Top 10 Worst Marvel Games

VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
These are the games Marvel wished you could forget. Welcome to, and today, we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Marvel Games.
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Top 10 Worst Marvel Games
If only Thanos could snap his fingers and wipe out these games. Welcome to, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Marvel Games.
For this list, we’re taking a look at some of the most terrible video games using our favorite Marvel superheroes. Yes, they’re even worse than Deadpool without a mouth.
There were so many terrible games released on the Atari 2600. Along with “E.T.”, “Spider-Man” is one of the most notorious. The game isn’t anything too complicated; just climb a building and avoid obstacles. Sounds easy right? Well, not if every little thing is constantly knocking you down! To make matters worse, the game demands pixel-perfect precision. Also, why wouldn’t Spider-Man just climb up the wall instead of webbing his way up?
Yep, we knew it wouldn’t be long before we see a movie tie-in game on this list, and spoiler alert; it isn’t going to be the last. Despite releasing around the same time as the first “Thor” movie in the MCU, “Thor: God of Thunder” was simply not worthy of wielding the mighty Mjolnir. The game displays some of the most boring combat we’ve seen, lacking any “oomph” to our hits as well as being visually dull. Mix that in with an assortment of glitches and repetitive gameplay, and “God of Thunder” will prove disappointing to any fan of Thor.
This was about as big of a mess as “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”... “X-Men: Destiny” was on a path to be one of 2011’s greatest titles, giving players the ability to create their own hero and fight alongside their favorite mutants in a narrative where your decisions impact the world! Instead, it became one of 2011’s biggest disappointments. The game provided templates for players rather than intricate customization, totally undercutting the main selling point of the game. As for the combat, well, we hope you like button-mashing because that’s all it is! Oh, and the story that supposedly affects your decisions? It’s brutally bad, and your actions are basically meaningless.
A few goes at this will make you never take a health bar for granted again. “Silver Surfer” is one of the most unnecessarily demanding games you could ever play. Every level is a literal guessing game of what can and can’t kill you. A couple of bullets is understandable, but even the walls are a hazard! Basically, this is a game for those who want to experience paranoia. The music may be great, but that is not enough to make us slog through the many game overs we’ve endured.
Poor Hulk hasn’t had a great outing in the world of video games since 2005’s “Ultimate Destruction,” but the worst of them has to be the 2008 movie tie-in game. The graphics are truly awful and almost hard to look at, but the real problem is in the extremely repetitive combat. Smashing stuff is fun and all, but the game falls into a routine of punch the bad guys, trash the place, roar, and repeat. There’s no satisfaction in causing destruction, and the game does nothing to capitalize on Hulk’s ungodly strength. Overall, it’s a game that exists solely because of the movie.
If “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” movie didn’t disappoint you enough, then its tie-in game certainly will! The graphics aren’t as dreadful as the other games on this list, but it’s not enough to compensate for its other noticeable flaws. In addition to the unsettling character models, the writing and voice acting is about as cringy and campy as Batman in the 60’s, and we don’t mean that in a good way. What’s so disappointing about this was that its predecessor was actually a solid game, especially for a movie tie-in! With this, you can almost tell things were just cobbled together.
For a character as badass and fully-loaded as the Punisher, you’d think making an awesome video game would be a shoe-in. Well, it’s been a mixed bag for the guy, but the absolute worst was “The Punisher: No Mercy”. The game was an absolutely boring experience from the insanely short single-player mode to the lackluster and laggy as hell online mode. The visual presentation was about as lifeless as the Punisher’s many victims, and it failed to do anything special to distinguish itself from other first-person shooters. As you might expect, fans could not find any reason to stick around.
For a long time, superhero games were nothing more than a standard beat ‘em up starring your favorite characters. “Fantastic Four” was one of them, and it was the absolute worst of the bunch. While you can choose between five playable characters, you’re not going to get enjoyment no matter who you choose. Pulling off moves takes WAY too freakin’ long to pull off, and the environments are so lifeless with reused assets. Needless to say, “Fantastic Four” is miles away from being fantastic, and considering the time it was released in (same year as “Final Fantasy VII” and “Crash Bandicoot 2”), this was one of the worst games in 1997.
“The Incredible Hulk” wasn’t the only superhero movie to get a horrible game. Even “Iron Man” fell victim to the curse, and it was somehow worse than our green friend. Coupled with bad voice acting and appalling visuals, “Iron Man” is so easy and tedious that even those looking for a power fantasy will fall asleep from boredom. Every fight is easily conquered with a laser beam and a couple of missiles. You really don’t have to be all that accurate to hit your targets, making each level a breeze. You’ll be done before you know it, and you’ll most likely forget this even existed.
Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few Dishonorable Mentions…
“Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer” (2007)
“The Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon Saga” (1997)
When you think of the X-Men, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Wolverine sharp claws? Cyclops’s heated laser beams? Storm’s vicious weather powers? Well, the developers of “The Uncanny X-Men” imagined a top-down shooter. Yeah, we don’t get it either. Even by NES standards, the graphics are abysmal, making it had to discern where you can go. As for the multiple playable characters, you’re selecting no more than an alternate color palette, as every character plays almost completely identical to each other.
If only Thanos could snap his fingers and wipe out these games. Welcome to, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Marvel Games.
For this list, we’re taking a look at some of the most terrible video games using our favorite Marvel superheroes. Yes, they’re even worse than Deadpool without a mouth.
#10: “Spider-Man” (1982)
There were so many terrible games released on the Atari 2600. Along with “E.T.”, “Spider-Man” is one of the most notorious. The game isn’t anything too complicated; just climb a building and avoid obstacles. Sounds easy right? Well, not if every little thing is constantly knocking you down! To make matters worse, the game demands pixel-perfect precision. Also, why wouldn’t Spider-Man just climb up the wall instead of webbing his way up?
#9: “Thor: God of Thunder” (2011)
Yep, we knew it wouldn’t be long before we see a movie tie-in game on this list, and spoiler alert; it isn’t going to be the last. Despite releasing around the same time as the first “Thor” movie in the MCU, “Thor: God of Thunder” was simply not worthy of wielding the mighty Mjolnir. The game displays some of the most boring combat we’ve seen, lacking any “oomph” to our hits as well as being visually dull. Mix that in with an assortment of glitches and repetitive gameplay, and “God of Thunder” will prove disappointing to any fan of Thor.
#8: “X-Men: Destiny” (2011)
This was about as big of a mess as “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”... “X-Men: Destiny” was on a path to be one of 2011’s greatest titles, giving players the ability to create their own hero and fight alongside their favorite mutants in a narrative where your decisions impact the world! Instead, it became one of 2011’s biggest disappointments. The game provided templates for players rather than intricate customization, totally undercutting the main selling point of the game. As for the combat, well, we hope you like button-mashing because that’s all it is! Oh, and the story that supposedly affects your decisions? It’s brutally bad, and your actions are basically meaningless.
#7: “Silver Surfer” (1990)
A few goes at this will make you never take a health bar for granted again. “Silver Surfer” is one of the most unnecessarily demanding games you could ever play. Every level is a literal guessing game of what can and can’t kill you. A couple of bullets is understandable, but even the walls are a hazard! Basically, this is a game for those who want to experience paranoia. The music may be great, but that is not enough to make us slog through the many game overs we’ve endured.
#6: “The Incredible Hulk” (2008)
Poor Hulk hasn’t had a great outing in the world of video games since 2005’s “Ultimate Destruction,” but the worst of them has to be the 2008 movie tie-in game. The graphics are truly awful and almost hard to look at, but the real problem is in the extremely repetitive combat. Smashing stuff is fun and all, but the game falls into a routine of punch the bad guys, trash the place, roar, and repeat. There’s no satisfaction in causing destruction, and the game does nothing to capitalize on Hulk’s ungodly strength. Overall, it’s a game that exists solely because of the movie.
#5: “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” (2014)
If “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” movie didn’t disappoint you enough, then its tie-in game certainly will! The graphics aren’t as dreadful as the other games on this list, but it’s not enough to compensate for its other noticeable flaws. In addition to the unsettling character models, the writing and voice acting is about as cringy and campy as Batman in the 60’s, and we don’t mean that in a good way. What’s so disappointing about this was that its predecessor was actually a solid game, especially for a movie tie-in! With this, you can almost tell things were just cobbled together.
#4: “The Punisher: No Mercy” (2009)
For a character as badass and fully-loaded as the Punisher, you’d think making an awesome video game would be a shoe-in. Well, it’s been a mixed bag for the guy, but the absolute worst was “The Punisher: No Mercy”. The game was an absolutely boring experience from the insanely short single-player mode to the lackluster and laggy as hell online mode. The visual presentation was about as lifeless as the Punisher’s many victims, and it failed to do anything special to distinguish itself from other first-person shooters. As you might expect, fans could not find any reason to stick around.
#3: “Fantastic Four” (1997)
For a long time, superhero games were nothing more than a standard beat ‘em up starring your favorite characters. “Fantastic Four” was one of them, and it was the absolute worst of the bunch. While you can choose between five playable characters, you’re not going to get enjoyment no matter who you choose. Pulling off moves takes WAY too freakin’ long to pull off, and the environments are so lifeless with reused assets. Needless to say, “Fantastic Four” is miles away from being fantastic, and considering the time it was released in (same year as “Final Fantasy VII” and “Crash Bandicoot 2”), this was one of the worst games in 1997.
#2: “Iron Man” (2008)
“The Incredible Hulk” wasn’t the only superhero movie to get a horrible game. Even “Iron Man” fell victim to the curse, and it was somehow worse than our green friend. Coupled with bad voice acting and appalling visuals, “Iron Man” is so easy and tedious that even those looking for a power fantasy will fall asleep from boredom. Every fight is easily conquered with a laser beam and a couple of missiles. You really don’t have to be all that accurate to hit your targets, making each level a breeze. You’ll be done before you know it, and you’ll most likely forget this even existed.
Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few Dishonorable Mentions…
“Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer” (2007)
“The Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon Saga” (1997)
#1: “The Uncanny X-Men” (1989)
When you think of the X-Men, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Wolverine sharp claws? Cyclops’s heated laser beams? Storm’s vicious weather powers? Well, the developers of “The Uncanny X-Men” imagined a top-down shooter. Yeah, we don’t get it either. Even by NES standards, the graphics are abysmal, making it had to discern where you can go. As for the multiple playable characters, you’re selecting no more than an alternate color palette, as every character plays almost completely identical to each other.