White, she’s in the company of a group of dwarves, and seems to be dead. As she wakes in Geralt’s arms, memories of their time together flood back in. It’s a moving reunion between a father and daughter that gives the game its heart.
#2: Family Matters
Who could forget the Bloody Baron? At first glance, the brutal strongman is a monster: a violent alcoholic who drove away his wife and daughter. But things are seldom so straightforward in the world of “The Witcher”. He’s also remorseful and broken, a soldier who drinks to drown memories of war, and is desperate to save his wife from the wicked Crones. In the end, the player must decide what to make of this messy moral dilemma. Ugly, gut wrenching, and poignant all at once, the self-contained quest captures what’s at the core of the game: choice, flawed humanity, and bleak realism in a fantastic setting.
Before we reveal the identity of our top pick, here are some honorable mentions:
Interdimensional travel through other worlds
Killing Imlerith
Priscilla's song
#1: Ciri and Geralt Part Ways
Gamers often call this the “good” ending, as opposed to the “happy” one where Ciri chooses to roam the wilds as a Witcher. But there’s something memorable and moving about this resolution too, and for better or worse, it’s more in line with a world in which true “happy endings” are rare. Geralt and Ciri reunite for one last adventure, and share a touching father-daughter moment after the battle. But the moment is short-lived: Ciri has decided to return to her biological father and become Empress of Nilfgaard. The two share a bittersweet embrace before Ciri walks away and is soon lost from view.