The 10 WORST Spider-Man Video Games

VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
Spider-Man has starred in a lot of video games, and not all of them have been good. For this list, we're looking at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to Spidey's video game adventures. Our list of the worst Spider-Man games includes “Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six” (1992), “Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin” (1990), “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” (2014), “Spider-Man” (1995), and more!
Script written by Ty Richardson
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at the 10 Worst Spider-Man Games. We love Spidey, MJ, Jonah, and the massive array of villains, but for every game we treasure, there is one to scathe. What’s the worst Spider-Man game you’ve played? Let us know down in the comments.
Activision’s games starring the webhead were starting to get a tad rusty, and after the solid packages that were “Web of Shadows” and “Shattered Dimensions”, “Edge of Time” really should have been better. The concept was great - Peter and Miguel being able to affect each other’s world depending on certain actions, but that’s about as interesting as it gets. The gameplay gets monotonous rather quickly, and none of the powers feel satisfying to use. Given that this is, you know, a Spider-Man game, we gotta wonder where the creativity went.
If the Dark Knight could get a great action-platformer of his own, this should have been an easy “A” for Spidey. And yet, here we are. Released for the Super NES and the SEGA Genesis, this game featuring the webhead wasn’t worth the duckets on either platform. The visuals were pretty solid, but that’s all it had going for it, really. “Spider-Man”, overall, is just a run of the mill platformer; it does nothing special with the IP, not in story, not in gameplay, and certainly not in sound. Seriously, this game’s audio will have your eardrums seeking shelter.
“Web of Fire” came at a really bad time; the 32X console was done getting support from SEGA. But in hindsight, maybe the poorly timed release was a mercy kill. Nothing in this game properly conveyed Spidey in any way shape or form. The music was lifeless, the level design felt like assets were just thrown together, and the combat had nothing interesting going on. Also, of all the villains to put in a Spider-Man video game, you choose Blitz, Eel, Thermite, Dragon Man, and Super-Adaptoid? Seriously??
We’re not quite sure why so many developers were trying to go for insane difficulty with their superhero games. This isn’t “Ninja Gaiden” - this is Spider-Man! So, why does “Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin” constantly feel like you need to ram your head into a wall? The short answer is combat. You have almost no power in stopping enemies from relentlessly attacking you. In other words, the “super” was completely removed from “superhero”. You’re basically just a dude in a Party City Spider-Man costume.
One of the biggest crimes a superhero game could commit is letting you play as the superhero without any cool powers. That is the bright idea Atari had when making “The Amazing Spider-Man”. It is a basic puzzle-platformer that only lets you crawl on walls and web-zip. Nothing more! No combat, no big boss fights, not even an interesting take on New York City. Just walls and horribly labyrinthian level design. But you know, what else would you expect from Atari at that time?
Man, if you only ever got to experience “Spider-Man 2” on the PC, you really missed out on a fun game. The control scheme made zero sense, the visuals were far worse than the home console versions, and, unlike older Spidey games, it had comically easy combat. “Spider-Man 2” was great as a movie. It was just as great as a game for home consoles. But if you asked us to try and play this version again…naw, man. It is, without a doubt, insufferable.
There is no contest here, “Spider-Man 3” is the worst of the games based on the Sam Raimi movies. Say what you want about the plot, but this game is awful in its controls, performance, combat, almost everything. And what makes the whole thing frustrating is that THREE of Activision’s biggest studios at the time were working on “Spider-Man 3”; Beenox handled the PC version, Treyarch developed the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, and Vicarious Visions developed the PS2, Wii, DS, GBA, and PSP versions. How did none of these turn out better than mediocre?
So, here’s the deal - “Maximum Carnage” was a solid game. It gets a tad too crazy with its difficulty at times, but for the most part, it’s an awesome game. Its sequel on the other hand? It lies on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. “Separation Anxiety” becomes way too demanding of the player with its obscene hitboxes and constant harassment of the player. It won’t be long until you start raging and wondering how the hell you’re supposed to hit anything when enemies recover so quickly and deal out unavoidable hits.
First off, who was playing this in 1992? The Super NES was already alive and kicking by this point. Why on Earth would you play an NES game like “Return of the Sinister Six”? If it was the console you were stuck with, fine, but “Return of the Sinister Six” was an absolute travesty. The controls and mechanics were all over the place that it would be a miracle if you ever got through the first few levels. Hey, at least we would get a certain game in 2018 that did the Sinister Six justice.
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at the 10 Worst Spider-Man Games. We love Spidey, MJ, Jonah, and the massive array of villains, but for every game we treasure, there is one to scathe. What’s the worst Spider-Man game you’ve played? Let us know down in the comments.
“Spider-Man: Edge of Time” (2011)
Activision’s games starring the webhead were starting to get a tad rusty, and after the solid packages that were “Web of Shadows” and “Shattered Dimensions”, “Edge of Time” really should have been better. The concept was great - Peter and Miguel being able to affect each other’s world depending on certain actions, but that’s about as interesting as it gets. The gameplay gets monotonous rather quickly, and none of the powers feel satisfying to use. Given that this is, you know, a Spider-Man game, we gotta wonder where the creativity went.
“Spider-Man” (1995)
If the Dark Knight could get a great action-platformer of his own, this should have been an easy “A” for Spidey. And yet, here we are. Released for the Super NES and the SEGA Genesis, this game featuring the webhead wasn’t worth the duckets on either platform. The visuals were pretty solid, but that’s all it had going for it, really. “Spider-Man”, overall, is just a run of the mill platformer; it does nothing special with the IP, not in story, not in gameplay, and certainly not in sound. Seriously, this game’s audio will have your eardrums seeking shelter.
“The Amazing Spider-Man: Web of Fire” (1996)
“Web of Fire” came at a really bad time; the 32X console was done getting support from SEGA. But in hindsight, maybe the poorly timed release was a mercy kill. Nothing in this game properly conveyed Spidey in any way shape or form. The music was lifeless, the level design felt like assets were just thrown together, and the combat had nothing interesting going on. Also, of all the villains to put in a Spider-Man video game, you choose Blitz, Eel, Thermite, Dragon Man, and Super-Adaptoid? Seriously??
“Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin” (1990)
We’re not quite sure why so many developers were trying to go for insane difficulty with their superhero games. This isn’t “Ninja Gaiden” - this is Spider-Man! So, why does “Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin” constantly feel like you need to ram your head into a wall? The short answer is combat. You have almost no power in stopping enemies from relentlessly attacking you. In other words, the “super” was completely removed from “superhero”. You’re basically just a dude in a Party City Spider-Man costume.
“The Amazing Spider-Man” (1990)
One of the biggest crimes a superhero game could commit is letting you play as the superhero without any cool powers. That is the bright idea Atari had when making “The Amazing Spider-Man”. It is a basic puzzle-platformer that only lets you crawl on walls and web-zip. Nothing more! No combat, no big boss fights, not even an interesting take on New York City. Just walls and horribly labyrinthian level design. But you know, what else would you expect from Atari at that time?
“Spider-Man 2” (PC version) (2004)
Man, if you only ever got to experience “Spider-Man 2” on the PC, you really missed out on a fun game. The control scheme made zero sense, the visuals were far worse than the home console versions, and, unlike older Spidey games, it had comically easy combat. “Spider-Man 2” was great as a movie. It was just as great as a game for home consoles. But if you asked us to try and play this version again…naw, man. It is, without a doubt, insufferable.
“Spider-Man 3” (2007)
There is no contest here, “Spider-Man 3” is the worst of the games based on the Sam Raimi movies. Say what you want about the plot, but this game is awful in its controls, performance, combat, almost everything. And what makes the whole thing frustrating is that THREE of Activision’s biggest studios at the time were working on “Spider-Man 3”; Beenox handled the PC version, Treyarch developed the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, and Vicarious Visions developed the PS2, Wii, DS, GBA, and PSP versions. How did none of these turn out better than mediocre?
“Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety” (1995)
So, here’s the deal - “Maximum Carnage” was a solid game. It gets a tad too crazy with its difficulty at times, but for the most part, it’s an awesome game. Its sequel on the other hand? It lies on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. “Separation Anxiety” becomes way too demanding of the player with its obscene hitboxes and constant harassment of the player. It won’t be long until you start raging and wondering how the hell you’re supposed to hit anything when enemies recover so quickly and deal out unavoidable hits.
“Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six” (1992)
First off, who was playing this in 1992? The Super NES was already alive and kicking by this point. Why on Earth would you play an NES game like “Return of the Sinister Six”? If it was the console you were stuck with, fine, but “Return of the Sinister Six” was an absolute travesty. The controls and mechanics were all over the place that it would be a miracle if you ever got through the first few levels. Hey, at least we would get a certain game in 2018 that did the Sinister Six justice.
“The Amazing Spider-Man 2” (2014)
Look, we promise that we are not ripping on this game just because it is an adaptation of a bad movie. But this game ain’t no “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”. “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” absolutely is the worst game to ever disgrace our favorite webslinger and the Marvel brand. In addition to shoddy web swinging controls and combat, this game was horrendously optimized from head to toe. Poorly rendered texture work, inconsistent frame rates, and bugs and glitches wait around every single corner. Not even a fusion with symbiote could have saved this game.