Top 10 YouTube Star Wars Mashups - TopX

Hello, and welcome to TopX, where we count down the very best that YouTube has to offer. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 YouTube "Star Wars" Mashups. For this list, we've put together some of the most fun and unique Star Wars mashups on YouTube.
Special thanks to our user yourbestfriend for submitting the idea on our Interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Star Wars / A-Team opening
This YouTube channel specializes in combining Star Wars with old TV shows. And as soon as we heard those spinning helicopter blades during the Millennium Falcon’s lift off, we knew exactly what we were in for. This video uses the music– and sound effects– from the A-Team opening while putting Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and Chewbacca in the roles of the team itself, complete with the actors’ names splashed across the screen. Had StarWars been about a crack-commando unit wrongfully sent to prison and secretly working to save the day while still on the run, this is exactly what it would’ve looked like.
#9: Star Wars (Guardians of the Galaxy Style!)
It’s hard to believe that there was a time when Luke was just a farmer, Han a smuggler, and Leia yet another captured princess. This mashup reminds us of how unlikely a group these characters were, just like another group of ragtag heroes: the Avengers! Oh, wait, this is about that one group with that one guy... This video uses the Guardians of the Galaxy’s comedic approach by showing how, at one point, these heroes didn’t get along, and makes you wonder how they were capable of saving the galaxy together. Perhaps it was the power of R2-D2 and “Hooked on a Feeling.”
#8: Star Wars Disney - Let it Flow - Let it Go Frozen Parody
We could make an entirely new YouTube channel with the amount of Frozen parody videos that exist, especially when it comes to concealing, not feeling. That being said, Anakin and Elsa both know what it’s like to not be allowed to let loose because it could cause a disaster. This mashup has original lyrics that put a Star Wars spin on the hit song, “Let It Go,” and retells the tale of Anakin Skywalker as he falls into the dark side of the Force. It’s probably one of the best uses of that Darth Vader “NOOOOOOO”– it really is a better name, anyway.
#7: Star Wars Gangsta Rap 2
What started out as a parody quickly became an Internet sensation. The original was created by Bentframe, later called BentTV, and the first flash animation won several awards in the early 2000s. That monumental success led to sequels of the original rap, which brings us to our number 7 pick. This mashup takes that second rap, uses footage from the movies, and syncs up with the characters speaking so it looks like they’re rapping. It helps that the rap is done in different character voices, including C-3PO and – sigh – Jar Jar, who we really didn’t need to hear rapping about what he’s going to do to your wife.
#6: Star Wars Call Me Maybe
We know what you’re wondering: is this a video about the romance between Han and Leia? It certainly looks like it from the start of the video, with Leia looking thoughtfully out into the distance. But then... this happens. This mashup does something that had to take an incredible amount of patience: it splices together words by using clips from Episodes I through VI to make the lyrics of “Call Me Maybe.” This includes the different languages that appear in the series, Chewbacca’s cry, and even the Cantina band playing music. Hey, it’s the most popular video on the channel.
#5: ROAD WARS - The Imperator Strikes Back (Mad Max/Star Wars Mashup)
We’re filing this one under things we didn’t realize we needed in our lives. As if Furiosa wasn’t badass enough, this mashup arms her with a lightsaber, among other Star Wars related things. This is a post-apocalyptic fantasy sci-fi dream come true! Not only is this an intriguing idea, but the mashup is done flawlessly, complete with tie fighters flying into the barren wasteland, Darth Vader appearing at the Citadel, and the Millennium Falcon swooping in for an amazing final shot. In this imaginary world, Mad Max now exists in a galaxy far, far away.
#4: SUPER SMASH WARS: A Link To The Hope - A Star Wars / Nintendo-verse Mashup
The Force– and the Power Ups– are strong with this one. This completely animated mashup retells Episodes IV through VI with Link as Luke, Peach as Leia, Mario as Han, who jumps first¬– as well as more of your favorite video game characters. Right off the bat the clever nods will put a smile on your face, with Peach rocking Leia’s iconic hair then blowing on a Nintendo cartridge before putting it inside of a Toad style R2-D2. We recommend starting with “A Link To The Hope,” then working your way through the rest of the galaxy with “The Empire Smashes Back” and “Return of the Hero.”
#3: Star Wars: The Binks Awakens
Imagine, if you will, sitting to watch “The Force Awakens” trailer and discovering that it had everything that the fans didn’t like about Star Wars... To be fair– kinda– there’s also some Phantom Menace Anakin. At one point, George Lucas does replace Han Solo, but it’s definitely called “The Binks Awakens” for a reason. On the one hand, the mashup is very well made, as these add-ins are flawlessly put into the trailer. On the other hand... why? All right, we’ll admit, this is a pretty hilarious mashup... as long as we don’t hear a single meesa peep in “The Force Awakens.”
#2: Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Disney Mashup
We imagine that this is what people thought “The Force Awakens” would look like when Disney acquired Lucasfilms. From Jafar firing at Aladdin from a tie fighter during the chorus of “A Whole New World,” to R2-D2 showing an image of Pinocchio wishing to be a real boy, this mashup takes these classic Disney characters and plops them into the Star Wars universe. But this isn’t a one-sided mashup. The two franchises meld together as Force Awakens characters get a Disney makeover and even interact with the animated characters, creating the perfect hypothetical scenario. Just don’t let any young Olaf fans watch it.
Before the Force calls to us, let’s let in these honorable mentions:
- Moves Like Jabba (Maroon 5 PARODY!)
- Snatch Wars
- Star Trek vs. Star Wars
- Darth Vader Feels Blue
- Bohemian Rhapsody: Star Wars Edition
#1: “The Star Wars That I Used To Know” - Gotye “Somebody That I Used To Know” Parody
While most mashups aim to be humorous or create an interesting “what if” scenario, this one is more of an open letter to George Lucas and how many fans think he’s hurt the franchise. It perfectly mirrors Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used To Know,” from the heartbreaking lyrics, to the shot for shot style of the video. We watch as Anakin Skywalker – thin braid and all – laments on how he used to be a complete badass, only to be reduced to, well... While this is going on, he’s painted and turned into Darth Vader, and has to face off against his tormentor: George Lucas.This concludes our trip through a galaxy far, far away. As always, be sure to check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, vote for upcoming lists on our suggest page, and for more top tens published everyday, be sure to trust in the Force and subscribe to!